little black book of tricks

the usual beginner stuff, i coached her on the whole blowjob thing, cause she was lost in the sauce on that one, and just her willingness to do whatever i ask to please me. there isnt anything i wouldnt do or try 4 her if she led me to believe she wanted it but its important to me to know that i can get her off just as well as she can for me. i get off on pleasin my partner. i heard a rumor from a lady friend of mine that some girls have to train themselves to b able to get themselves off. meanin they have to learn 2 b comfortable with the feelins they r gettin n the noises they r makin when doin it alone first then once they get that down they r more able to do it with a partner..... any truth to that?
lol yes im old enough to be here. isnt my birthday in my profile? i really dont even know... imma go look!
her willingness to please you? Puts you in a postion to easily take advantage of a sexually inexperienced naive girl. If I were her father youd be getting the riot act.
lol wow u guys are really takin me the wrong way here. willingness may have been the wrong word. lets toss eagerness in there instead. and id never take advantage of her or try to get her to do anything she didnt want to. im not usin this girl, im tryin to work towards a healthy relationship with her
well considerin the way the thread started, obviously not.....
if you are asking if i was when she and i began being physical with eachother, again definately not.

Will E Worm

lol yes im old enough to be here. isnt my birthday in my profile? i really dont even know... imma go look!

Just because you put that you are old enough doesn't mean you are. :tongue:

lol wow u guys are really takin me the wrong way here. willingness may have been the wrong word. lets toss eagerness in there instead. and id never take advantage of her or try to get her to do anything she didnt want to. im not usin this girl, im tryin to work towards a healthy relationship with her

Also, do you believe her "religion"? If not why go after her?
Also, doesn't she know if she reads her Bible, which I doubt she does, something about being unequally yoked and no sex until....:tongue:

I read all kinds of things and probably know her Bible better than she does.
I'd say I do. Also, the Koran and many other books.
the religion isnt the subject here tho. and what do u mean bein unequally yoked? like i said she goes to a religious school. didnt say anything about her bein religious personally. her rents send her there. she is quite conservative n modest but i just chalk that up to havin to do with how shy she is. back to the age thing, my name is usmc071984, again yeah i can put whatever i want in there with it meanin nothin but scouts honor i really am in service thus the name lol.

Will E Worm

the religion isnt the subject here tho. and what do u mean bein unequally yoked? like i said she goes to a religious school. didnt say anything about her bein religious personally. her rents send her there. she is quite conservative n modest but i just chalk that up to havin to do with how shy she is. back to the age thing, my name is usmc071984, again yeah i can put whatever i want in there with it meanin nothin but scouts honor i really am in service thus the name lol.

If she isn't religious, then she shouldn't be going to a religious school.

I think you should have asked her about that before hand. Ask her now and tell us what she says.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
ok guys heres my situation. i just started seein a girl reciently and ended up takin the v card. go me. whatever. the issue im havin is she is 18, gunna b 19 on monday, and from what she tells me shes never even tried to "do it herself" and ive done all the rubbin and lickin and screwin i can since and i dont know and cant tell whatsoever if im gettin anywhere as far as makin her cum. i wanna please her bad but i ask her what she likes and wants/needs me to do to help her along and she flat out says she has no idea. any tips on things to try together or anything like that?

It's called "paying attention". Nobody here can tell you how to please your girlfriend, because everybody is different when it comes to what pleases them. Pay attention and listen to what your girlfriend's body language is telling you.
i just asked her if she considers herself religious and she said a little..... y?
huh? naw i just texted her to ask and i wrote both our texts pretty much verbatim above.....
who are you to decide where her parents send her to school? and for that matter, how much say did u have in where u went to school before u graduated? ur arguin a mute point here worm. and one that has absolutely nothing to do with my askin for advice on how to be a better lover to her. twist me however you want to make her or myself look bad, but i know my intentions on this and i got nothin to b ashamed of

Will E Worm

who are you to decide where her parents send her to school? and for that matter, how much say did u have in where u went to school before u graduated? ur arguin a mute point here worm. and one that has absolutely nothing to do with my askin for advice on how to be a better lover to her. twist me however you want to make her or myself look bad, but i know my intentions on this and i got nothin to b ashamed of

I twisted nothing.

People shouldn't dump their children in a school that they will never adhere to the rules. I listened when I wanted to in school. Because most of the teachers didn't care.
The point is valid. She is not religious, she doesn't have a faith. Therefore, she doesn't need to be in a school of faith.