
that was a joke. Obviously it's a reference to the smoke monster and the temple.


Hiliary 2020
its probably darhma, but i'm not sure.
they could be working for ben.
or they could be working for widmore and what they tried with miles was a sort of test.
other than that miles in the van scence i would bet have they are widmores.

I just wonder why the darhma supply drops were still being made at least up until very late 2004.
If darhma could still make the drops, they apparently have the capabilty to return to the island without following hawkings plan.

Another thought is why would hawking help the six return, even ben, and not widmore?
I just wonder why the darhma supply drops were still being made at least up until very late 2004.
If darhma could still make the drops, they apparently have the capabilty to return to the island without following hawkings plan.

Another thought is why would hawking help the six return, even ben, and not widmore?

haha. good point. I think it's just because the writers needed a device to explain how Desmond could live in the hatch for 3 years and not run out of food, and so that they wouldn't have to keep showing the Survivors hunting and foraging all the time. If they had even written the history of Dharma at that point (which they might not have), I'm sure it was just a throw-away scene since it was never brought up again.

I suppose that Elloise could have really believed that it was necessary to send back the 06 and she didn't know or care if Ben was going to go back too. It's also possible that she is the representative of this new group and her real goal was to send them to the Island, and she just used the 06 and Ben as the means to get them there.

Since Ben shot that guy, and he really seemed to not know who Ben was, I'm inclined to think that they probably don't work for him. Unless they don't know that they are working for him and for whatever reason he wants it to stay that way.

the idea that both Widmore and Dharma have been trying to get to the Island for the past 10-20 years is interesting, but I don't know if I really like it. I kinda liked the idea that when we first saw Dharma we thought they were the ones running the show, but it turns out that they were just people that came to the island and didn't know what was going on and were caught in the middle of all the weird stuff just like the Survivors.


Hiliary 2020
I say good show. hip hip.
that guy bram and the tough chick are Mrs. Hawkings people.
she did know which plane to hop.

I think you got it cal.
i'd put my money on that theory.

And yeah, i was thinking thatalso, that the food drops were basically an error.
I hope not, I"d like for everything to make sense.
Yes, his name is Bram and he is working with Ilana who caused so many problems for Sayid. It is possible that they are Dharma because Dr. Chang is always referencing the mainland Dharma station at Ann Arbor and those people wouldn't have disappeared even after the purge.

But it is probably something completely different knowing Lost;p

And that is the important point to remember in all of this. We always assume the writers "have a plan," but we also must leave open the possibility that they're pulling all of this stuff out of their asses, on the fly, basically.

I don't recall who Illana is? Was she the person that handcuffed Sayid?

On a different note--
I'm not sure I like the knowledge dynamic happening on Lost right now. It seems somewhat strange (insulting?) how the Losties continue to play the 1977 Dharma People (like Horace) for fools. Or does everyone like that aspect? I always thought Sawyer was a smart guy and a street smart guy back in the old seasons. This season, "LaFleur" Sawyer seems like a dumbass who thinks with his fists basically....I sort of wonder if Jack is starting to work on a plan to basically remove Sawyer from power. That line he said to Sawyer, "Just trying to help" seemed a bit tooooo loaded with ulterior motive....imo.

The way Dharma Knowledge in 1977 is consolidated in a central "secret org" and then disseminated outwardly "to the masses" and the way the others/hostiles seem like outcasts....the writers might be playing with ideas from Michel Foucault. Knowledge seems to be what those in power (Horace, Sawyer) say it is.
yeah, that's her.

I know what you mean. It just seems like everyone's plan is to sit around and do nothing and see what happens, even though they all know how it turns out. I can buy that from Sawyer because he's kind of made a life for himself and accepted it, but not from Jack. I know he doesn't want to be the leader, but if it he isn't then what the hell else is he good for? to just be the janitor? I'm surprised that Kate is the only one who has taken any initiative.

BTW, what happened to Sayid? I don't remember what he did after he shot Ben.

I think that Horus is an idiot and his position is only to know just enough to be in the Dharma inner circle. Roger Linus is right that the Dharma folks are all morons, and the real people running the show don't care about what they do because it doesn't matter for their plans, basically just to distract the Others, which is why Sawyer has been able to manipulate them the way he has.


Hiliary 2020
sayid just bolted into the jungle.
jack, well they have only been back for a few days, i think soon he and locke will unite and something will happen.
and yeah, darhma seems to be a little daft, as charlie would say.

now faraday has returned, but there is a big gap there, he was last seen with sawyer and the bunch, how did he leave the island?
did he meet 77 darhma before he left?
i wa wa wa wa wonder.
i watched every episode since this show began.
i missed the last 2 last season just forgot to DVR and was too lazy to go online to watch.
and i haven't watched at all this season.
i have completely lost interest. (no pun intended)
I think that Horus is an idiot and his position is only to know just enough to be in the Dharma inner circle. Roger Linus is right that the Dharma folks are all morons, and the real people running the show don't care about what they do because it doesn't matter for their plans, basically just to distract the Others, which is why Sawyer has been able to manipulate them the way he has.

I think this is right, afterall. And I'm trying to remember Roger Linus's backstory but wasn't he actually a scientist of some sort back in the "Real World"? When he showed up for work with Dharma and they assigned him a role of Janitor it did seem to be puzzling why he would stick it out in that role. I realize he was devastated with the death of his wife, but still...would he really be *satisfied* sweeping up after people? I get why Jack is doing it right now. He knows his presence in 1977 is bullshit, and he's just figuring out a way to turn things around, I think.

Meester: I can't recall what happened to Faraday once the redhaired chick died. I remember him trying to get in touch with Desmond and Desmond trying to track him down at Oxford, or track his mom down at Oxford....I don't remember how DF "left" the island, actually...:dunno:
So far they haven't shown what Dan has been up to. The last time we saw him was when they ran into Horus' wife (I forgot her name, abbey?) getting attacked by the Others, and afterward when the gang went to go to the Barracks, he just wandered off. I think that they might have said to Jack something along the lines that he was doing research and that he was fine.

i watched every episode since this show began.
i missed the last 2 last season just forgot to DVR and was too lazy to go online to watch.
and i haven't watched at all this season.
i have completely lost interest. (no pun intended)

that might not be such a bad thing. If the show ends up totally sucking, I'm just going to pretend that it ended at season four and that some of them got off the Island and never came back and we don't know what happens to the rest, but they are stuck on the Island for good. How about without Ben there everything just works out fine and they all live happily ever after?


Hiliary 2020
Faraday is an interesting guy.
He, along with Sawyer, Juliet, Jin, and Miles, timetraveled to 1974 .
And after sawyer "got in" with darhma. we don't know what became of him.
in the 1st episode of season 1 they showed Miles father holding baby miles then going to the orchid, and bumping into faraday
but maybe this is a error by the writers because in that episode miles was clearly a newborn, and in the last episode (when faraday returns by sub) miles looks about 6 months old.
how could that be?

Also, in the episode when Jack and his bunch returned in 77, Jack asked sawyer if faraday was there, sawyer replied "not anymore".
So he did leave the island between 74 and 77 and at least sawyer knows how.

And I have a problem with faradays age if mrs. hawkings is his mother.
it was referenced that she was still on the island in 77, when they brought ben to alpert.
if so where was he at that time?
she would have been around 40 at that time, so faraday must have been born by then, maybe even 20 years earlier.
he could have been born anywhere from 55 -77, but he's probably close to 40 in 2005
A shot in the dark is that richard alpert is his father.

now that i think of it, he was there when they discovered the wheel, thats probably how he left, but that would make even a third timeline.
Didn't someone speculate that Widmore was his dad?
huh? where did you get that from? I don't remember them ever saying the two were related.


Hiliary 2020
i dont know, just what i think is the most explainable, thier interaction in 1954 didnt seem like they were married.
anythings possible.
hawkings could be pennys mother, or charlottes.
faraday and penny could be siblings.
brother campell (desmonds monk) could be faradays dad.
but i think ellie and widmore are siblings, maybe twins.

I just realized.
if daniel turns that wheel, he knows where it is, the island will move in time at least once.
this may be how everybody is re-united.

also gotta wonder why ben killed locke right after locke told him about her.
good point. I'm not really sure how they are related, if at all.

Before I had suggested that maybe Charlotte was Widmore's daughter, but since she's with Dharma, it doesn't seem very likely. Also they said that having a child with a woman off the island was why Widmore was getting kicked out, so Elloise almost certainly isn't Penny's mother.

that's a really good point about the wheel. Theoretically all they have to do is move the wheel, live long enough to get bumped back into 2004 and then turn it back.
I think Hurley and the "numbers" will factor into "resetting" the island timeline for the Losties. Perhaps once the Swan is reconstructed, Faraday will make a few "adjustments" to the electro-magnetic field which will begin a kind of number-related countdown again.

I agree that we ABSOLUTELY MUST have a Richard Alpert 'origin' episode. He is the most fascinating non-Lostie character, imo. At this point I believe he's more "alien" than human.

We haven't ranked the order of banging among the characters for this show have we? So, what's your own ranking or "conquest ladder" for the characters (women FO members, feel free to rank the males). See how many characters you can remember...

1. Shannon
2. Kate
3. Sun
4. Sarah--Jack's wife
5. Ana Lucia
6. Libby
7. Juliet
8. The asian temptress Jack banged when he was on Phuket
9. Nancy? Dorrit --the girl who recruited Michael to join the Freighter Crew
10. Claire (probably was a freaky little minx in the sack)
11. Sayid's hottie from Iraq
12. Locke's girlfriend Helen
13. Rose
14. Penny
15. Charlotte (not very attractive imo)
16. Sawyer's chick (not attractive at all)

Hmm...I think I got to 16. Can anyone beat that (without cheating)


Hiliary 2020
should i do it?
well to me jacks wife was hideous.

Claire to me is one of the most beautiful girls I ever saw.
Shes my number one.
The Italian bird that tried to kiss jack was stunning as well.
Ana Lucia is probably really good in the sack.
My three.