Damn that is one SCARY lookin CUNT!! All I can say is RIP too the kids... FFS couldn't anybody tell that bitch LOOKED like she was TWEEKIN and wasn't living in the same world as all the rest of the sane folks in society?
Anybody that knows me, and if you didn't know me (you can see by my simple little signature) that I love and am a supporter of our right to own guns thats NO secret, but the place where she bought the gun couldn't tell she was fuckin sick in the head??? :eek::eyeso:
Be assured and Make NO mistake about it, if she hadn't been sold and ultimately used the gun she purchased, she would have used a different kind of weapon, such as a knife, an ax or some other type of weapon, you can just look @ her and tell she was gonna kill her kids one way or another. :2 cents::uohs: