Fucking United States Postal Service!
I want my game!!
It's somewhere in Kentucky right now!!!
What the Fuck!!!!
Fucking United States Postal Service!I want my game!!
It's somewhere in Kentucky right now!!!
What the Fuck!!!!
Don't feel bad...my copy is in Tulsa, OK right now.
Finally got my copy in...it came with Mileena's alternate costume.:dunno:
I took a work vacation this week to play Mortal Kombat!:horse:
I haven't picked it up yet mainly due to I don't think it's worth $60.
In the story mode, Scorpion and Quin Chi are too difficult to beat with just Liu Kang. Every combo I try, they block it. Then they attack me on both sides and take down half of my life. If I try to do the x-ray power, they always block that and do one themselves. If I ever win the first match, they always win the last two. It is a non-win situation and I am not going to try any further because I will prob lose another controller if I try it. Why did they make that part so freakin hard.
It's worth the $60
I'm hoping it will drop price quickly. I've noticed in the past few months that game prices have dropped like hotcakes. I went to Target and saw a bunch of $60 games for $45 yesterday, and now I regret buying WWE All Stars for full price.
I'm contemplating either getting this game in a few months when the price drops or buyin Marvel vs Capcom 3 now that it is $45 or I may just buy BlazBlue Continuum Shift and save $20, can anyone tell me which game is more worth it?:dunno:
I'm hoping it will drop price quickly. I've noticed in the past few months that game prices have dropped like hotcakes. I went to Target and saw a bunch of $60 games for $45 yesterday, and now I regret buying WWE All Stars for full price.
I'm contemplating either getting this game in a few months when the price drops or buyin Marvel vs Capcom 3 now that it is $45 or I may just buy BlazBlue Continuum Shift and save $20, can anyone tell me which game is more worth it?:dunno:
One thing I must say is the CPU is very dumb at times. I had a problem at the same point you are at right now. I just held block till they got close then I would keep using the throw to build up an Xray move. Cheesy, cheap, whatever, but it worked! Also, (to me) some characters are very hard too get used to. IE Liu Kang, Cyrax, Jax, etc.
If you have been following/playing Mortal Kombat from the beginning, then buy Mortal Kombat! If not, then you may wanna buy one of those other games...just bein honest!
This would apply to any others on the fence.
I got the alternate fatalities for Jade, Baraka, Shang Tsung, and Kano. Plus different codes for Headless Kombat, X Rays Disabled, and Quick Upper Cut Recovery.
The Nekropolis is sweet, if you get points from going through the Ladder, Story Mode, and the Challenge tower, you can unlock skins, art, music, and Fatalities. I got the alternate fatalities for Jade, Baraka, Shang Tsung, and Kano. Plus different codes for Headless Kombat, X Rays Disabled, and Quick Upper Cut Recovery.
Playing with Scorpion on the ladder, I did his primary Fatality and his Babality. I tried his Pit Fatality but couldn't do it.