It is sad but true, 9/11 was an inside job.
You clearly have a vested interest in believing this malarkey, so why even ask for other opinions?
The hypothesis that's forwarded in the clip you posted is a total joke. My uncle, who's a highly accomplished structural engineer, who was involved in the construction of many tall buildings in Seattle and the San Franciso bay area, including the Transamerica Pyramid, watched this clip with me and spent almost the entire eight minutes shaking his head in amazement at the straws some people grasp at in order to rationalize their fantasies.
There's a completely common sense explanation for everything you see in that clip (I already briefly addressed the actual nature of the "squibs"), one that's completely in line with the laws of physics. Furthermore controlled demolitions are
never performed in the manner the clip suggests occurred in the towers.
Not to mention the impossibility of secretly rigging two huge buildings, then having every living soul who was involved in the process keep quiet for the ensuing 9 years - from demolitionists to security people to the Bush administration itself. I mean seriously, to believe that such a thing could happen is patently childish.
But again, YOU DON'T CARE to use your common sense or listen to reason, so party on with your Truther Madness. It obviously floats your boat :thumbsup:
I'm looking forward to your upcoming thread about the moon landing being a hoax :1orglaugh
Everything these tinfoilers have brought forth has been shot down and explained ad nauseum.
Yes it has, but The Foilers don't care. They have a deep psychological need to believe this crappola, and no amount of logic or evidence will ever alter that need. It does no good to present them with facts. They skip uncritically past or around facts because they simply can't abide having their fantasy come unglued. They don't even care that they look completely foolish and/or ignorant in the process - that's how powerful the need is.