Its now going to be hisEXslave.. its over


We are here, we are sincere and we're available to accompany you during this most difficult time. Don't get ahead of yourself as far as the legal goes, that can wait 'till next week.

Everything seems impossible right now I know, but do what you need to do to compose yourself the best you can. Trust me, as difficult as things are, your kid is counting on both your lead as well as your good example so, with that in mind, be good company for each other. After you have exhibited sadness and anger, do try to finish each day with a sense of positive and reassurance, for yourself and your kid's sake.

Be strong ... Be composed
Don't be hesitant to reach out
Very sad news.

My sister is going through a divorce right now and she found emails to a woman that her husband was cheating with.

Just remember, the worst part is now, there WILL be a time that you will start to enjoy life again and wonder why the fuck you ever worried about him in the first place.

It will take some time, but you will prevail.


everyone goes through life only one time, and everyone has to learn how to deal with it. your situation is bad now, and that sucks, but there will be better days. try to remember that: no matter how shitty things get, there will be better days.

as a child of divorced (and fucked-up) parents, i can only say that stability is indeed what your son needs. stability and the truth. i always hated that as a kid when my parents used me in their own little personal war and everyone was lying to me for their own benefit.

i wish you and your son the best. think of the whole thing as a 2 year experiment that failed, and then think of what experiments there might be in your future.


It'd be nice if some of you people would READ THE POST before chiming in.:mad:

She doesn't have a son, her brother lives with her...

I hope you get with the MPs soonest; domestic violence is taken very seriously by the military.
Good luck, SS.:thumbsup:
Just an update to every one who read my other thread... My marriage is over. Im stuck in south fucking korea with a 15 year old and a broken heart. My husband crossed the line tonight I have to go to legal unfortantely tomorrow is saturday and IM pretty sure legal is closed. I cant take it anymore he freaked tonight.. Broke everything, told me he never loved me and the only reason he was with me was for more money.. said that the only thing im good for is to make sandwhichs,, im so done. Then he threatened to dump moms ashes 'on the streeets of korea'
I feel like I cant breath, Im trying so hard to focus on the anger so that I dont have to focus on what my hearts going through.
I am so so sorry sweetie! Just keep your head and do what you got to do! I wish I knew what else to say. You're in my thoughts and stay strong!
I know that words don't mean much Hissy. Just know that a lot of people here have you in their thoughts. As warped as some of us might be there are some good people here. Take care of yourself and keep your head up. This too shall pass.

Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member
Thanks guys I really appreciate it. This has been one really long really fucked up 24 hours.. I still cant quite grasp that this is actually happening but it helped that I slept a bit.
I'm going to try and figure out the quickest way for me and my brother to get back to the states


Member, you member...
Hang in there, Miss Hiss.
You will be better off.
Stick to your guns about this guy.
Take care of your brother - family first.

Can you make me a peanut butter and preserve sandwich? hehe

Smile! That's what will get you through!


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Btw are you really going to change your username to hisEXslave? or are you gonna keep the original name just so people know who you are?:dunno:
you don't have to answer this now of course. im just trying to lighten the mood.
Well this is quite the fucking downer for a Friday night. Why do bad things happen to good people?

He sounds like a deranged animal. Let him rot in Korea. Think of yourself and your brother. Get back to the U.S. ASAP!

Possessions can be replaced. Just get out of there and file a restraining order against him. Hire a military attorney, someone with experience with the military.

I'm very sorry to read this, and I hope this darkness passes quickly.
I know that there isn't really anything we can do, but if there's something we can help you with let us know. Like it or not, you're part of our motley dysfunctional family of perverts, degenerates, and weirdos, and we care about you. Stay strong, and remember that the night is darkest before dawn.
I'm sorry to hear all of this. I hope you (& your brother) will be ok.

I do wonder why BB hasn't given his (in BlueBalls' case)/hasn't given her (in Boothbabe's case) address yet... I'm sure they wouldn't mind if you stayed with them.

I'd give my own address, but I don't think my hand would like it if I cheated on it.