Loose Change - What Do You All Think?

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Sounds like the typical white apologist, "I have a few (insert ethnic group) friends," backtracking when they've been called out on their racist point of view.

Those squibs weren't puffs of air. What you are seeing are center steel columns and aerosolized concrete being launched out the side from powerful explosives. Watch the better quality videos of the collapses.

Here watch this one. It proves it. This is the best one. They are blast squibs. Just watch and after watching you still think I'm wrong tell me why. This is probably the most important video I've seen.

Oh bodie54 did you watch this video yet?
Someone make these conspiracy freaks and their insane theories go away. There was no conspiracy. Everything these tinfoilers have brought forth has been shot down and explained ad nauseum.
Just a question. How was/is the BBC live stream (that said WTC7 was down before it was), debunked?

It isn't debunked. That's what frustrates me is this small group of "denialists" for lack of a better term, just sluffs this all off as some theory when that video I posted clearly lays it all out in perfect detail and watching the North Tower collapse in that video it should be obvious to anyone of explosives used. It is sad but true, 9/11 was an inside job.


Closed Account
I watched a lot of this stuff (pro and against) over the years and saw convincing arguments of both. So I just keep an open mind.
Although there are quit a lot of things that can be debunked in a logical and scientific way, I don't think it's wrong to keep questioning the event. Or for that matter, questioning what a gouvernement is doing. I don't think the towers were pulled but there are to much coincidences to assume that no one in the USA didn't know about it.

I'd like to know a possible debunk for this BBC thing tho... if there's any. Curious about it.
It is sad but true, 9/11 was an inside job.


You clearly have a vested interest in believing this malarkey, so why even ask for other opinions?

The hypothesis that's forwarded in the clip you posted is a total joke. My uncle, who's a highly accomplished structural engineer, who was involved in the construction of many tall buildings in Seattle and the San Franciso bay area, including the Transamerica Pyramid, watched this clip with me and spent almost the entire eight minutes shaking his head in amazement at the straws some people grasp at in order to rationalize their fantasies.

There's a completely common sense explanation for everything you see in that clip (I already briefly addressed the actual nature of the "squibs"), one that's completely in line with the laws of physics. Furthermore controlled demolitions are never performed in the manner the clip suggests occurred in the towers.

Not to mention the impossibility of secretly rigging two huge buildings, then having every living soul who was involved in the process keep quiet for the ensuing 9 years - from demolitionists to security people to the Bush administration itself. I mean seriously, to believe that such a thing could happen is patently childish.

But again, YOU DON'T CARE to use your common sense or listen to reason, so party on with your Truther Madness. It obviously floats your boat :thumbsup:

I'm looking forward to your upcoming thread about the moon landing being a hoax :1orglaugh

Everything these tinfoilers have brought forth has been shot down and explained ad nauseum.

Yes it has, but The Foilers don't care. They have a deep psychological need to believe this crappola, and no amount of logic or evidence will ever alter that need. It does no good to present them with facts. They skip uncritically past or around facts because they simply can't abide having their fantasy come unglued. They don't even care that they look completely foolish and/or ignorant in the process - that's how powerful the need is.

You clearly have a vested interest in believing this malarkey, so why even ask for other opinions?

The hypothesis that's forwarded in the clip you posted is a total joke. My uncle, who's a highly accomplished structural engineer, who was involved in the construction of many tall buildings in Seattle and the San Franciso bay area, including the Transamerica Pyramid, watched this clip with me and spent almost the entire eight minutes shaking his head in amazement at the straws some people grasp at in order to rationalize their fantasies.

There's a completely common sense explanation for everything you see in that clip (I already briefly addressed the actual nature of the "squibs"), one that's completely in line with the laws of physics. Furthermore controlled demolitions are never performed in the manner the clip suggests occurred in the towers.

Not to mention the impossibility of secretly rigging two huge buildings, then having every living soul who was involved in the process keep quiet for the ensuing 9 years - from demolitionists to security people to the Bush administration itself. I mean seriously, to believe that such a thing could happen is patently childish.

But again, YOU DON'T CARE to use your common sense or listen to reason, so party on with your Truther Madness. It obviously floats your boat :thumbsup:

I'm looking forward to your upcoming thread about the moon landing being a hoax :1orglaugh

Yes it has, but The Foilers don't care. They have a deep psychological need to believe this crappola, and no amount of logic or evidence will ever alter that need. It does no good to present them with facts. They skip uncritically past or around facts because they simply can't abide having their fantasy come unglued. They don't even care that they look completely foolish and/or ignorant in the process - that's how powerful the need is.

So you obviously never watched the video because you haven't told me anything about it. What is it you don't agree with? Of all the things explained in the video, which specific things do you disagree with?


What do I think?

I think WTC7WasPulled and all the other truthers should spend more time trying to disprove their pet theories, like proper scientists do.

The only bizarro thing I've ever read about when it comes to 9/11 is the Israeli 'hi-fivers' and the art student controversy. Thanks in part to the truther movement the critics have been able to sideline it as conspiracy bollocks.
It's actually pretty straightforward...

A bunch of guys, with malintent and some high level of motivation, hijacked a couple of planes and flew them into the buildings...

There are videos of that as well, why does no one dispute those videos...

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
If you believe the Loose Change rhetoric please PM me immediately. I have some ocean front property in Indiana that I've been looking to unload and you seem like the perfect buyer.



Where are the plane parts from the Pentagon? No just comment like above. Give me a break.

WTC7, you need to do some research.

The plane hit the building at 530 mph (~778 feet per second which is the speed of a bullet); the fuselage and wings came into contact with multiple concrete pillars when breaching the building's structure - penetrating 310 feet into the building in just under one second. The plane disintegrated.

The conspiracy theories are indeed fascinating, but you need to take a step back and consider that the simplest explanation is most often the correct one.
WTC7, you need to do some research.

The plane hit the building at 530 mph (~778 feet per second which is the speed of a bullet); the fuselage and wings came into contact with multiple concrete pillars when breaching the building's structure - penetrating 310 feet into the building in just under one second. The plane disintegrated.

The conspiracy theories are indeed fascinating, but you need to take a step back and consider that the simplest explanation is most often the correct one.

Well if you actually watched Loose Change, no plane in history had it's engines disappear. They have slammed into mountains at full speed, oceans, everywhere there is rubble and engines. Just not the Pentagon. How about the plane track?

Also no one has explained the free fall collapses and steel core columns shot blocks away into other buildings. Not possible without explosives.


Well if you actually watched Loose Change, no plane in history had it's engines disappear. They have slammed into mountains at full speed, oceans, everywhere there is rubble and engines. Just ot the Pentagon. How about the plane track?

The engines did not disappear. They were located in the building. Weren't they Rolls Royce engines?

Also no one has explained the free fall collapses and steel core columns shot blocks away into other buildings. Not possible without explosives.

WTC, how much force would a skyscraper generate when collapsing in on itself? Answer - more than an explosive charge used to sever columns would. Moreover, such charges are designed and positioned to focus destructive power inwards in order to to shear and displace metal, not outwards to blow columns into the street!

Watch this video and listen to the engineer.

Proves beyond any doubt explosives were used.

Beyond any doubt? That doesn't sound very scientific to me.
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