

I never thought about Fantasy Island. And that show was on ABC.

They never explained what Fantasy Island was or where the islands location was, it would be interesting if Lost tied into that show.
I bet the writers haven't decided which way to go for the finale and finding some of this various speculations quite inspiring

Actually they do at least know how it is going to end, they have said it in several interviews and apparently Matthew Fox (Jack) was the only one told how it was going to end by Damon and Lindelof.

One thing I realized was that, as everyone knows, Jacob actually made some sort of physical contact with everybody in their respective flashbacks and they were all pre-island; except for Sayid's. He didn't get touched by Jacob until after he had left the island after the first time being there. Is this suppose to be something significant?

And I also hope they aren't going to follow the bible that closely, that seems like it would be just too easy


Nikkala made me do it!
apparently Matthew Fox (Jack) was the only one told how it was going to end by Damon and Lindelof.
Damon and Lindelof are the same guy ... his co-exec producer is Carlton Cuse. :2 cents:
I wonder about Juliet. He scene was a lot like Desmond's last scene in the S2 finale. Red Shirt means death but I'm not so sure.

I also wonder if Miles will be transported with the rest of them.

With all the paranormal activity on the island, I wondered why the writers haven't explained any of that. They mentioned that the DI were conducting experiments on the island. Walt was "special" and Miles and hear the dead. Yet no one ever talks about this.
Damon and Lindelof are the same guy ... his co-exec producer is Carlton Cuse. :2 cents:

Oh yeah, damn. But I know Cuse and Lindelof did tell him.

And Rod Hugo, I do think Juliet is going to experience something similar to Des as well and I think the reason they basically had to write Walt out was because he was growing too fast for the writers to legitimately explain at first and now that they kind of have explained it off the island, they might write him back in but probably not, so unfortunately we probably won't get an answer. They have already stated that we won't get the answers to everything. :(
I guess the best explanation for Walt's purpose was to bring Michael to the Island and to enable him to do the things that he did there.

I'm sure that almost all of the things in the first season were just ideas that they sort of brainstormed. After all, like every show, they couldn't know if they would even have a second season. Some of those ideas they expanded on and are still being played out today, some of them just didn't pan out in the direction they wanted to go and were dropped.

As far as the Jacob and Sayid thing, I don't know. I think that it's significant that he was visited by Jacob, which means he had a plan for him. Why he chose that moment, maybe it was because he was never needed until after that point and like most of the people on Oceanic flight 815 weren't chosen or special, but ended up on the Island anyway. And because of what Sayid did at that point, that's what got Jacob's attention.

Or I was thinking that just because we saw him at those times talking to the Survivors doesn't necessarily mean that was the only time. It could be that he was watching them their whole lives and subtlety influencing them at different moments. Which would also explain how they are all connected to each other by the people that they encountered.
I understand why they had to write Walt off. But if you think about it, that's just really bad planning. What were they going to do, stop his period or something. I really want know whats up with the other's "whipers" and them popping up out of nowhere.
Looks like Juliet is dead...she is going to be in the new "V" series remake.


There is only one more season. Her part might not even be big(either sow). She might go out like Mr. Eko. God I hope not. I'm pretty sure Nestor Carnobell (Richard) was on another show on abc. If she is just straight up dead, I hope we still see her again.

After re-watching S3&4 , I never really noticed how tragic Juliet's story was. I didn't like her so much the ST time around. But She's alright. This is probably heightened because of how much I hate Kate.
I cried so much in Juliet's death scene:( It was almost as bad as when Charlie died!

I know. I never really bought their relationship until that scene. It was pretty sad.

Another sad thing I kinda realized was that if the real Locke is truly dead, then his life sucked. He was manipulated and used by everyone he pretty much knew and was lead to believe he was someone special and his life ends by trying to commit suicide then having Ben stop him, only to get information and then Ben turns around and kills him right then and there. I guess it kinda makes me a little sad because he was one of my favorite characters and he might have never been that special
I know. I never really bought their relationship until that scene. It was pretty sad.

Another sad thing I kinda realized was that if the real Locke is truly dead, then his life sucked. He was manipulated and used by everyone he pretty much knew and was lead to believe he was someone special and his life ends by trying to commit suicide then having Ben stop him, only to get information and then Ben turns around and kills him right then and there. I guess it kinda makes me a little sad because he was one of my favorite characters and he might have never been that special

Yeah, he had a pretty bad life. I found his character pretty interesting. I don't want to write him off yet because you never know with this show.
O.k.,I've avoided this thread for a while now,but now that I've finished watching the entire season,here's what I thought.

I think this show just can't end soon enough,so thank god the next season is the last.I thought that some of the stuff was o.k.,but when a story story starts to heavily rely on "time travel" as the main theme,there are gonna be some serious issues.

I have to say,after 5 years of this show,they(the creators)still like to present you more questions than they can give answers,and quite frankly,it's gotten very old.

Anyway,even though there are huge paradoxes in the story,I did like(at times) how they tried to connect the dots on a lot of the character's stories.
Now for the shit that pisses me off.

1)After all these years,we still don't know what the significance of the numbers is.

2)If you really stop and think about it,the whole blowing the island up so that none of this ever happens,doesn't make any sense.

3)What the fuck is up with Christian?

4)Where the fuck was Claire for the entire season?

5)Why the hell doesn't Robert age?(The whole "Jacob made me this way" seems like a cop out)

6)We still have no idea what exactly the smoke monster is,how it got there,how come Ben can control it,and so on and so forth.

7)When they crashed the second time,how come Sun didn't end up in 1977 with Jack,Kate,Hurley,and Sayid?I get why everyone else didn't,because they weren't on the Oceanic flight,but Sun was.Shouldn't she be back in 77?

Ultimately,what did we learn new this season?I would say not much,except that Locke probably really isn't Locke,and i think that's about it.

This show really shot it's wad about 2 season's ago,and since the writers are making it up as they go along(I don't give a fuck what anyone says,but it's very obvious to me that this story arc wasn't in the original vision of the show,even though the creators claimed from the very beginning that they had it all the way planned out) I really see this show getting tangled in it's own web of illogicality.I know that it's fantasy and all,but the continuity is soooo screwed up that there is no way for them to fix it now and have a that has minimal plot holes.
well I pretty much voiced all those same concerns, but other than a few min or inconsistencies due to chronological scenes having been filmed and shown at different times, how exactly is the plot continuity disconnected?

You could argue that it wasn't satisfactory the way that past stuff has paid off in the explanation and unraveling , but it does follow through.

All of the things that you mentioned are things that haven't been explained yet, so until they are, you can't say that they don't make sense in the storyline.

I said before that I think if they wait until the finale to reveal all these things then it will be a huge letdown. They need to start giving out answers fast and have them be relevant and worked into how the plot will climax (such as the beginning of season two when we find out right away what was in the hatch and how it will set the pace for the rest of the season after waiting all through season one for it) instead of just thrown out there like most of the shit that has been presented this last season.

I agree that it has been good at times, but with the addition of new writers and producers these last two season have almost felt like an entirely different show.
Yeah,I went back and read some of the other posts after I wrote mine.

I know that they still have time to explain certain things,but I just feel that we shouldn't have to wait 6 fucking years to find out the meaning of the numbers when it was a huge part of what the show seemed to revolve around from the very beginning.

I also think that there has been a lot of wasting time on this show.For instance,the thing with Walt seeming like he was a demon child.I know that they had to get rid of him because of chronological time issues of the show and the kid sprouting up as fast a sea kelp,but if the writers didn't have the foresight to see that coming,then why should I have faith that they will pull through with other loose ends in the end.

Now I know that there were some unforeseen things that happened,like Michelle Rodriguez and the actress that played Libby when they got into some real life trouble,or the guy that played Eco wanting to leave the show,but there really is no excuse for the Nikki and Paulo episode.Even though I actually liked it as a stand alone episode,it did nothing to move along the story of what was going on.

The pacing of this show has been terrible since the second season,and I'm as sure as shit that that's because ABC wanted to drag it out for as long as they could as soon as they found out that they had a hit,except that it sort of backfired on them when the ratings started to fall because of that exact reason.

And am I the only one the is a bit baffled of whether the new survivors crashed before of after Oceanic and exactly what time they are in?I know that they like to say "thirty years later",but I think that's off the island stuff,plus when Locke,Robert,and Ben are in the forest and see the other Locke after getting shot by Ethan,Locke had already time jumped a few times,so when exactly are they?

And speaking of Ethan.Another thing that hasn't been explained(nor do I believe will be explained),in season 1,he and Charlie have an encounter where Ethan is holding Charlie up by his throat with one hand.WTF!How was it never explained that Ethan has super strength?

P.S.,I wish they would just fucking kill Ben already.He has been quite annoying ever since they revealed that he was the leader of the others.
well it's a little bit vague and they haven't exactly said it specifically, but it seems to be that the Ajira Passengers, Ben, Locke and Sun are on the Island three years after the Oceanic Six left, which was the year 2004. So they are in 2007. 1977 (The year that Jack and sawyer are in) plus "thirty years later" is 2007.

meh. I don't dislike the show, it has still been entertaining for me. This has really been the only season that had more episodes I didn't like than ones that I did, so that's not bad for an overall. Even if I hated it I think i'd watch it next season just to see how it ends because I've already gone this far- which I think, unfortunately, is the attitude of the producers as well. They know that they have a certain number of viewers hooked and they aren't going to be earning any new followers at this stage in the game so they are just kind of getting lazy. they are probably sick of working on the same show for five years and are also anxious to end it.
well it's a little bit vague and they haven't exactly said it specifically, but it seems to be that the Ajira Passengers, Ben, Locke and Sun are on the Island three years after the Oceanic Six left, which was the year 2004. So they are in 2007. 1977 (The year that Jack and sawyer are in) plus "thirty years later" is 2007.

meh. I don't dislike the show, it has still been entertaining for me. This has really been the only season that had more episodes I didn't like than ones that I did, so that's not bad for an overall. Even if I hated it I think i'd watch it next season just to see how it ends because I've already gone this far- which I think, unfortunately, is the attitude of the producers as well. They know that they have a certain number of viewers hooked and they aren't going to be earning any new followers at this stage in the game so they are just kind of getting lazy. they are probably sick of working on the same show for five years and are also anxious to end it.

I guess the timeline you present makes sense,but it's unfortunate that they are vague about when it is.It just adds more to the confusion,imo,and that's the last thing this show needs more of.

I don't "hate" the show,but I do think that this was hands down the weakest season to date.It seems that after viewing the season as a whole,we realize that this season was just a setup for the final season and pretty much nothing more.

One more thing that I've noticed is that the dialogue is either stale and way to predictable(I can pretty much finish everything that the characters are going to say at pivotal points in each episode,like Ben asking Locke why he was going to kill Jacob,then Locke responding "I'm not going to kill Jacob,you are"),or just flat out terrible.
The annoying dialogue is pretty much a hallmark of LOST. If you're looking for David Mamet, friend, you've saddled up to the wrong bar, basically. Characters never ask the obvious question or followup with anything. And important characters like Ben pretty much always end their answers with a question or some sort of ambiguity like "You mean you DON'T KNOW, John?"

Things like why Ethan can hold Charlie up by the neck aren't really that important, are they? That's pretty much an action movie trope--bad guy hoists up good guy, good guy squirms. What is a good question is why the fuck did "the Others" from Season 2/3 specifically ever wear "zombie/castaway" type makeup and wigs? That action by them doesn't seem to square with Others/Hostiles behavior as revealed this season.

The Numbers were heard by a couple of Navy seamen "back in the day" and they drove the seamen insane. Hurley tried to track down one of the insane seamen back in Season 2, I think. I think the Numbers were a clever little "hook" in the show but they don't really factor into anything mythological. I think Hurley's "bad luck" is actually a product from his "special abilities"--seeing ghosts. Jacob/Fake Jacob basically confirmed that in this past finale.

What does everyone think about Miles's claim--that the "incident" was actually the detoning of the Hbomb? Did the HBomb basically "fuck shit up" or did it reset things back to 2004, preboarding?


Hiliary 2020

What does everyone think about Miles's claim--that the "incident" was actually the detoning of the Hbomb? Did the HBomb basically "fuck shit up" or did it reset things back to 2004, preboarding?

i was thinking that all along.
it might be true, ots kind of like a chicken/egg thing.

i gotta watch the finale again before i post more.
but another thing i suspected was that locke wasnt locke.
sad to see he really is dead , or so it seems.