
Did anyone want to slap some sense into Jack this past week? Did he forget that Kate was handcuffed on Oceanic 815 and on her way to Club Fed? If detonating the H-bomb will somehow *neutralize* the mystery force of the Island and prevent the Swan Station from being constructed...and this is all a HUGE IF...then look at the collateral damage that it will cause IF 815 never goes down...

Good Stuff
Boone/Shannon/Charlie/Ana Lucia/Libby/Claire live
Sayid may find his true love (Iraqi hottie)

Bad Stuff
Kate heads to prison
Locke never "heals"
Desmond probably does a Robinson Crusoe on the island and is never heard from again
Sawyer goes back to conning
Jin and Sun divorce
Hurley spends the rest of his life in the nuthouse
Jack becomes a miserable drunk

I'm all for reuniting these divergent timelines (1977 and 2006) and getting everybody back on the same "time" but I think "resetting" everything so that the plane crash never happens...it is really not a "happy ending" for the show.

Richard Alpert might be the most interesting character on the show. I especially liked how he said basically "I think we might need to kill John Locke afterall" and Ben replied,"What do you think I tried to do"...that was a great little scene...

I think the "new crashies" from Tanjira Air have been dropped from the show. They aren't factoring into anything and we are out of time for them to do anything this season. It would be lame and not believable for the new crashies to have a significant role in the season finale next week.
I doubt that we have seen the last of the newcomers. But like I said, they have been swept under the rug and really have nothing to do with what is happening right now. Maybe they will play a significant role next season, but it was pointless to establish them in the story at this stage and then have it lead nowhere.
Season Finale on tonight.

I wonder what info we already know that they gonna debut tonight.....................
What the hell was that.. I cant believe they left so much up in the air with so many variables so we can wait a whole year just to finally get some answers in the final season.. And I have a strong feeling that they are going to screw up the final season
I'am on the west coast pacific time, it comes on in a 1/2 hour.

No surprise from your response.

One thing I never understood was why people on forums (particularly IMDB) start browsing for a show and then complain about people posting spoilers. I know you aren't complaining but still, your kind of tempting fate here simply by looking at this thread. After all, I could literally type anything in this paragraph including major spoilers. By the time you've read the line, it's already too late because your brain has already processed the information. Just curious? :dunno:
Because that's human nature, my freind. Of course we want to see the spoilers, to reach out for the knoweldge. But sometimes just knowing that you can see them is enough to overcome the temptation. So you come on here and make a post about how you don't want to see them, to convince yourself more than anything. I know, I did it last week too. haha.

What to say about that episode? I'll have to let it sink in for a while and get back to it. It was amazing and exceeded all my expectations... however, I am dissapointed that we are going to have to wait till next year to see what ammounts for me as the vindication of this season. Hopefully a repeated viewing will make it seem less like the waste of time that I felt it to be up unbtil this point.
OK. so here we go.

They finally revealed who the statue is... sort of. Actually, thanks for Micheal Emerson (Ben) for doing the research and giving the name so I didn't have to. I don't remember where I read that, but it was somewhere.

The statue is of Taweret, an egyptian diety who has many connections with Lost and it seems that the mythology may be more signifigant than I previously thought.

She was a protector of pregant women and a concubine of Set's who kept his evil power in check. So there is a huge symbolism implied with this shows mythology and the destruction of her statue. She was related to Anubis and the god's of the underworld and played a role in the ressurection of souls.

She was also the mother of Osiris, who was Set's nemesis and the father of Horus.

Here's what I have previosuly said about it:

that has some interesting significance. Horus is a falcon god of Egypt (Egyptian hieroglyphics behind the numbers in the Swan station) whose kingdom was at war with the Worshipers of Set, the god of darkness and clouds whom pharaoh Ramses constructed a temple to honor. Also remember that Egypt was the land where the Jews were held in captivity until they were freed by Moses, a descendant of Aaron and Jacob. hmm...

In Egyptian history the worshipers of Set were the foreigners that first drove out the natives, which would kinda be the opposite of the connection to Lost... or would it? now there's a theory.

Sooo... it would seem that the two powers on the Island are Osiris (Jacob) who wants to bring people to the Island and his rival Set (did anyone catch his name at the begining of the episode?) who takes the form of the black smoke who wants to destroy him and keep people from coming to the Island.
Sooo... it would seem that the two powers on the Island are Osiris (Jacob) who wants to bring people to the Island and his rival Set (did anyone catch his name at the begining of the episode?) who takes the form of the black smoke who wants to destroy him and keep people from coming to the Island.

So wait......the guy at the beginning talking to Jacob was the smoke monster???
OK. so here we go.

They finally revealed who the statue is... sort of. Actually, thanks for Micheal Emerson (Ben) for doing the research and giving the name so I didn't have to. I don't remember where I read that, but it was somewhere.

The statue is of Taweret, an egyptian diety who has many connections with Lost and it seems that the mythology may be more signifigant than I previously thought.

She was a protector of pregant women and a concubine of Set's who kept his evil power in check. So there is a huge symbolism implied with this shows mythology and the destruction of her statue. She was related to Anubis and the god's of the underworld and played a role in the ressurection of souls.

She was also the mother of Osiris, who was Set's nemesis and the father of Horus.

Here's what I have previosuly said about it:

Sooo... it would seem that the two powers on the Island are Osiris (Jacob) who wants to bring people to the Island and his rival Set (did anyone catch his name at the begining of the episode?) who takes the form of the black smoke who wants to destroy him and keep people from coming to the Island.

You sure do know your stuff. Makes me want to go do some reading up on Egyptian mythology. I don't want to wait next year for the answers darnit.
OK. so here we go.

They finally revealed who the statue is... sort of. Actually, thanks for Micheal Emerson (Ben) for doing the research and giving the name so I didn't have to. I don't remember where I read that, but it was somewhere.

The statue is of Taweret, an egyptian diety who has many connections with Lost and it seems that the mythology may be more signifigant than I previously thought.

She was a protector of pregant women and a concubine of Set's who kept his evil power in check. So there is a huge symbolism implied with this shows mythology and the destruction of her statue. She was related to Anubis and the god's of the underworld and played a role in the ressurection of souls.

She was also the mother of Osiris, who was Set's nemesis and the father of Horus.

Here's what I have previosuly said about it:

Sooo... it would seem that the two powers on the Island are Osiris (Jacob) who wants to bring people to the Island and his rival Set (did anyone catch his name at the begining of the episode?) who takes the form of the black smoke who wants to destroy him and keep people from coming to the Island.

Some interesting stuff.. But it still doesnt make up for the Huge disappointment of the season finale
Some interesting stuff.. But it still doesnt make up for the Huge disappointment of the season finale

I liked the season finale. I like the whole Egyptian mythology they got going now if thats what they got going. We are starting to see somewhat whats going on and enough mystery to have us speculating til the show comes back.
I thought the season finale was awesome. The revelation that it wasn't Locke the entire time he was back on the island was great and definitely shocking. Jacob was the last person I thought that was going to die. I honestly don't believe Juliet is going to die. I think she might have the same thing happen like what happened to Desmond when he turned the fail-safe key at the end of season 2. Sayid better not die either. I just don't want to have to wait til next year for the return!! Great season though.
Well its obvious Locke becomes Jacob. If you remember when Locke first went to the shack that with Ben, their was a figure shown real quickly, if you go back and look, it kinda looks like locke with full hair and a beard....i could be wrong.

The only good thing about the season finale was it showed Jacob and gave a better view of the statue.
So wait......the guy at the beginning talking to Jacob was the smoke monster???

Well that's what I figure. That guy is definetly "Locke", or rather has assumed his form. At the begining he states that he would kill Jacob, if he could find a way to get around whatever rules that they apparently must follow. At the end when Locke approaches Jacob he knowingly looks at him and says, "so you found a way to get around the rules, eh?" or something like that. And then of course.. well, you know what happens.

While it's not perfectly clear, I think that most of us are in agreeance that the smoke monster is able to take human form. This is demonstarted several times on the show with the spectral appearance of the dead, usually followed by the appearance of the black smoke. When Ben was in the bottom of the Temple, the place where the black smoke "lives" he saw it and then next apperead the apparation of Alex who told him to do everything that Locke wanted.

So that, along with the mythology is what makes me think That Guy is the smoke monster. I had previosuly figured that it was Jacob... now I'm not sure whether he has the ability to change his form. I had always figured that Christain Shepard on the Island was Jacob, but now I wonder. Since he told Locke that he had to die, maybe he's also been Jacob's nemesis.

Well its obvious Locke becomes Jacob. If you remember when Locke first went to the shack that with Ben, their was a figure shown real quickly, if you go back and look, it kinda looks like locke with full hair and a beard....i could be wrong.

That was what made me think that Jacob possessed astral abilities, because of his invisible or psychic presense in the cabin for that scene. I had always thought that Locke was Jacob and that is a very interesting idea. Makes a lot of sense "Locke" doesn't become Jacob, he just pretends that he is Jacob after killing the real one.
The only thing that I didn't like in the finale was when all the stuff started getting mangetically sucked down, that was kind of cheesy. Well and the fact that they kept changing thier minds every five minutes about whether to detonate the nuke or not. Oh yeah, and that for some reason Jack Shepard has become Jack Bauer and all the Dharma security guys can't shoot fish in a barrel. But that was fun, I liked it, even if it was a little silly.

I agree with DJ, that wasn't a good way to see Juliette die. Was it just to get get her out of the way to continue the Jater (jack/kate/sawyer) love triangle?

It seems pretty likely that whatever happens, something is going to have happened as a result of that that takes them out of the 70's, so it is very possible that they will all return safe and sound.
I doubt Juliet is dead.

I liked how they brought back Rose and Bernard. Good to see they are hanging on and taking it easy. I think they have figured out what the island is about judging on how Bernard asked juliet if she wanted some tea in a way that he knew what was about to happen.

I'am curious to know more about Richard's background. It's obvious he was on the the Black Rock, the ship in the middle of jungle and the ship approaching the island that Jacob was looking at. A couple of episodes back they showed him building the Black rock in the bottle.

Got to wait until January 2010 for all our answers. I got a feeling next season is going to be a big disappointment.
I thought it was pretty damn satisfying. The gray-haired guy at the beginning with Jacob, who threatens Jacob, must have also been impersonating Jacob "in the real world" as we saw several times. That must have been part of his "assuming human form" training. I think "this guy" and Jacob must be demi-gods --Jacob being connected to Osiris and this new guy being Set, according to Poony's Egyptian info.

I might pick up an Egytian mythology book from the library this summer. I won't be reading that Flannery O'Connor book that (fake) Jacob was reading. She's a garbage author.

The only eye-rolling moment for me was when Sawyer and Jack had their brawl. I literally checked my watch and said, 'damn I hope this ends quick. Sawyer is nothing but a clueless time waster.' The jungle fight seemed really stupid.

I laughed out loud when Miles wondered, 'Hey, what if the bomb is the incident' That was hilarious...

Richard has to be a demi-god himself. I did pick up the clue when he told Locke, he never heard of the island bringing someone back to life. That made me wonder "Wtf?" although Locke chatted with Ben about if he remembered the first time they met in the Swan Hatch--I think whomever is impersonating Locke shouldn't have had access to those memories....I guess that's minor.

We have 16 episodes left. That's probably too much time for what essentially mightve been the climax of the show? The eyeball flash during the promo might be a clue that we open the next season, in January, with someone flat on their back and looking up at the sky.

I don't think that everything is *fixed* because wouldn't that imply that we'd have to see Boone, Shannon, Charlie, etc. again? I don't think all these former characters are coming back for next season.

Overall it was pretty damn solid, I thought....
The only thing that I didn't like in the finale was when all the stuff started getting mangetically sucked down, that was kind of cheesy. Well and the fact that they kept changing thier minds every five minutes about whether to detonate the nuke or not. Oh yeah, and that for some reason Jack Shepard has become Jack Bauer and all the Dharma security guys can't shoot fish in a barrel. But that was fun, I liked it, even if it was a little silly.

I had a hard time realizing that Radzinsky in this episode, seemingly the highest authority figure on the island, is the same Radzinsky who toils away in the Swan Hatch.

Does setting off the H-bomb imply that Dharma will never return to the island or does it mean that the Dharma timeline gets changed and this change means that the Swan Hatch won't bring down Oceanic 815?

I agree with DJ, that wasn't a good way to see Juliette die. Was it just to get get her out of the way to continue the Jater (jack/kate/sawyer) love triangle?

I have to say I will RAGE if Juliet is dead because I will miss her FANTASTIC BOOBS!:mad::mad: Damn Juliet looked hot this season. I don't hold it against Sawyer for wanting to hit that FOREVER in Dharmaland...Sawyer is a fascinating character because he is CURSED when it comes to women.

Although...this tidpit from Juliet/Elizabeth Mitchell's wiki page indicates she might not be returning to Lost:eek:

In March 2009, Entertainment Weekly reported Mitchell had been cast in new ABC pilot for V, its remake of the classic science fiction television miniseries. Although ABC and Warner Bros. officials told the magazine she was only cast as a guest star, the announcement led to speculation and concern that the casting could mean Mitchell's character will be killed off at the end of Lost''s fifth season[4] which was left at a cliffhanger that left the fate of her character unknown.
I don't think we ever saw Jacob in the cabin, I think it was the other guy from the beginning of the episode that said he was going to kill Jacob; that was the guy in the cabin