Is this humanity?


what the fuck you lookin at?
Terrorism = crazy psycho paths who kill themselves and take out as many other people as they possibly can at the same time!

That's my definition!

Now let's let this thread die again, please?


It's good to be the king...
What i think the world needs to do is to come and sit together on a single platform and should try to understand eachother point of view.there would always be difference of opinion but we should learn to live with them and respect them,no party should be alowed to impose there idealogy through war.This can only be done when the peoples and not the states come and join hands together and try to understand one another.

Nice idea...but in reality?

People would still look to seek an advantage, religious dogma will still win over commonsense, differences of creed, race, etc....

Well, you get the message.

Sorry to be on a downer, but we're a long way from your uptopia (imo)...:(
Nice idea...but in reality?

People would still look to seek an advantage, religious dogma will still win over commonsense, differences of creed, race, etc....

Well, you get the message.

Sorry to be on a downer, but we're a long way from your uptopia (imo)...:(

I am not saying that there should be no religion and no differences ,we cannot and we should not erase these things but what i am saying is that we should say no to war and we should not so blindly follow our governments.They should not be telling us that someone or some state is evil like they do.We should have our own judgement and will.
one thing more about religion that it is something which brings sense in our lives.Wars most of the times are carried in the name of religion it is true but if we analyze in most of the cases it is carried out by worldly men and for worldly gains and have nothing to do with religion.


what the fuck you lookin at?
I am not saying that there should be no religion and no differences ,we cannot and we should not erase these things but what i am saying is that we should say no to war and we should not so blindly follow our governments.They should not be telling us that someone or some state is evil like they do.We should have our own judgement and will.
one thing more about religion that it is something which brings sense in our lives.Wars most of the times are carried in the name of religion it is true but if we analyze in most of the cases it is carried out by worldly men and for worldly gains and have nothing to do with religion.

Sounds like america!


what the fuck you lookin at?
who sounds like America? if I then i must tell u it is not America it is pure pakistani brand.

Sounded like you were talking about America with the whole blindly following the government.

Fox awsome page you and your friend have up. Just a quick browse through his page and I found this quote from it

"But for all our advancements, we have not learned morality. While Americans drive Hummers and eat and McDonalds, kids starving to death in "third world" countries. Do you really think we don't have the capability to feed them?"
This pissed me off when I read it because it is OH SO VERY TRUE!!!
I've just seen "the road to guantanamo", that's not humanity
Youth is truly wasted on the young it seems!

Seriously, y'all ignore the hundreds and thousands of good deeds and acts and thoughts being done on a daily basis.

As many murderous bastards exist, there are as many people making love right now. Kids are being born. Private charity brightens one more day for the truly needy. Lives are being saved, often after herculean effort.

So on and so forth.

Every single second of our lives.

Even in the darkest depths of oppressed, third world nations - a mother is cooking food for her children. A father is making an income - no matter how meager. Kids are laughing and playing in the street.

Does this mean all is right with the world?
No. Our world sure could use some improvement.

But there are a lot of positives going on as well - some, by the very same "asshole humans". Many in the very same "ghettoes" and other "forgotten" areas...

Human kindness and love are around us - just as much as jealousy and hatred.
Human caring and sharing are around us - just as much as greed and avarice.

Love heals as many bonds as anger breaks.

I can understand this attitude amongst folks my age or older - but it is genuinely surprising coming from folks less than half my age. Y'all are too cynical for your benefit - IMHO.

So did you ever consider that maybe you had it right 20 years ago, and you forgot why you felt how you felt; rather than vice versa.
Now that is really unfair.

Fox, you of all people know what I do to earn a living.
How can I NOT be compassionate? You think uncaring, unfeeling folks would last long in my field?

I admit to being a capitalist, minarchist (a compromise, but one I can live with) and believer in Jeffersonian republicanism. Why is a consistent application of the "live and let live" policy "un compassionate" to you?

Did you ever consider "what made Roughneck change his mind" ?

I think if and when we find a way to run the country where the people decide directly what happens and the government is a tool that acts out the consensus decisions, that "goodness" will mean there are no more Iraqs.

join our cause to replace the government of the US with a popular vote consensus government - and we could show the world that a true democracy could work.
Sorry Fox, but you won't find me espousing any cause other than one that completely and utterly supports individuals over collectives.... and popular (or even representative) democracy is not one of them. Your goal is to empower government - mine is to give it as little power as possible (save for "equal protection of rights" - that's it).

Show me a democracy and I'll show you mob rule, every single time. There was a reason Benjamin Franklin said "A Republic, if you can keep it".

Equality and Justice are as important to me as Compassion and Mercy, Fox; that's why I'll never support pure democracy.

Terrorism: 1. the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, esp. for political purposes.
2. the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.
3. a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government.

ok, firstly thanks to for those insightful definitions.

secondly, there are shitloads of types of terrorism, the subtle, the violently obvious, the invisible, and many others.

the sublte, can come in many different forms and contexts, it just matters how much of a drama queen you are, subtlties can be a look or a motion or a cryptic word in an average sentence, which in some cases can strike fear in to an individual.

the violently obvious, is violently obvious. its the destructive kind, the most common and probably most thought of when thinking "terrorism", i.e. suicide bombers, just basically explosions, they envoke fear because everyone is scared shitless of dying, scared that they wont see their families again, scared that theres nothing beyond the white light, or if theres even a white light at all, scared that they wont get to fuck that hot chick down the road. everyone has things they want to do and they want to do them before they die, so that either, they die feeling accomplished, or they die hoping that God will look at their resume and judge whether they are worthy of joining his exclusive club(thats if theres any Gods at all).

and the silent is the uncertainty of whether that plastic bag 10 mitres in front of you is a bomb while on patrol in Iraq, its the "what if" skull fucking you in your sleep, or just walking by a government building, or just anywhere, you dont know if youre going to wake up tomorrow.

To me, Terrorism is: Paranoia, anxiety, uncertainty, and fear all rolls into one big McDonalds cheese burger that grabs you by the ghoulies and wont let the fuck go no matter how hard you try. But, terrorism can either be seen as subjective, or objective, objective is the visual aspect, a thing you can grab and hold, the subjective being an ideology or a thought or feeling that you cant see grab or hold, but it sees grabs and holds you, so in a way, both of those are my two deffinitions. it cannot be held into just the one deffinition, unless you say "terrorism is fucked up!"
and the reason why there will never be peace on Earth is because humans have too much pride to let something go before it is sorted out, whether violent or civil. humans will NEVER hold hands and be cheery with each other because a lot of people dont want that, including me, i hate a fuckload of people and i would rather spit in their face than hold their hand, but thats a very small context in comparison to the world. on a world scale, everyone wants to be on top, everyone wants to have the bragging right "i made that first!" or "i did that first!" and of course power, everyone wants to control everyone and everything, everyones looking out for number one (on a world scale that is). it is human nature to fight (this thread alone is proof enough), it is human nature to be greedy and it is human nature to not give a damn about any of that.

my opinion of the human existance? we're parasites. we're gonna suffocate or MELT at some point in the future, because we've infested our planet, the creator of our existance, and we're killing it because ultimately it is not in our nature to give a shit about anything other than ourselves.
Ever hear of the story about the good and just knight hunting down and killing evil people untill in the end he got so over zelous he became the thing he hunted.

Could be the case here. If and I stress IF America wants to go down the road of the Nazi's with death camps and mass graves that's their choice and America alone will have to deal with the backlash.

The more you look at it the more it seems this planet is headed for another world war.
i suppose for me it would be anything involving mass killings would be terrible... but i am just staing the simple facts here :p
Ever hear of the story about the good and just knight hunting down and killing evil people untill in the end he got so over zelous he became the thing he hunted.

He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

- Friedrich Nietzsche (Beyond Good and Evil, Aphorism 146)

He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

- Friedrich Nietzsche (Beyond Good and Evil, Aphorism 146)

So the moral of the story is, never get into a staring contest with an abyss.


It's good to be the king...
Hopefully some good news:

A man has been arrested on suspicion of murdering five prostitutes (Gemma Adams, Anneli Alderton, Tania Nicol, Paula Clennell and Annette Nicholls) in Suffolk, police said. The 37-year-old was arrested in Trimley in Suffolk at 7.20am (GMT).

The man is in custody at an unknown police station in Suffolk and will be questioned later today.

The bodies of the women were found naked in rural locations south of Ipswich.
Hopefully some good news:

A man has been arrested on suspicion of murdering five prostitutes (Gemma Adams, Anneli Alderton, Tania Nicol, Paula Clennell and Annette Nicholls) in Suffolk, police said. The 37-year-old was arrested in Trimley in Suffolk at 7.20am (GMT).

The man is in custody at an unknown police station in Suffolk and will be questioned later today.

The bodies of the women were found naked in rural locations south of Ipswich.
That's great! I hope it's the right guy! They have been reporting this story over here in the States for a while! I just hope it's over!