Terrorism: 1. the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, esp. for political purposes.
2. the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.
3. a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government.
ok, firstly thanks to dictionary.com for those insightful definitions.
secondly, there are shitloads of types of terrorism, the subtle, the violently obvious, the invisible, and many others.
the sublte, can come in many different forms and contexts, it just matters how much of a drama queen you are, subtlties can be a look or a motion or a cryptic word in an average sentence, which in some cases can strike fear in to an individual.
the violently obvious, is violently obvious. its the destructive kind, the most common and probably most thought of when thinking "terrorism", i.e. suicide bombers, just basically explosions, they envoke fear because everyone is scared shitless of dying, scared that they wont see their families again, scared that theres nothing beyond the white light, or if theres even a white light at all, scared that they wont get to fuck that hot chick down the road. everyone has things they want to do and they want to do them before they die, so that either, they die feeling accomplished, or they die hoping that God will look at their resume and judge whether they are worthy of joining his exclusive club(thats if theres any Gods at all).
and the silent is the uncertainty of whether that plastic bag 10 mitres in front of you is a bomb while on patrol in Iraq, its the "what if" skull fucking you in your sleep, or just walking by a government building, or just anywhere, you dont know if youre going to wake up tomorrow.
To me, Terrorism is: Paranoia, anxiety, uncertainty, and fear all rolls into one big McDonalds cheese burger that grabs you by the ghoulies and wont let the fuck go no matter how hard you try. But, terrorism can either be seen as subjective, or objective, objective is the visual aspect, a thing you can grab and hold, the subjective being an ideology or a thought or feeling that you cant see grab or hold, but it sees grabs and holds you, so in a way, both of those are my two deffinitions. it cannot be held into just the one deffinition, unless you say "terrorism is fucked up!"