too many assholes in this thread, show some respect
He swindled other recording artists out of the rights for their own work.
He carved up his own face to look white, and said it was because he had a skin condition.
He admitted he gave children "Jesus Juice" and had them sleep in his bed with him.
He fled the country instead of facing more sexual abuse charges.
His talent he put to use by mass producing formulaic media.
I grew up with Michael Jackson, and I remember it far differently than the media slaves report it.
I remember it being politically incorrect not to like Jacko.
I remember every multi purchase record deal either mail order or record store, having a Jacko album in it.
Grocery stores gave away free Jacko singles.
Getting a flipping free Jacko tape with a second order of large fries.
posters, junk mail, TV commercials - it was everywhere and it was sickening.
Then to add insult to injury his explanations for his bizarre behavior in song, with that whiny naisily voice.
Far greater artists than Wacko Jacko Have died with less fan fair.
Being dead in no way is granting him my respect.