Ok I really wish you would tell me specific fact I am ignoring. Are you ignoring free fall collapse? Are you ignoring reports of bombs and explosions going off all over before the collapses? Are you ignoring the fact Building 7 was never hit by a plane and had only a few small fires before collapsing into its own footprint at free fall speed?
I don't think I'm the one ignoring facts here.
so, your denying that 7 was critically damaged by falling debris from the towers? because, there actually are some pictures and video of that. so, that coupled with numerous fires could definitely bring down a building
Thanks, the earwax one is mine.
these questions won't go away and need to be answered.
Sire they have been answered time and time again. You are doing the families of the victims a great disservice by saying 9/11 was a conspiracy.
Sire they have been answered time and time again. You are doing the families of the victims a great disservice by saying 9/11 was a conspiracy.
If things are not done perfectly you get what we see in this video.
Why don't you address this? I know its a nice defense mechanism to poke humor at a situation but these questions won't go away and need to be answered.
Conspiracy theorists remind of people who just want to believe there's truly something more fantastic in life than what is really before them. They're the people who believed in Santa way too long, the people who said dragons exist and that the year 2000 was the end of the world
I love this defense mechanism. When you got nothing to respond with you just ridicule and try to sound intelligent when really you sound pathetic already.
I post a hugely important video like this one and you got nothing intelligent to say? Come on now!
I kinda wanna see if WTC7 will post that video one more time... just wait for it
So you're saying that time affects truth? In that case; Watergate never happened; Bill Clinton never spewed on Monica's dress; Vince Foster clearly committed suicide; O.J. was framed; Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin filmed the moon landing at Disneyland; Lee Harvey Oswald didn't act alone; and the tinfoil hat you're wearing doesn't receive radio transmissions from Mars.
I'm done with you. You're an idiot.
Why won't you comment on it? That's what I don't understand. Instead posting Penn and Teller swearing thats really something.
Already did comment on it and I never posted anything with Penn and Teller because he's worse than most other people who try to enforce their beliefs on others. The video you post proves nothing. Just two people's opinions that can't be proven nor disproven.