You realize how you sound with this. This technique don't work anymore.
:1orglaugh Take your own advice, son. And quit posting the same video. We all saw it the first time you posted it. There is no proof whatsoever.
You realize how you sound with this. This technique don't work anymore.
It's a little more than 2 peoples opinions. Go to their site and see that it is a lot more than 2 people.
I realized that it was more than just those two's opinions but seriously, what does the government have to gain from this war? Why would they wanna destroy these buildings. Don't give me that oil bullshit because that didn't make a lick of difference.
After living in this country for 25 years and seeing it in action, I just refuse to give them the credit to be able to keep anything like this a secret for that long
Yep, it's the Illuminati who control it, no wait, it's the FreeMasons, actually it's the Skulls, even better, it's Hulk Hogan
I know I'm guilty of this too, but please stop feeding the troll.
Why are you name calling? I am not a troll, I'm a human being. I have feelings about this and that's why I posted this thread. You can clearly see if you've ever watched the film 9/11 Chronicles Truth Rising that 9/11 Truthers are real human beings with questions. The people who ridicule are usually mostly scared of the truth or simply disinfo bloggers meant to stifle conversations about this subject. I think you simply use these belittling comments as a defense mechanism to really looking at the issues. Watch this film and see the kind of bravery it takes to tackle these issues.
How do you not see that you're acting no different than us ridiculing the theorists!? Basically since we are not agreeing with you, you pretty much call us ignorant and "afraid".
If I would have just agreed with you without adding my own opinion, you'd think I'd be the smartest on this board (next to you, of course)
I think if relatives of people who died are asking questions of what happened that day. Then 'they' deserve answers. Someone needs to give a detailed, scientific explanation of how tower 7 collapsed that day. That doesn't seem to be a lot to ask.
... I'd take a bullet to have everyone wake up to the truth about 9/11 and get these criminals and stop these illegal wars.
How many relatives of those who died accept that it was terrorists and don't feel the need to ask questions?
I don't understand your point? Are you saying there can be no more questions because the general concencious have decided it was a terrorist act?
I'm not disputing it was a terrorist act, that's the problem with 'a conspiracy theory', now if anyone asks a question its somehow conspirative.
I think if a number of questions and concerns are being raised by relatives, they deserve the right to voice those questions and should expect to have them answered. What would be the problem with doing that?
I don't understand your point? Are you saying there can be no more questions because the general concencious have decided it was a terrorist act?
I'm not disputing it was a terrorist act, that's the problem with 'a conspiracy theory', now if anyone asks a question its somehow conspirative.
I think if a number of questions and concerns are being raised by relatives, they deserve the right to voice those questions and should expect to have them answered. What would be the problem with doing that?
See WTC7? This is a proper question. My point was that a majority of relatives to those that died during this tragedy believe it was a terrorist act, not anything by our own government. They can ask questions, but the general consensus is when you blame your own government for a violent act against itself, that's generally called a conspiracy. But you could even say the Russians did the act and that would still be considered a conspiracy.
Don't get me wrong, I completely support those that want to question, but at the same time, if I believe I'm right, I will defend it. It's just that the evidence for our own government blowing these buildings up isn't fitting into place at all.
See WTC7? This is a proper question. My point was that a majority of relatives to those that died during this tragedy believe it was a terrorist act, not anything by our own government. They can ask questions, but the general consensus is when you blame your own government for a violent act against itself, that's generally called a conspiracy. But you could even say the Russians did the act and that would still be considered a conspiracy.
Don't get me wrong, I completely support those that want to question, but at the same time, if I believe I'm right, I will defend it. It's just that the evidence for our own government blowing these buildings up isn't fitting into place at all.