The moment comedian Jon Stewart lost his cool with Fox News host Chris Wallace

An MSNBC show played the part that Fox News edited out, where Stewart names the person who emails Fox on-air people the RNC "talking points".
Proves a point. Libs/comedians/actors etc...are insane

........or incredibly bitter people. For every one conservative there are ten fat screaming hateful social worker types or five formerly funny now loopy angry comedians.

If liberals were the only ones in power we'd have a leftist dictatorship.
*insert unfounded, tired rhetoric here*
Who in the hell watches Comedy Central for the news? Yeah, I catch Stewart and Colbert once in a while for comedy and commentary purposes the same way a conservative watches Glenn Beck or Bill O' Reilly to fulfill their conservative jollies. It's just commentary, it's not meant to be reliable or unbiased like you'd expect HLN to be.

One thing I disagree with Jon is he says he's not an "activist" that is totally untrue, he just hosted the Restore Sanity and/or Keep Fear Alive rally a few months ago.
........or incredibly bitter people. For every one conservative there are ten fat screaming hateful social worker types or five formerly funny now loopy angry comedians.

If liberals were the only ones in power we'd have a leftist dictatorship.

I'm sorry, Trident, but this is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever read.

I think Stewart won this one, pretty handily. He's a wicked smart guy, like him or not - you can't deny that.
........or incredibly bitter people. For every one conservative there are ten fat screaming hateful social worker types or five formerly funny now loopy angry comedians.

If liberals were the only ones in power we'd have a leftist dictatorship.

If the right ran the entire show we would have some kind of different results?

If the right ran the entire show we would have some kind of different results?


You'd have the same result, just different color uniform.

I don't feel anyone "won" the interview because that wasn't the point to begin with...............why does the left always put every interview into a "win or lose" category?
"Because of how heavy left wing America is. Hollywood, comedians, every single news organization, the Internet, facts, history, science, it's all just left wing bullshit, man....''

If he took out the Internet from his list he'd be correct.

Science/academia has been biased for the left since the '60s....Global Warming Fraud.
TV is almost exclusively liberal.
History in it's purest form is unbiased however the liberal chowderheads have been trying to teach it with a leftists stance.
Hollywood is almost a fortress of liberalism.
There are a number of comedians who are insanely liberal.....and no longer funny because they've gone CooCoo.
Don't knock Stalin— he got things done.

Oh he did indeed. Lavish him with praise, give sermons to his greatness and accomplishments on shot by the NKVD on Tuesday for that twitch in your eye.

Ike Stain

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Approved Content Owner
Oh he did indeed. Lavish him with praise, give sermons to his greatness and accomplishments on shot by the NKVD on Tuesday for that twitch in your eye.

Well, I'll give you that, but he's still no Pelosi or Reid, right?