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Israel & Palestine... (Celebrations of Ariel Sharon's Stroke)

mythex said:
Sharon and Bush are Satan and Devils on earth...

they have made a lot of chaos on this world..

I hope..and also pray that sharon death be more quicker


man i find that statement of yours EXTREMELY offensive, maybe because im Israeli and jewish? who knows. Please dont strike down my leader when you really dont know whats going on. I have relatives in Israel still (while im in canada).
Devonxxx said:
and if he doesn't die from stroke I hope het gets killed by Hamas one day

And an even better second post...

I can understand you dislike the man, so do I, but to wish him dead?!? The mayority of the Israëli people voted for him, and as long as they keep doing that he'll stay in power. As soon as that changes & the Israëli people vote for another candidate, I'll be a happy man, but even though I disagree and even dislike the man, I do not think he deserves to die! NOBODY does!

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
the fact is...there will NEVER be peace in the middle east!! the only ones who want peace are the people who live outside of the region. both sides are just as much to blame for all of the problems that go on there. lets face it, if we pulled EVERY bit of hardware and personale out of the area...no americans anywhere in sight...the muslims would be working double time to wipe out the jews. when they finished them off...they would turn on each other. they love war...they love to fight...it is there sole reason for getting up in the morning. each one thinks there version of islam is right and will die and kill to force it on everyone else. of course there are ALWAYS exceptions to the rule...and sure it isn't really the best move on my part to generalize and groupe all peoples together...but lets face it...how long are we going to be all cuddly and nicey nice about all of the crap that goes on in the world. sometimes tolerance is an over rated concept...and truth be told...hate IS a healthy emotion...we have all...or most of us have wished bad on another...even if its just getting a traffic ticket for some non-driving moron we share the road with...but more often then not, it is worse. how many jews rejoyced when Arafat (spelling) or some other muslim leader died? you want peace over there...kill everyone and wipe out everything...start from scratch and MAYBE you'll have some luck, until then...it ain't gonna happen.


Closed Account
It's easy to sit in our crystal towers and discuss this rationally. But the truth is in the middle east they don't have much and their is always another megalomaniac coming to take more. When you have only a few meager possessions and your family, when that is taken away you have nothing. So many in that region have lost everything. I don't think it's good to celebrate death, not at all. However if I lost my family and my possessions, had no money to eat, no place to sleep, and lived in a war zone, how could I ever hope to be happy. Look at all the things the First World has, now try to imagine only 1% of it. Your goddamn right I would cheer somebody's death if they controlled all the power and wealth. And I have no shame in saying that if my child and wife we're killed over fucking oil I would grab TNT or a gun and I would take out as many occupants as possible with no regret. Those people as so many of you have said in this thread are fighting for the little they have left. I am ashamed for what I have and what I have taken from those people.

Lot's of your soldiers fighting your wars, and I mos def mean your wars, are laughing and high-fiveing each other every time they kill. Not just militants anything that the bullets hit. I write to my senators and my congress men, the president, the heads of staff and every other person in charge of making wartime decisions. I protest when I can, I tell my stories to those who will listen.

THERE IS A GD WAR GOING ON. How can you have a discussion about people laughing at a stroke patient. This thread should be PEOPLE ARE FUCKING DYING BY THE DOZENS FOR NO GODDAMN REASON.

I know you must think I'm crazy, just some ex-soldier war nut who's shell shocked and has no idea what he's saying, but I worked for those 100 rep points and 1000 posts so when I finally start to vent on this pitiful excuse for a planet somebody would listen. No place on earth is better than the middle east and no person is better than any other. I don't see any fucking threads for the poor little children who have died so we can fuel up for 1 cent less at the pumps.

I hope you all feel bad.

(If you don't like this post then bad rep it, I won't read any reply)
4G63 said:
It's easy to sit in our crystal towers and discuss this rationally. But the truth is in the middle east they don't have much and their is always another megalomaniac coming to take more. When you have only a few meager possessions and your family, when that is taken away you have nothing. So many in that region have lost everything. I don't think it's good to celebrate death, not at all. However if I lost my family and my possessions, had no money to eat, no place to sleep, and lived in a war zone, how could I ever hope to be happy. Look at all the things the First World has, now try to imagine only 1% of it. Your goddamn right I would cheer somebody's death if they controlled all the power and wealth. And I have no shame in saying that if my child and wife we're killed over fucking oil I would grab TNT or a gun and I would take out as many occupants as possible with no regret. Those people as so many of you have said in this thread are fighting for the little they have left. I am ashamed for what I have and what I have taken from those people.

Lot's of your soldiers fighting your wars, and I mos def mean your wars, are laughing and high-fiveing each other every time they kill. Not just militants anything that the bullets hit. I write to my senators and my congress men, the president, the heads of staff and every other person in charge of making wartime decisions. I protest when I can, I tell my stories to those who will listen.

THERE IS A GD WAR GOING ON. How can you have a discussion about people laughing at a stroke patient. This thread should be PEOPLE ARE FUCKING DYING BY THE DOZENS FOR NO GODDAMN REASON.

I know you must think I'm crazy, just some ex-soldier war nut who's shell shocked and has no idea what he's saying, but I worked for those 100 rep points and 1000 posts so when I finally start to vent on this pitiful excuse for a planet somebody would listen. No place on earth is better than the middle east and no person is better than any other. I don't see any fucking threads for the poor little children who have died so we can fuel up for 1 cent less at the pumps.

I hope you all feel bad.

(If you don't like this post then bad rep it, I won't read any reply)

You got the wrong war, there's no Oil in Israel.

Palestine was given land by Israel, THOUSANDS were evicted from their homes, their homes for decades; this has torn the Israeli society apart. But, it was done to get peace and maybe if Palestine gets their country we wont have war. But there's a problem, hatred is rooted deep inside people's minds, even kids, and when the riffraff, the street thugs, when they are the ones calling the shots it only causes more riots and fighting.

It's true, the "citizens" of Palestine want peace, but until a strong leade rand government rises and until they neutrilize the independent terror organisations war will keep raging.

I'm no political expert but I predict Palestine trying to get more land, Israel will strike back, muslim countries will intervene, we'll have a big war and either have peace or a truce for a couple of years.

revidffum said:
the fact is...there will NEVER be peace in the middle east!! the only ones who want peace are the people who live outside of the region. both sides are just as much to blame for all of the problems that go on there. lets face it, if we pulled EVERY bit of hardware and personale out of the area...no americans anywhere in sight...the muslims would be working double time to wipe out the jews. when they finished them off...they would turn on each other. they love war...they love to fight...it is there sole reason for getting up in the morning. each one thinks there version of islam is right and will die and kill to force it on everyone else. of course there are ALWAYS exceptions to the rule...and sure it isn't really the best move on my part to generalize and groupe all peoples together...but lets face it...how long are we going to be all cuddly and nicey nice about all of the crap that goes on in the world. sometimes tolerance is an over rated concept...and truth be told...hate IS a healthy emotion...we have all...or most of us have wished bad on another...even if its just getting a traffic ticket for some non-driving moron we share the road with...but more often then not, it is worse. how many jews rejoyced when Arafat (spelling) or some other muslim leader died? you want peace over there...kill everyone and wipe out everything...start from scratch and MAYBE you'll have some luck, until then...it ain't gonna happen.

First of all, Peace is possible. If you want examples even from that region: Jordan and Israel.
and secondly, you want to know why Israel rejoyced on Arafat's death? because he was a crazy old man that believed in killing all of Israel and taking their land with the use of bomb suicides (which is the cheapest method of fighting imo). Israel rejoyced because they were hoping a rational peacful leader will rise.
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Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
First of all, to Calm...I never said peace wasn't possible, and I know why Israel rejoyced when he died...he was a fucking maniac...they should have sent in the Musad (spelling) and taken him out years ago

Now for Mr. **********...actions speak louder then words!!! If they want peace so much, why won't any one give in...just a little. Every group has to have it there way, no one wants to budge...if they did, this little cluster fuck would have been settled long ago. I may not have some high faluttin Ivy league education...obviously from my crappy spelling...but I'm far from ignorant...and I can sure as hell claim to have a better then average level of common scense. Let me put it this way...if it flies like a duck...and quacks like a duck...it's probably a duck!!!! I guess you forgot to read the part where I said there are always exceptions to the rule...or where I said up front I was clumping all peoples in one group. And as far as our leaders being warmakers...yeah, they are...most of them are fucking morons who aren't fit to "supersize" my drivethru order...but so are yours!!!! And as far as our "bad name" goes...I really don't care if we have a bad name...the world still comes crying to us for help and money when some other country is stepping on there toes. And at least my First Ammendment rights allow to have that opinion...I think we kicked Englands ass for that little privlege
Dean Wormer said:
As long as people are fucked up enough to think that praying to an imaginary being has any effect on anything we're still in for a long bumpy ride.

i couldnt agree more with you.

Rastagir well written and i think you are speaking with the most common sense i've heard in a long time when it comes to dealing with this kind of deep rooted hatred . I have some experiance of this myself my grandad was an orangeman and my other was in the IRA (before it was solely a terrorist organization) my parents had a lot of fun telling their parents that they were gettimg married
I myslef serve in the British Forces and seen first hand how much religious beliefs can influance individuals and nations.

we are indeed 'in for a long and bumpy ride'
(not at all helped by the US and UK going it alone in this modern day crusade of international politics)
:2 cents:


It's good to be the king...
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is in a "serious" condition after a major stroke and faces hours more delicate neurosurgery, doctors have said.
Following an overnight operation to stem severe bleeding on the brain, he was taken back into surgery as doctors examined results of a scan.

full info: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/4582978.stm

Guess some of our Sharon-haters on this thread must be in 7th Heaven by now (like him or loathe him, to show glee at his current misfortune is at best very poor taste)........:rolleyes:


It's good to be the king...
Latest: Doctors have stopped bleeding in Israeli PM Ariel Sharon's brain after a major stroke, but his condition is "severe".


om3ga said:
Guess some of our Sharon-haters on this thread must be in 7th Heaven by now (like him or loathe him, to show glee at his current misfortune is at best very poor taste)........:rolleyes:

Agreed. We all are human, after all.
mcrocket said:
Well, it looks like Ariel Sharon's days of leading Israel are over - one way or another.

"Doctors stop bleeding in Israeli PM Ariel Sharon's brain after a major stroke, but his condition is "severe"."
That's the latest, I still think he'll survive
Sadly, I see no end in sight for the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. There is a certain segment of the Palestian population that won't rest until every last one of their grandfather's olive trees are once again being watered by a son of Muhammad. This faction will not accept a two state solution, and will fight until Jewish authority is completely driven from the middle east, which will obviously never happen. The Jews will have no choice but to fight to defend themselves, and this will further fuel the endless cycle of bloodshed. Honestly, this is going to be a nearly impossible situation to resolve for whoever ends up sitting in Sharon's chair.


Staff member
mythex said:
Sharon and Bush are Satan and Devils on earth...

they have made a lot of chaos on this world..

I hope..and also pray that sharon death be more quicker
You truely disgust me:mad: :cussing: :violent: Sharon and Bush are trying to fight terrorism and any other mad political leader that deliberately chose to cause troubles with terrorism, harm America, Israel and any of their allies.
You are probably one of these scummy twits who supports anti americanism, anti semitism, ben ladenism and probably terrorism.None likes these people but hates them very strongly.
If I had you in front of me, I would have slapped the greed out of you more than very correctly. I bet you were happy when the Hamas, Fatah, Hezzbollah and Islamic Djihad killed innocent people.You are typically the result of brainwashing made by extremist propaganda, I also bet you like the new Iran political leader.
Wishing someone's death shows how much you are a worthless and spineless piece of sh***.The ones that really caused harm in the middle east were Saddam, Colonel Khadafi, l'Ayatollah Khomeni, the syrian regime as well as Mr Arafat.
I fully agree with Asianxxxxchick's post concerning you.


Staff member
mcrocket said:
Sharon pulled out of The Gaza Strip not because the US told him to. IMO, Sharon and Likud set the whole thing up long ago. Set up Israeli settlements in both places. But with only the intention of pulling out of the Gaza. And no intention of pulling out of West Bank.
Look at a map of the settlements. THere were very few in the Gaza and they were so deep and so surrounded by Palestinians that they were completely untenable longterm. So they pulled out of the Gaza to appease everyone since they have stated they will NEVER pull out of their settlements on the West Bank.
The Bush Administration has already given the green light to Israel both privately (and publically also I believe) that they can keep the West Bank settlements.
Anyone that thought that Sharon pulling out of The Gaza Strip was going to calm everything was, I am afraid, naive.
If the US wanted to end this - they could end it in a month. But the Jewish lobby and the neo conservatives are too powerful in Washington. And too filled with hate and arrogance (respectively) to see common sense.

See what happens today, if the Hamas win the parliamentary elections, then Mahmud Abbas will be in serious troubles and Palestinians will not receive anymore help from USA as well as from Europe.
The main thing is that you can't trust people who support terrorism as well as radical islamism for example Iran.
Even in Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood (or les Freres Musulmans in french) were trying to disrupt and fight the actual regime lead by Hosny Mubarrak.
Also, we must not forget Syria who covers terrorist organizations and who is also involved in the murder of Rafik Hariri. Off Topic, never delivered the nazi criminal Alois Brunner to justice.
Some leaders in the Middle East can't be trusted.


Staff member
Devonxxx said:
and if he doesn't die from stroke I hope het gets killed by Hamas one day
i have minused you for three reasons:
-your stupidity is unexcusable
-wishing someone's death tell how bad and of full intentions you are.
-anti semitism is unexcusable