I haven't heard right-wing people begrudge Moore his fortune. I have heard them point out that he can choose to pay more to the IRS than he's currently paying. He can volunteer to do so. He doesn't need to wait for taxes to be raised on all wealthy people. So in that sense, yeah- he does seem to be a little bit hypocritical maybe.
Whit: You are correct. Fox News people (or at least the ones I'm aware of) believe lower taxes stimulate entreprenuership and economic growth, etc. They believe over-taxing businesses leads to those businesses relocating - to Pakistan, for example, as a previosu poster mentioned. Or from California to Texas, unfortunately for me and my neighbors. So if the Occupy crowd is going around b*tching about wealthy people (the people who are in a position to form businesses and create jobs for other people), then yeah - they're going to be seen as anti-capitalist. Btw- was there an Occupy Fannie Mae protest and I just missed it somehow? Or an Occupy UAW protest? There are some loopholes that should be closed probably. The Left and the Right might actually agree on that. But in general, the wealthy people in this country already pay plenty of taxes.