Mother shot her two teenage children twice in the head 'for being mouthy'

the lady bought a handgun 5 days prior to this......with the likely intention of doing this.

which means she PLANNED to blow her son away while driving him to practice.....planning to murder someone while you're driving / on public streets is not the mark of a bright individual

After hearing of the news, I bet the husband was all like "wahoo, I'm free" and unleashed himself on all that

in times like these you have to focus on the bright side and stay positive. At least her husband won't get killed in combat

he'll probably kill himself before that happens

a lot of joking going on here, don't know why.

i'll never understand the contemporary human.

like O-M-G.....morality police, because everyone is being serious.

/seriously, what the fuck can we do now? Have a thread full of "condolences', 'praying for them', and 'so sorry' responses? booooring


Be assured and Make NO mistake about it, if she hadn't been sold and ultimately used the gun she purchased, she would have used a different kind of weapon, such as a knife, an ax or some other type of weapon, you can just look @ her and tell she was gonna kill her kids one way or another.

This is correct.

Aside... couldn't the woman just use a menopausal defense in court?
Would that work? I've never heard of it before, but hey, some women will kill under those circumstances. :dunno:
This is correct.

Aside... couldn't the woman just use a menopausal defense in court?
Would that work? I've never heard of it before, but hey, some women will kill under those circumstances. :dunno:

I very much doubt she'll be found fit to stand trial, shooting dead your own kids for no apparent motive other than being 'mouthy' will only strenghen any insanity plea.

I live about 10 miles away from where that happened and I am not sure what made her snap but it is a very sad day when a mother has to kill her kids for being mouthy and how would like to get that call I mean her husband that both of your kids have been killed and he aksed will who did it and they say your wife that would be scary and very sad to me

I can only think she went insane to commit these acts so they're all victims in a way, she gained nothing from doing this and I doubt she even remembers it as I doubt she was of sane mind at the time. Husaband has effectively lost his whole family.


Mr. Nice gallery
I live about 10 miles away from where that happened and I am not sure what made her snap but it is a very sad day when a mother has to kill her kids for being mouthy and how would like to get that call I mean her husband that both of your kids have been killed and he aksed will who did it and they say your wife that would be scary and very sad to me


Torn & Frayed.
This. I didn't expect to come into this thread and see people cracking jokes...I mean yes, life shouldn't be so serious, but making fun of children gunned down by their own mother? C'mon guys...

Sometimes,people use humor as a defense mechanism.They don't want to completely face up to the act,and what it implies,so they (we) crack a joke or two. It may not be in the best taste,but it serves its' purpose. It's commonly referred to as "gallows humor"....ask anyone who works a job that deals with the more gory sides of's a way to cope.


Hiliary 2020
good post elwood.
for those of you who are blaming the 2nd on this: your'e fucking idiots.
and i really doubt she shot the kids because they "we're mouthy".
that's just a catch phrase for the parasite news media to sell more.

the woman obviously snapped, we still don't know why.


It has nothing to do with the incident and, honestly, it was shitty for me to pull that quote....even though the thread is mostly disgusting jokes....somehow.

Still, the US is on the fucking brink and to read how militarily involved we are with Egypt and seeing that we have fucking troops in Qatar frightens me. When your house is on fire, you don't run off to test the pH level of your pool.

I read in another related article that the husband was an intel specialist not a member of a combat brigade, fwiw. ;)


It has nothing to do with the incident and, honestly, it was shitty for me to pull that quote....even though the thread is mostly disgusting jokes....somehow.

Still, the US is on the fucking brink and to read how militarily involved we are with Egypt and seeing that we have fucking troops in Qatar frightens me. When your house is on fire, you don't run off to test the pH level of your pool.

I read in another related article that the husband was an intel specialist, not a member of a combat brigade, fwiw. ;)

Rey said:
I feel bad for the kids, but they're already dead. The one I really feel sorry for now is their dad, who had to hear this horrible news while serving his country.
You nailed it! We wish the husband the very best, I can imagine the guilty feelings he must have.
You don't suppose that he'll be haunted with the thought of...If only I had been home, this might not have happened(?)


Hiliary 2020
I read in another related article that the husband was an intel specialist, not a member of a combat brigade, fwiw. ;)

You nailed it! We wish the husband the very best, I can imagine the guilty feelings he must have.
You don't suppose that he'll be haunted with the thought of...If only I had been home, this might not have happened(?)

i don't know if guilty feelings will be the dominant feelings.
maybe, but i think just incredible grief and the question why.
but i don't want to split hairs. doesn't matter.
either way this guy's probably a wreck.
although i feel bad for the kids, it doesnt matter to me. im sure another mother or father will kill there kids. in fact im betting its happening right now. time to move the fuck on. its a rat race and it sucks.

every few years some mother just snaps and kills her kids...not good, not good at all

no... it happens everyday.... you just dont here about it.
are you kidding? the news media loves that kinda shit

Not always, sadly somethimes when it's a non white or poor white family family involved the media takes less of an interest because crisis in middle class white family sells better. Then there are many cases (especially in the uk) whre the kids are killed by overdoses or car fumes, because these aint as dramatic as being blasted by a firearm they simply don't make front page. Middle class white woman with soldier husband flips and guns down her picture perfect family in suburban home is always gonna make the headlines, single parent trailer park mum or mexican mum kills her kids br drowning in the bath will be a small section towards the back if anything yet it's still a story about parents murdering kids.
true, it's more the murdering cases, the news loves that shit here in the u.s.

I've heard many stories here in the uk about a parent killing their kids then themselves and the story will always use words like 'killed' or 'took the lives' or 'suicide' rather than murder because they expect a certain degree of sympathy from the reader as the parent killed themselves with they kid, maybe in the misguided thought that they'd all be together in some sort of afterlife. When a parent kills their kid(s) but not themselves the media as well as the public will have little sympathy so words like 'murdered' and 'butchered' will be more commonly used because the parent took their kids lives but selfishly not their own so the thought is they wanted to live WITHOUT their kid(s) for watever reason rather than with with either in this life or the afterlife. I think any parent who begins having violent thoughts towards their kids needs to seek help immediately rather than hope the feelings subside, no matter how depressed you are or self pity you feel you need to seek help for their sake as well as your own weather you want help or not. I'm sure it'll dawn on her soon if it already hasn't that she killed her 2 kids who she bore and raised for so long over something pathetic and she'll have to live with that fact, not to mention destroying her husbands life who is probably working to provide for his family and has seen them inexplicably taken away. He'll never see those kids again and can he ever forgive/understand what his wife did we'll never know. Sad all round.