Guys we got a breaking news report from KING 4 NEWS!
Guys we got a breaking news report from KING 4 NEWS!
Guys we got a breaking news report from KING 4 NEWS!
Ok, lets turn this whole thing around and say that the USA blew up the Twin towers, tower 7, the Pentagon, so that they gained the reason to start the 'War on terror'.
How does this explain all the other attacks across the world, London tube trains, Madrid train bombings? Or, is it by the USA fitting up Al Qaeda for 911, Al Qaeda have decided to actually make their own terrorist attacks?
What was gained by invading Iraq?
What was gained by invading Afghanistan? There won't be a victory, all that's going to happen is that a political excuse to withdraw is found, the talk is already happening.
Despite all the talk, if there's no victory in Afghanistan there's no way anyone will entertain invading Iran.
Who gains?
I can see you're very dedicated to making your point, but sometimes you can be stood so close to a tree, you can't see you're in a forest. Spin the whole thing around, it makes no sense.
Just answer one factual question. Part of your proof of WTC 7's deliberate destruction is the absence of black box recorders in the debris. This you say is impossible because black boxes are 'indestructible'.
I say, and any aerospace engineers you care to ask will say, they are not indestructible, nothing is, and given the most extreme conditions (and i think we can agree the WTC site was about as extreme as it gets) the boxes could have been destroyed.
So, if the lack of black boxes can be rationally and reasonably explained, does that affect your theory?
That's really not that important but it's just another piece of evidence. Black boxes don't get destroyed in any crashes. But let's say the thermite melted them all that was used to melt the steel. That's understandable. Thermite = Controlled Demolition = Inside Job.
Orange Cat have you ever watched Loose Change? There are so many more important questions regarding the attacks. I rank the black boxes way down the list.
How about the supposed fact the Government found an unscathed passport of one of the "hijackers" from the rubble of the twin towers. Now think of it this way. That passport survived a fireball unscathed and the black boxes were destroyed, uh huh.
That passport had to be planted. The evidence of a cover up and inside job keeps growing and growing. While we will never be able to prove every single thing with certainty, the body of evidence is overwhelming for inside job. We need a real investigation to bring down the criminals who did it.
Logic says that passport couldn't make it out. So it was planted.
Name calling and humour are a lame excuse. Why don't you comment on the videos instead of trying to be funny?
there was a perfectly fine Bible found at the pennsylvania crash site. contrary to popular belief, there are numerous examples of paper items found at the scenes of plane crash sites, building fires, war zones and terror attacks
Logic says that passport couldn't make it out. So it was planted.
Wrong. Proof that the twoofers have no knowledge of aviation accidents.
Dude, you ask for evidence, or facts, and when they are presented to you, you just say, "nope, you're wrong. watch this youtube video". Youtube videos are not scientific fact and the ones you are posting represent the opinions of a vast, vast minority. But go ahead, ask us to watch another video.
Besides, ANY Youtube video longer than 5 mins is a MAJOR Fail!![]()