Jewish groups slam Arizona immigration law

Hmmm not when Jewish Americans contribute millions to Israel and groups that seek to discourage inter-marriage between jews and non-jews because it would dilute the jewish people.

YET Jewish lawmakers want this country flooded with illegals, and the Jewish-American community largely votes in lawmakers who want the government to continue it's state of non-action on the issue of immigration.

The funny thing is that this free-for-all immigration policy has lead to an increase in cohesion among the U.S. Muslim population, which is now challenging their stranglehold on U.S. foreign policy on the Israel-Palestine situation.

I see Philbert is giving negative rep to people who are critical of Israel and Zionists in America. What a coward that you can't put forth a counterargument for the whole board to see.
So how much will the price of fruits, vegetables and meat go up once the cheap illegal labor is deported? I can't wait to see what happens when we start having to pay $7 a pound for oranges and lettuce. $12 a pound for steak
So how much will the price of fruits, vegetables and meat go up once the cheap illegal labor is deported? I can't wait to see what happens when we start having to pay $7 a pound for oranges and lettuce. $12 a pound for steak

Well, even though they undercut American workers to make more money via hiring illegal scum, the meat prices at Swift never went down. So you can see, you need to do a little more homework than simply getting your talking points from the likes of Bill Maher - a guy who has probably never worked a real job one day of his life.

Read here. :rolleyes:

I've worked with employers' who have hired illegal garbage as well, and I can tell you the pay sucked balls. None of the illegals (the employer was busted a year after I left) could speak very appropriate English either, likely something you, in AZ, will have to deal with if you aren't already. Bilingual - or no hire for you. :nono:
No...and I think incorrect is a bit unspecifc. I would prefer to describe that as ...Bullshit.
Everyone 'cept meesterperfect seems to know that millions of Christians, Muslims, and Druse (etc) live in Israel...the Muslim population has it's own reps in the Knesset (parliament).
Don't tell him, though...he's living in a special world where folks like Hellraisin, emceeemcee, Ulysses31, sualcalay , PlasmaTwa2, pitmaster...are deep thinkers who have the downlow on the insidious Israelis.:rofl:
I can see the guys swapping their Terrorist Trading Cards with each other online...:D

Just noticed this. Love the way my name gets tarnished in a thread I NEVER even posted in. Seeing as I have had to now here is how equally Arab reps are treated in the Knesset, the hatred is there for all to see. Equality my ass, how long before she gets killed by the religious extremists.

Just noticed this. Love the way my name gets tarnished in a thread I NEVER even posted in. Seeing as I have had to now here is how equally Arab reps are treated in the Knesset, the hatred is there for all to see. Equality my ass, how long before she gets killed by the religious extremists.

Religious extremists like jihadists I take it.

Why don't you write to the Knesset and tell them your concern over "equal representation".

Hatred like what we all see in Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria, and Iran?
So if Arizona loses all it's lawyers, accountants, and smart people what will they do? Well I guess the surrounding states will have a ton of new Jewish people coming in.

every smart person in AZ is Jewish? fancy that! if all the smart people are Jewish and they are moving, and all the immigrants can not live who will be left?
Religious extremists like jihadists I take it.

Why don't you write to the Knesset and tell them your concern over "equal representation".

Hatred like what we all see in Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria, and Iran?

So you're comparing a supposed Western Democratic government to terrorist groups, do you ever see scene like that in congress or the british parliament when you also get members of parliament that disagree and hate one another? And if the Knesset doesn't listen to it's own human rights/civil liberties groups then what chance has anyone else got. ps You get religious fanatics in ALL religions.
So you're comparing a supposed Western Democratic government to terrorist groups, do you ever see scene like that in congress or the british parliament when you also get members of parliament that disagree and hate one another? And if the Knesset doesn't listen to it's own human rights/civil liberties groups then what chance has anyone else got. ps You get religious fanatics in ALL religions.

Yes you have zanies in all religions, some more than others.

The Knesset will do what is best for Israel.

As for that so called "peace flotilla" it was a bunch of wacked leftists in cahoots with a very hardcore Turkish muslim group with sympthies to islamic extremism.
The Israeli commandos were attacked upon boarding and they did what they had to do which was defend themselves.

On a side note why don't the liberals go ape over Egypt's blockade of Gaza?


Hiliary 2020
No LOL, that's why I erased it. There is a lot of angst and hatred to go around though.

Ok Vlad, thats cool.
Just remember please that no one is exempt from criticism and criticism is not necessarily hatred, many times its quite the opposite.

You gotta be cruel to be kind.

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
I guess. Just seems a little excessive sometimes. Nothing in particular just so much coming from every direction. I usually stay away from the political threads cause I'm not very learned in the area.
I guess. Just seems a little excessive sometimes. Nothing in particular just so much coming from every direction. I usually stay away from the political threads cause I'm not very learned in the area.

Don't worry about putting an opinion out there. You probably know more than the 'politicians' and terrorists involved put together


I see Philbert is giving negative rep to people who are critical of Israel and Zionists in America. What a coward that you can't put forth a counterargument for the whole board to see.

Now, now, quit whining...

Why don't you do like Pete Rose to the mods when you get neg rep? Maybe they'll comfort you and wipe away those tears...:rofl:
I see Philbert is giving negative rep to people who are critical of Israel and Zionists in America. What a coward that you can't put forth a counterargument for the whole board to see.

Wow that punk Philbert is still downrepping people for saying anything Negative about Israel or Zionists. Heck he downreps me for replying to him and up reps me and others for saying anything critical of Muslims. Judeo-Supremacist much? I guess we're supposed to be servile little goyim.

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
Honestly if you are here illegally, to fucking bad. Some of these illegals have been here 10 or more years. They have never bothered to apply for citizenship or learn English. They do not seem to care that they broke the law and they act like they have the exact same rights as US citizens.