little black book of tricks


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
think what you want bro but the way i act at work and around my peers and the way i am on my off time are two separate things. i was flyin in the uh-1n, or huey for all you older 'nam guys. but these days they got me workin the upgraded versions that just came out. the uh-1y's. google em. they are pretty awesome.

I take it you're a reserve? :dunno:

I've never heard a Marine refer to it as "at work" when they're in the service. Oh, and those older 'Nam guys would call it a Huey, just like every other Marine.

Is the helicopter you play with a Bell?


Ya gotta take the multi posters here with a cynical eye, friend.
Since only mods need to worry about whether you are old enough to be here, that's a silly thing to even reply to. Ignore the obvious trash makes for a more fun time here.
As for whether anyone wants to grow and change in their happens to everyone every day, and some people grow out of a "cloistered "environment while some go the other way...and years into their lives almost no one is the same as when they were young. WTF business is it of anyone if she is getting into the more sensuous side of her self...she should suddenly trash everything she is doing to chase a possible temporary path?
Enjoy the moment with her, neither of ya can tell where it may end up.

A lot of the advice given here is good advice...get her to relax behind being good to herself, and she will find a way to grow even more sensual and into getting off.

Don't spend too much time concentrating on her, just make an effort to spread the fun equally. She'll figure things out.

And remember to ignore, more or less, the overly pompous trolls that post here...a lot of trash talking is just that, trash. You can tell the real guys from the wanna-be big dogs from what they say and how they say it.:2 cents:

Semper Fi.
thanks for that philbert. and yes, chef, its a bell helicopter. we constantly have bell reps in out hanger assistin us in troubleshooting with the new ones. as all new toys, there are a few bugs to work out.
Generally I despise the bumping of old threads, but I think this one is due it. It seems conveniently forgotten by its OP, so lets see if we can breathe some life into the old girl!
im amazed this thread is even still around. we really that interested in this shit?
im amazed this thread is even still around. we really that interested in this shit?

Its your thread. Its amazing how quickly even you lost interest in it once questions started being raised. The facade continues!

Give us an update though, how are things with bible/slut girl?