Not to pardon Max, but...after 13 years...shouldn't EVERY girl in the industry know NOT to work with Max? Shouldn't these girls, even if they are amateurs, know OF Max....simply by going into a porn shop/website/forum? If a girl is going to accept the cash to do a scene, shouldn't she know WHO'S giving her the money?
Max is awful. So are his imitators. But shouldn't there be a drop off in their productivity? There are girls that have said that won't work for him again. AGAIN? Why take the money in the first place?
It takes two to tango in the fuck business (and if you think that is more than that, thats cuz there is a PLOT between the fucking) to film and one to watch, one to pay and one to be paid. Girls that won't work with Max, awesome! But do NOT work with Anabolic, Diabolic, Red Light District, Zero Tolerance, et al. Better money and better male co-stars do NOT make the throat less sore from getting fucked or gapes less wide. A2M's are the same, and the objects inserted are just as punishing the hands other than Max.
Would that kill the current state of gonzo porn?
Hell...that would kill the current state of mainstream porn now....
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