The moment comedian Jon Stewart lost his cool with Fox News host Chris Wallace

Which would've gone nowhere on it's own. But hey thanks to Kennedy and the big winnah LBJ our involvement increased, the war escalated and became a quagmire.

Riiiight. As if Nixon (Eisenhower's VP) wouldn't have followed Ike's lead and done the same? Please.

Nixon did what the LBJ should've done but wouldn't..............make the North cry Uncle with Linebacker I and II.

The north cried uncle?
We packed up and split.
Remember "peace with honor"?
What a joke.

Face it two Dem presidents dropped the ball and got us in over our heads.

All 4 administrations (2 repub, 2 dem) mismanaged the situation.
Riiiight. As if Nixon (Eisenhower's VP) wouldn't have followed Ike's lead and done the same? Please.

The north cried uncle?
We packed up and split.
Remember "peace with honor"?
What a joke.

All 4 administrations (2 repub, 2 dem) mismanaged the situation.

You don't know history to well obviously.

The North cried "Uncle" during Linebacker II in Dec 1972.

Two Democratic admins fucked it up................with LBJ's doing the greatest damage.
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these threads always get drawn into a history interpretation class.

Rather than worry about what actually happened it's all about assigning blame along party lines to justify ones own affiliation.


I'm not against Big Energy at all— they keep the lights on, but they should be leading the way on transitioning into carbon-friendly renewable resources for real instead of just paying lip service to it.

Renewables aren't the answer to our immediate energy needs, natural gas is. . . the 30 - 40% less carbon emitting (as compared to unleaded gasoline) natural gas. :cool:


If it were up to conservatives, WE WOULDN'T HAVE A FUCKING BOARD!

OH YEAH?!!!If it were up to such vehemint anti capitalist liberals (communalists/communists), there wouldn't be any girls on this site because the business agreement(s) between two or more parties would be rendered illegal without consent of the government.

Another way to look at it is.... The less our government taxes us, the less discretionary our spending habits have to be i.e. more disposable personal income translates into the girls selling a greater number of memberships.
OH YEAH?!!!If it were up to such vehemint anti capitalist liberals (communalists/communists), there wouldn't be any girls on this site because the business agreement(s) between two or more parties would be rendered illegal without consent of the government.

Another way to look at it is.... The less our government taxes us, the less discretionary our spending habits have to be i.e. more disposable personal income translates into the girls selling a greater number of memberships.

Dude, taxes — federal and state combined — as a percentage of GDP are at their lowest level since 1950. The U.S. is among the lowest taxed of the big industrial economies. So the case that America is grinding to a halt because of high taxation is not based on facts but is simply a theoretical assertion.
Dude, taxes — federal and state combined — as a percentage of GDP are at their lowest level since 1950. The U.S. is among the lowest taxed of the big industrial economies. So the case that America is grinding to a halt because of high taxation is not based on facts but is simply a theoretical assertion.

I just thought everyone should read this again, because it is correct.
I just thought everyone should read this again, because it is correct.

In addition the belief that U.S. corporations are over-taxed is false. In terms of share of GDP, the U.S. has the lowest corporate tax burden of any OECD nation. While the official tax bracket may seem high-35%- if one takes into account various loopholes and tax dodges, the effective tax rate is considerably lower, or around 27%, which comes in as slightly higher than average for OECD members. Also, the bigger you are, the less you pay- the effective tax rate for the bigger U.S. corporations is only 16%.