

Lost at Birth
I'm thinking Miles finds Vincent and together they escape and start their own drug cartel. Remember, for a brief time Vincent was a drug runner.

What was the episode that got you guys all hooked?

For me it was "Walkabout" where we discover Locke was paralyzed before the crash. So powerful when they show that reveal. Loved it from that day on
I was hooked from the first episode. I became a Lost Loon with the Season 1 Finale. I literally punched holes in the walls of my apartment with my head waiting for Season 2 to begin :bowdown:

I'm going to post youtube clips of some of my greatest moments ever. There are so many great moment...


This is one of the best fanvids I've seen. Subject: The Others
Just a lot of kickass clips interestingly synced to a cool song.
I don't think so. I just want it to make sense. That's all I ask. What's your favorite youtube clip of Lost? Add it to the thread!

I]We have to go back, Kate![/I]
This show has a lot to live up to as the finale for Ashes to Ashes was awesome, it rounded up everything nicely and answered the main questions.


Hiliary 2020
i watched the last/current episode 2 nights ago.
and at this moment, i cant even remember it.
thats never happened to me before.
its definitely being rushed brotha.
son of a bitch.
Pretty solid 10 Best Moments from Season 2-3...recap vid -- I remember shitting a huge brick in my pants when I saw Moment #1 :bowdown:
Let's give it up for Shannon/Sayid. I think this was the first grievous error that the show committed--getting rid of Shannon. Arguably, she "dominated" the first 2 eps. The camera just ate her up. Seeing her laying out on the beach in a bikini was the first truly wankworthy moment in this show :bowdown: :o

Sadly, I can't find any pure scenic youtube clips of her great moments. This montage clip is set to a great Coldplay song. The 'shipper inside all of us will like it though :thefinger


Big Poppa Pump

- My Name Is My Name -
You have it easier than me, my American friends. I have to set my alarm for 5am to watch the finale on British TV.

Let's hope it's worth it. (ie no fade to black with Journey playing in the background)
I am going to cry at 9pm tonight when the show comes to and end..is there a thread about desperate housewives ?