Mother shot her two teenage children twice in the head 'for being mouthy'


'beau' and 'calyx'... must have been a white trash family, although the girl was kinda hot... but the boy looked like a hatecrime waiting to happen. and it did!


█▀█▀█ █ &#9608
Can't really blame the kids for mouthing off if their mother is psychotic.
It wouldn't surprise me if she turned out to be Schizophrenic and it went by unnoticed... untill now. And this is what lead to her killing her kids through the illness going unnoticed. I mean her husband wouldn't notice as he is away overseas. The illness could happen to anyone reading this. You wake up one morning and you start to show symptoms and then that's it. If such an illness were to go by unnoticed for a while anything is possible.
You might be onto something there. Maybe the mother snapped through hearing about Harold Potter all the time. It would make anyone go postal.


█▀█▀█ █ &#9608
You might be onto something there. Maybe the mother snapped through hearing about Harold Potter all the time. It would make anyone go postal.

I look at this one as a zero sum game. She's from Florida, so she should never have been allowed to procreate anyway.


Hiliary 2020
a lot of joking going on here, don't know why.

funny, people bleeding their hearts out and rightly so for the mexican girl who got murdered and people making bad jokes about these two kids.

i'll never understand the contemporary human.


Official Checked Star Member
a lot of joking going on here, don't know why.

funny, people bleeding their hearts out and rightly so for the mexican girl who got murdered and people making bad jokes about these two kids.

i'll never understand the contemporary human.

This. I didn't expect to come into this thread and see people cracking jokes...I mean yes, life shouldn't be so serious, but making fun of children gunned down by their own mother? C'mon guys...


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
My first thought when I clicked on this thread: "Well, that oughta shut them up..."

My first thought after reading the article: "Holy shit, they don't live in Ohio..."

My first thought after reading Spexy's post: "I am probably going to Hell, aren't I?"

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
Damn that is one SCARY lookin CUNT!! All I can say is RIP too the kids... FFS couldn't anybody tell that bitch LOOKED like she was TWEEKIN and wasn't living in the same world as all the rest of the sane folks in society?

Anybody that knows me, and if you didn't know me (you can see by my simple little signature) that I love and am a supporter of our right to own guns thats NO secret, but the place where she bought the gun couldn't tell she was fuckin sick in the head??? :eek::eyeso:

Be assured and Make NO mistake about it, if she hadn't been sold and ultimately used the gun she purchased, she would have used a different kind of weapon, such as a knife, an ax or some other type of weapon, you can just look @ her and tell she was gonna kill her kids one way or another.
:2 cents::uohs:

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I feel bad for the kids, but they're already dead. The one I really feel sorry for now is their dad, who had to hear this horrible news while serving his country.


This. I didn't expect to come into this thread and see people cracking jokes...I mean yes, life shouldn't be so serious, but making fun of children gunned down by their own mother? C'mon guys...

It's all a part of a dying nation's desensitization of death process, I'm affraid... how much does a 2K Sq. Ft. home rent for up there?
I think that I'm gonna make like Rod Fontana and go religious ... something. :helpme: (u.s.)

Again, WADR, RIP Children


Hiliary 2020
fucked up how the news puts in the headline " for being mouthy" and " because they talked back".
Like they need those catch phrases to sell more of their shit.
real parasites.
This is not what the founding fathers had in mind when they wrote down "a well regulated militia".

This is why you don't let every Dick & Jane have access to a gun just because you don't care about your constitustion but instead tie it to a cross and wank it bleeding sore for perks.

Why does things like that almost always happen in the USA. My guess is the 2nd amendment.
I would like to see this bitch's brains blown out by a 500 s&w magnum.
Poor kids may they rip :(
Why does things like that almost always happen in the USA. My guess is the 2nd amendment.

It is not because of the 2nd amendment, it is because of uncontrolable impulsive retards like this mother who wasn't controlled or/and cared well before her illness pushed her way over the edge.