Is this humanity?

Different scenarios? Colonies had resources? From what and who? Unlike these brainwashed religious thugs, Arab Islamic Jihadists......the money these regimes possess and have spent on supporting terror all over the world from their oil endless supply.

Technology. They have, at best, outdated Russian equipment facing modern US equipment. The American colonies had essentially the same weapons the British army did (as well as other factors). In a "fair" fight, they won't stand a chance and they know it. They don't even have the resources for guerilla warfare, and they resort to terrorism to, well, spread fear and destabilize the region because that is pretty much all they can do.

Looks like they have you brainwashed as well when you sympathize with them...

That I try to understand why they do what they do has very little to do with brainwashing. I've never actually met an Islamic fundamentalist, it would be most impressive if they've managed to brainwash me (a process that usually takes a concentrated effort over a long period of time).

To believe and admit that you do not know who is "right" or more moral is clearly the problem.

I would say believing that you do know what is right or moral and proceed to do it no matter who gets in the way is a far bigger problem. In fact, this is what both sides of the conflict are doing and the very reason it's still going.

HOW CAN YOU not see the immorality and brainwashed, misguided thinking here?

Did I say I didn't see it? I may not agree with it, but it doesn't mean I can't try to understand it. Furthermore, I'm still not sure how bombing entire nations over it is supposed to solve anything (and so far, it has if anything made it worse), and I'm sure in certain parts of the world, people consider that to be an immoral, brainwashed, misguided way of thinking. It's all a matter of your point of view. I don't believe in things being inherently right or wrong, and that includes things such as our concept of religious freedom. It doesn't mean I don't prefer it, but it does mean that I'm not going to push it on those that don't. If they want it, great. Help them by all means, but the decision has to be theirs, not ours.

You seem to be under the impression that I don't view suicide bombers etc. as a problem. That is quite incorrect. I simply don't think that the reason is because Islam is a horrible, evil religion. I believe it's because these people have a reason to do what they do, and religion is a convenient excuse for the mainstream terror (there are of course groups that this doesn't apply to, but you can find these groups in pretty much any major religion, it's not a problem specific to Islam). What this reason is, I don't know exactly, but I am fairly certain that the west has something to do with it. Perhaps that was because Islam did something to them, which was done because the west did something to Islam etc., but no matter who started it, no one is doing much to end it. If they had no problem with the west in general, I doubt even Allah could convince many of them to blow themselves up in his name. Islam doesn't speak of killing infidels a whole lot more than Christianity does.
cabey said:
"Defenseless Taliban" , Dear oh dear how quick people in the press forget about the atrocities the taliban committed for years and years, staged executions, hanging women of street lamps to name but 2.
the press will do anything to undermine the work NATO and the UN do to try and improve the world for its citizens. Why they don't report the good people do everyday i don't know, well i do but its a a shame

right on:thumbsup:
What really pisses me off ...

frenetic said:
the money these regimes possess and have spent on supporting terror all over the world from their oil endless supply.
You know what really pisses me off?
The dependence on foreign oil is 95% unnecessary!

But because we have "popular environmentalists" spewing terms like "renewable energies" around, we don't get anywhere.

But what do I know?
I'm just a "dumb engineer" who doesn't know the first thing about politics and rhetoric.
I just know what is feasible and what isn't feasible, and have actual solutions -- much like 95% of the other engineers in the country.

But not much of that gets done because the ignorant majority is just spewing rhetoric, all while driving their SUVs.
All at the same time, they are bitching about us engineers not inventing those "renewable energies" they seem to know far more about than us!

Sorry, just tired of this.
And it ain't W.'s fault either.
Imagine said:
Technology. They have, at best, outdated Russian equipment facing modern US equipment.

This is a part I know for sure isn't right. The Talibans and the Kashmiri Jihadis were found to use american/European arms and ammos. Talibans initially received it directly from USA to fight russian troops in Afganisthan.
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humming20 said:
For all those people who are against Taliban because of what they read and see in western media they should read about ridley yvonne and they will come to know that they are not what the western media depict's them.Anyway they too were humans and they did not diserve to be bombed the way they were.
The US, let alone the average American, doesn't have a problem with how people practice their various spiritual or religious beliefs. The US and the average American only has a problem when a state run religion threatens US national security.

Huge difference!

Islam is alive and well in Afganistan as the official, state religion. But the Taliban is out because of what transpired during their regime. Had it not, then they would still likely be in power.
Prof Voluptuary said:
The US, let alone the average American, doesn't have a problem with how people practice their various spiritual or religious beliefs. The US and the average American only has a problem when a state run religion threatens US national security.

Huge difference!

Islam is alive and well in Afganistan as the official, state religion. But the Taliban is out because of what transpired during their regime. Had it not, then they would still likely be in power.

Huge Difference? Not much as far as the lives of the peoples are concerned.


But that shouldn't be compared with national security, isn't it? So let the young Americans die for the name of National Security all over the world.
Gordar said:
Yes, all of the previously mentioned stuff is humanity, but luckily, this is humanity as well.

Thank you Gordar, for bringing it to my notice. I want to help. How can I do that? PM me. I'm not that conversant with all the members, I can't guess who the man is and I don't want to know the name. But we all are friends even if we are apart by continents. Seriously tell me what I can do.
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dickdenice said:
Huge Difference? Not much as far as the lives of the peoples are concerned.
But that shouldn't be compared with national security, isn't it? So let the young Americans die for the name of National Security all over the world.
If you were the US President, would you "pick a side" in the India-Pakistan border dispute?
Or would you go in and say, "Fuck you Indian and Pakistan, the US is going to solve this for you!"

Now if the UN drafts a resolution to do such, you can be sure the US will send the greatest number of troops.
Just like the US did in 1991, and then to subsequently re-enforce the UN resolution for the cease-fire and subsequent 20-something calls for Iraq to disclose.

Think about the consequences before you do something.
Ironically enough, W. does a shitload more than you do.
I don't like his solutions, but I have to at least give him more credit than you.
Now if the UN drafts a resolution to do such, you can be sure the US will send the greatest number of troops.

No they will not! There is no shitload of Oil in that Region, just useless poor People!:cool:
cerious said:
Now if the UN drafts a resolution to do such, you can be sure the US will send the greatest number of troops.

No they will not! There is no shitload of Oil in that Region, just useless poor People!:cool:

And the sad thing is that there are always young Americans dying for that crap. Supporting your Troops, I really respect that, but the Government is really screwing it up for the People at Home or in War.
Prof Voluptuary said:
One of the reasons why the US isn't make a big deal about the Islamic Law in Afghanistan is because we are more intersted in a stable government, than one completely in our own image..

well, making a "in our image" state in muslim country is just impossible, simple like that, muslims dont have that historical untrust on the religion like the occidentals

We want people to feel safe (and return) in a country that has been fighting with itself, as well as other nations, for decades

ohh realy that was nice, you put the US as the "good boys on the earth" all the ppl are fighting for their interest , a big part of the refugees that are in pakistan actually support the taliban, and pakistan see all these refugees as a treat of it goverment, something that also US is worried

But sadly enough, no matter how much the US and other countries try to help some nations, the warlords intercept food and other supplies and horde them

well, first the US dint went to afganistan to change the goverment and help ppl,now i dont know if the taliban goverment was popular, but it have their supporters, taliban was attacked by bad propaganda -or even ignorance- from the west, for example the violence against women is something common -sadly- in the rural muslim world, and that happened even in soviet invasion times, but nobody disscused that, because in that time the muhaijens -that later were talibans- were the "good guys" and "fighters of freedom", -specially is nice how the US politians and biased media use that "freedom thingy" here and there, is so stupid-

taliban arrived to afganistan in the 90s, US didnt care, later they realise that the true enemy of these guys wasnt the soviet union, but the US, then they went to hunt Ben Laden,but didnt find him, and now they still run in circles if have the luck to meet Laden somewhere...

actually the real problem is that if the US reach to control afganistan (something that seems very hard) and then they leave, the taliban will return but with even more strenght, the taliban goverment is a step on the afganistan history, i dont think that will be possible to remove that from that lands evolution

anyway if US soldiers killed prissioners, THAT is a crime of war, and no matter how biased or ignorants are the guys to say "they deserve this"
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Really all this make me think that we are worse than animals.

You may be worse than animals, which really aren't that bad, but I'm not. Will bleeding hearts ever stop painting all of the human race as monsters? Some people do some pretty bad things. Some people do some really great things. I never see a little blurb from a bleeding heart showing some of the good things people do every day and then some words about how wonderful the human race is. Instead I see all this negativity and hand wringing about how humans are the worst thing to come down the pike. You know we can call attention and start fixing things about us that could be better but the whole bash the human race thing got boring in the 70's. It's not suprising to me that people like Dr. Eric Pianka has such a following because some have been filling peoples heads with self hatred for their ancestory, race, religion, and even species for the last 30 years.
I don't know how people that have so much invested in despising their fellow man get up in the morning and maitain some type of outlook that will get them through what must be a depressing life.
There is nothing wrong with pointing out problems that we as a group have. I would hope instead of always pointing out the negatives some of you would have some solutions too. It is when you obsess about our failures and see none of our successes that your viewpoint becomes distorted and seeing things for what they are becomes difficult.
Prof Voluptuary said:
Think about the consequences before you do something
Ironically enough, W. does a shitload more than you do.
I don't like his solutions, but I have to at least give him more credit than you.

You said it prof.
But who wants shit all over the place? Not any of us.
Why not ask W to solve his own country's problem first. Dollar is slipping and the economy is going to hell in a hand-basket.

sorry for the delayed answer, prof.
time to be the bastard again. look through the past, all this is very much humanity. its just we all hate to hear what we dont want to hear, and that is the truth, such as this. it is humane to hate, it is humane to breed, it is humane to be selfish, bigotry is humane, it is humane to kill for a cause, it is humane to have 50,000,000 boys, girls, men and women raped every day and have next to nothing done about it, it is humane to be savage, and it is animal instinct to kill to survive, and yes, we are animals. just depending on the perspective.
********** said:
Those articles are written to make you think America is losing its dominance and its economy is struggling so we Americans work harder and longer and keep being competitive.

The truth is, the American economy is ten times as prolific as any other, we're miles ahead and the gap is widening, there are 200 billionaires in America and no other country has more than ten...

The American economy is as rampant as ever.


Watch the exchange rates Fox. That may give you some indication.

Ah! billionaires! Where they are investing? :D


It's good to be the king...
PS: today marks the 90th anniversary of the Battle of the Somme, one of history’s bloodiest battles. Britain lost more than 19,000 men in the first day alone, the heaviest battle casualties ever inflicted upon the British Army in one day.
Overall between 1 July 1916 – 18 November 1916, there was over one million casualties.
