Is this humanity?


It's good to be the king...
dickdenice said:
Just a few questions Prof.
1. Is the news a fact?
2. Is humanity talks about 'an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth'?

The basic question was simple. Not imperialism or socialism. "Is this humanity?"

Welcome back Prof, you were absent for a few days. I missed you:fight:

I concur with dickdenice - welcome back, Professori......:D

I also agree with dickdenice regarding the basic premise of this thread. Regardless whether you believe in capitalism or socialism or religous dogma - at times I believe that as human beings, despite our wonderful inventions, we have simply failed to live up to our potential.
This is not playing a "blame game" - we ALL have it within ourselves to scale the heights or plumb the depths. For each one of us looking to help our fellow man, you'll find another to exploit that same fellow man - on occasions you'll even find some people helping and exploiting to further their agenda.
I don't have any answers - I didn't as a young kid watching Biafra unfold in the sixties, or as a young man watching Live Aid in the eighties, or today wondering how a monster like Robert Mugabe can exist in the 21st century.
Suffice to say that some days reading the papers or watching the news, you can't help but ask: "is this humanity?"

Niger halts BBC hunger coverage

Rant over......:crash:
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Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Red Spyder said:
Of course, it's the "World SOCIALIST Web Site"! Only socialists would consider enemies of the United States to be "defenseless" or "victims" or whatever regardless of whether those same "defenseless victims" themselves committed attrocities against people who really are defenseless. In my opinion, the Taliban were receiving what they deserved.

Although I disagree about Red Spyder's last statement, I agree that another verifiable source beside this socialist site and Die Zeit needs to be cited before I will believe this. When the Washington Post or the Chicago Tribune pick it up, then I will let it bother me.
I guess when the US and UN imposed sanctions on Iraq, during which time the infant mortality rate rose 200% resulting in the deaths of half a million children in less than a decade, it didn't much bother you, cuz the only media converage it got was a five minute spot where we said it was an acceptible casualty.
The key is always to consider context and seek multiple sources. I can give you a lot of facts and completely omit many relevant but related details to get you to think a certain way. That's what media does and, even more so, media with an agenda and political alignment.
calpoon said:
I guess when the US and UN imposed sanctions on Iraq, during which time the infant mortality rate rose 200% resulting in the deaths of half a million children in less than a decade, it didn't much bother you, cuz the only media converage it got was a five minute spot where we said it was an acceptible casualty.


Prof Voluptuary said:
The key is always to consider context and seek multiple sources. I can give you a lot of facts and completely omit many relevant but related details to get you to think a certain way. That's what media does and, even more so, media with an agenda and political alignment.

Would we find the 'key' acceptable, when it talks about death of infants?

It appears we don't feel the heat, when the neighbour's house is burning.
dickdenice said:
It appears we don't feel the heat, when the neighbour's house is burning.
All I'm saying is that leaving things to the government never solves problems. I have never and will never believe in socialism and I'd really like to see them solve many problems. All socialism does is move the power from the rich, who are sometimes above the law, to the government itself, which is always above the law.

As far as my neighbor, instead of just calling the fire department, I try to help him immediately in any way I can, even possibly sacrificing myself too much. Socialism suggests you do nothing but call the fire department. It doesn't hold people accountable to help one another, but merely builds an institution that forces everyone to allegedly help one another.

The problem is that people disagree on what is best for people. Which is why individual choice to help provide public service on their own time and money is still far more effective than forced community. Because individuals keep each other accountable in the community. Communities tend to be large pots of no individual accountability -- especially the larger you go -- especially a single federal system when it's where the lobbyists with the most funding can go one place.


It's good to be the king...
Life in Zimbabwe is now shorter than anywhere else in the world, with people not expected to live to 40, according to the UN.
Zimbabwe's women have an average life expectancy of 34 years and men on average do not live past 37. The key reason behind the drop in Zimbabwe's average life expectancy is the fall in the standard of living, triggered by an economic meltdown (courtesy of President Robert Mugabe - until 20 years ago, Zimbabwe had a relatively high standard of living for Africa).
Deaths from Aids has also been a factor.
People are dying everywhere and I think that much of the responsibility falls on the shoulders of the developed countries.Hundreds and thousands of people are killed so far in Afghanistan,USA had it's intrests in Afghanistan back in 80's but then it left it on it's own to burn and die.So many innocent people are dying in Iraq everyday even when Sadam is behind bars and his son's are dead.I don't think so that even they might have killed so many humans and what is worse is that it all happened in the name of freedom.Now America is sharping it's nails for Iran,and the reason the US gives is so absurd that Iran is making nukes,the same the said for Iraq.Moreover if US,UK,China,Russia,India,France,Pakistan and Israel can keep nukes why cannot Iran.Lets not forget that US has the worst record in this regard as it is the only country who has actually used nukes on humans.
Propaganda, lies, and more propaganda..............nothing more Humming. Coming from a web site called "World Socialist Web Site"......??? Come on. The internet is full of people and information that use it to spread lies, propaganda,.......for agenda purposes. THIS DID NOT OCCUR>>>>>>>>>>>>..

humming20 said:
What do u people think is this humanity?I think this is the worst form of barbarity

do u know anything like this?if yes please share with us whether they are picture's or articles your comments everything is welcome.
You can not be serious in asking WHY shouldn't Iran be able to possess Nuclear weapons.......Please tell me you arent. Are you aware of the statements/threats and desires being made by the looney Iranian leader and his plans for Israel??? I mean, thats just one reason........

humming20 said:
People are dying everywhere and I think that much of the responsibility falls on the shoulders of the developed countries.Hundreds and thousands of people are killed so far in Afghanistan,USA had it's intrests in Afghanistan back in 80's but then it left it on it's own to burn and die.So many innocent people are dying in Iraq everyday even when Sadam is behind bars and his son's are dead.I don't think so that even they might have killed so many humans and what is worse is that it all happened in the name of freedom.Now America is sharping it's nails for Iran,and the reason the US gives is so absurd that Iran is making nukes,the same the said for Iraq.Moreover if US,UK,China,Russia,India,France,Pakistan and Israel can keep nukes why cannot Iran.Lets not forget that US has the worst record in this regard as it is the only country who has actually used nukes on humans.
frenetic said:
You can not be serious in asking WHY shouldn't Iran be able to possess Nuclear weapons.......Please tell me you arent. Are you aware of the statements/threats and desires being made by the looney Iranian leader and his plans for Israel??? I mean, thats just one reason........

My friend, don't waste your breath. You're obviously dealing with someone who, no matter how many valid points you have, only sees the US as some sort of global bully and the rest of the world as a victim. Obviously they've either missed or refused to see all the good that the United states does for the world in the form of debt relief, humanitarian aid, and assistance for natural disaster relief among other things. They probably also see Palestinian suicide bombers as heroic patriots and innocent civilians (Jew and Arab) who are "guilty" of only living and working in Israel as acceptable targets in a war.
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Hey please cool it down i never said that suicide bombing is right and those who do it are heros.I am a Muslim and in our religion suicide is a sin,but said this i also want to ask what is the cause and motivation behind suicide bombing.I will never do it,people i know and who are really good practising muslims won't do it.So ask yourself why someone will give up his own life and also check where the rate of suicide bombing is highest(Iraq and Israel).Because they feel that they are opressed by the Israili government and the US.
Moreover i am not against USA, but i am against the wrong policies of Bush who runs the US government.I fully appreciate the US assistance for October 8 earthquake,but we cannot turn blind to the wrongs done by US government also.Moreover about Iran i don't want anyone to have nukes but then why does the US don't let then develop nuclear energy for civil purposes and if US is so intrested in cleaning the world from nukes why is it develping smart nukes and why don't it ratify NPT and CTBT.
humming20 said:
People are dying everywhere and I think that much of the responsibility falls on the shoulders of the developed countries.Hundreds and thousands of people are killed so far in Afghanistan,USA had it's intrests in Afghanistan back in 80's but then it left it on it's own to burn and die.So many innocent people are dying in Iraq everyday even when Sadam is behind bars and his son's are dead.I don't think so that even they might have killed so many humans and what is worse is that it all happened in the name of freedom.Now America is sharping it's nails for Iran,and the reason the US gives is so absurd that Iran is making nukes,the same the said for Iraq.Moreover if US,UK,China,Russia,India,France,Pakistan and Israel can keep nukes why cannot Iran.Lets not forget that US has the worst record in this regard as it is the only country who has actually used nukes on humans.

Can you imagine the U.S. today like it was in 1929? Remember the Depression Humming? That was when the U.S. resembled a third world country. People were dying of starvation and disease because they couldn't afford a doctor or food and they froze to death because they couldn't pay the heat bill. People were losing their jobs, feeling hopeless, and committing suicide. I'm sure you're familiar with suicide, right Humming20? Except when these people WHO STILL APPARENTLY HAD HALF A BRAIN committed suicide, they had the fucking decency to not take anyone down with them, like some PIECES OF SHIT from your part of the world.

The point is the US hasn't always had the rosy little trip through the flower garden getting to where it is in the world today. We experienced social collapse and economic chaos. But you know what? We didn't blame it on some other country or cry like a little baby complaining about everyone else in the world. No, we did something about it. We got our shit together, held hands as a country and did our best to help our fallen brothers up. WE DID IT OURSELVES, Mr. Humming, with no one else to take blame or credit for it.

And now I read some dipshit statement saying "People are dying everywhere and I think that much of the responsibility falls on the shoulders of the developed countries". It's because of the developed countries that MORE people aren't dying.

You said some of these lifeless maggots became suicide bombers because:
Because they feel that they are opressed by the Israili government and the US.
So, someone feels oppressed by a government and they solve it by running into a crowd of innocent humans, just trying to survive through life like you and me, and BLOWING THEM UP! That's some fucking chicken shit, spineless and pathetic behavior. Do you have any idea how weak these people are? You know what we did when we had a problem with our government? We DID SOMETHING about it! We didn't run into a crowded Shakespeare play with a barrel of gun powder and a pack of matches. We organized, sacrificed tremendously and GAINED OUR OWN INDEPENDENCE. You fucking people remain in the dark ages where covering up a woman's face and screaming bloody murder to anyone who doesn't worship Allah is your strongest form of revolution.

Face it, your attitude is one of a victim, a loser who will never achieve shit in his life.
You know what we did when we had a problem with our government? We DID SOMETHING about it! We didn't run into a crowded Shakespeare play with a barrel of gun powder and a pack of matches. We organized, sacrificed tremendously and GAINED OUR OWN INDEPENDENCE.

I hope you realize that the scenarios are completely different. If the colonies didn't have the resources to take on the British army, I'm quite sure that they would resort to things of questionable nature. All is fair in love and war (although personally I'm inclined to believe that nothing is fair in love and war). These terrorists or whatever your particular side wishes to call them ("your" being used in the general sense) doesn't blow themselves and civilians up because they like to, they do it because there is not a lot of things they can do. If they had an army capable of taking on those they perceive as the enemy, then I'm sure that they would much rather do that, just like the revolutionary war parallel.

By now I'm sure there's quite a few of you filled with righteous wrath. Let me just say that I'm not defending suicide bombing. I just happen to think that all things in life are not black and white and people are not inherently good or evil. I'm as pragmatic as they come and I view all events or actions as a consequence of previous events or actions. I do not condone what is happening, but that doesn't mean I can't understand why it is. Regardless of what side you're on, if you want to defeat an enemy, you have to know why he fights. The one and only factor that ultimately wins a war is not weapons or numbers, it's morale. If you can't take that away, nothing short of complete annihilation will work (and if the coalition goes that far, they are quite frankly a lot worse than the people they fight).

Ultimately I don't know who to blame. But I do know one thing, and that is that this conflict will never end as long as both sides blame the other side for everything and claim the moral highground. It's not as simple as that.
moan... moan... BORING!!! Does any of this actually directly involve anyone? Is anyone here from Afghanistan..or Iraq...or the Palestinian Territory? If so, then please speak up...and if not, why the Hell do you even care and what right do you have to dictate what should and shouldn't be done? If your ideas are so damn great and you're so wonderfully righteous, then you should have no trouble running as well as being elected to public offices where you can voice your concern and work for change, instead of triumphantly pointing out how wrongly everyone here thinks.
My response to this thread is simple. Those that want to talk about destruction and how barbaric human beings can be. Think of where we came from and what our lives were like before civilization. We were no different from the rest of the animals roaming the earth. That same emotional driven animal desire is still embedded in all of us, we just have been able to control it for the most part. We have the blood of millions of years on our hands, but we have to consciously make an effort and say, we are not going to kill today! Besides once an individual has crossed certain legal and moral lines in the eyes of society that individual knows that and also knows that there is no going back at that point. There's my :2 cents:
alexios_hellas said:
moan... moan... BORING!!! Does any of this actually directly involve anyone? Is anyone here from Afghanistan..or Iraq...or the Palestinian Territory? If so, then please speak up...and if not, why the Hell do you even care and what right do you have to dictate what should and shouldn't be done? If your ideas are so damn great and you're so wonderfully righteous, then you should have no trouble running as well as being elected to public offices where you can voice your concern and work for change, instead of triumphantly pointing out how wrongly everyone here thinks.
Boring it may be for you.I don't live in afghanistan but i share a 2400 km long border with afghanistan,and if something goes wrong over there we are directly affected.At present Pakistan is harbouring more then 3 million refugees from afghanistan and for record it is much more than any the number any single country had during world war 2.It burdens our already struggling economy,and beside economy we have a far stronger bond with them and that of brotherhood,and i feel bad when i see little afghan children without limbs in our streets begging,thanks to decades of war,and i think any good person should feel bad.
humming20 said:
Boring it may be for you.I don't live in afghanistan but i share a 2400 km long border with afghanistan,and if something goes wrong over there we are directly affected.At present Pakistan is harbouring more then 3 million refugees from afghanistan and for record it is much more than any the number any single country had during world war 2.It burdens our already struggling economy,and beside economy we have a far stronger bond with them and that of brotherhood,and i feel bad when i see little afghan children without limbs in our streets begging,thanks to decades of war,and i think any good person should feel bad.
I don't think we North Americans really understand this, and it's nice to see someone mention it for a change.
One of the reasons why the US isn't make a big deal about the Islamic Law in Afghanistan is because we are more intersted in a stable government, than one completely in our own image.
We want people to feel safe (and return) in a country that has been fighting with itself, as well as other nations, for decades.

But sadly enough, no matter how much the US and other countries try to help some nations, the warlords intercept food and other supplies and horde them.
No amount of aid would solve that -- without actually invading them as well.
No thanx.
Different scenarios? Colonies had resources? From what and who? Unlike these brainwashed religious thugs, Arab Islamic Jihadists......the money these regimes possess and have spent on supporting terror all over the world from their oil endless supply. But regardless, the real issue here is not about "suppression" in any way.

Looks like they have you brainwashed as well when you sympathize with them and in essence support them by saying they blow them selves up because they have no other options, is downright ridiculous. Please educate yourself on the realities of these jihadists and their motives/intentions.
To believe and admit that you do not know who is "right" or more moral is clearly the problem. "relativism"........look it up and learn how harmful and misguided this thinking is.
We are dealing with an Ideology that has been around for centuries. Its called Jihad---an offensive means of promoting, propagating, and conquering universally all those that do not believe with the same religion as they do. There is no room for diversity You either believe the same way, in the same radical "peace loving religion of Islam" and Allah......or you are the "infidel" and must die. You either convert or are viewed as the enemy and on direct instruction from "allah", they take it upon themselves, by any means it takes, to eliminate you. Even if it means blowing up innocent fellow Arab women and children with a suicide bomb to prove some senseless illogical point. HOW CAN YOU not see the immorality and brainwashed, misguided thinking here?
Jihadists refuse to comply to any civilized international established law or treaties of any kind. ONLY ALLAH sets laws that are to be adhered too. Nothing and no one else matters. Everything they do is intended to fulfill their only goal of establishing their religion worldwide.

Do you know or are you aware of how many current conflicts are going on throughout the world? How many involve and were initiated by various factions of this radical religion? How many tens of thousands of innocent people are being slaughterd on a daily basis by jihadist believing Islamists? Please do yourself a favor and research the horrible realities of this "radical Islam" and see why this modern evil IS and NEEDS to be of concern for all of us. To be uninformed and/or an apologist for this evil will only aid in their existence.
To learn and understand this "jihadist ideology", its origin and history, how long its been around and why, and its plans for the future (the future is now by the way) takes time and is complex. In fact, thats part of the problem. Being so complex and requiring time to learn and read about it isnt somethng many care to or are able to do. Many DON't want to out of fear etc....but what i pointed out above, is in essence, what we are dealing with.
Lastly, call my post here "rightous wrath" or whatever you care to describe it as. I can and will back up any point I made here and prove why what we are dealing with is sometihng unlike we have ever had to deal with and to not deal with it, attempt to stop it from spreading, etc. etc..the consequences will be tragic for this country and planet. It will be a hard an long fight and take courageous people OF ALL countries and religions in this world to contribute to. The Muslim world and its people will need to be a huge part of it as well if we want to see an end to this millennial quest for conflict.

Be that as it may, there is plenty of reasons to have hope. Not going to get into that but there are alot of things occuring in the muslim world, everywhere through out the world that indicates people are seeing the real need to addresss this jihadism. From policies being changed, specific educational programs being implemented, types of things being done by countries or groups of people that in the past, one would never concieve of them doing. Even actions and things being said by the various "so called" leaders of these jihadist groups indicates they are confused and in some instances in panic mode......they are realizing in some respects that challenges exist where they didn't think they would. However, they are far from over in spreading their wrath of death on innocents etc .....and it will most likely get worse before it gets better.

Whew....sorry about this. You can tell im somewhat passionate about the matter. In fact, this type of site/forum probably isn't the place for such debate, in which case I apologize again. (hmm, now why did i come to this site to begin with?)

Imagine said:
I hope you realize that the scenarios are completely different. If the colonies didn't have the resources to take on the British army, I'm quite sure that they would resort to things of questionable nature. All is fair in love and war (although personally I'm inclined to believe that nothing is fair in love and war). These terrorists or whatever your particular side wishes to call them ("your" being used in the general sense) doesn't blow themselves and civilians up because they like to, they do it because there is not a lot of things they can do. If they had an army capable of taking on those they perceive as the enemy, then I'm sure that they would much rather do that, just like the revolutionary war parallel.

By now I'm sure there's quite a few of you filled with righteous wrath. Let me just say that I'm not defending suicide bombing. I just happen to think that all things in life are not black and white and people are not inherently good or evil. I'm as pragmatic as they come and I view all events or actions as a consequence of previous events or actions. I do not condone what is happening, but that doesn't mean I can't understand why it is. Regardless of what side you're on, if you want to defeat an enemy, you have to know why he fights. The one and only factor that ultimately wins a war is not weapons or numbers, it's morale. If you can't take that away, nothing short of complete annihilation will work (and if the coalition goes that far, they are quite frankly a lot worse than the people they fight).

Ultimately I don't know who to blame. But I do know one thing, and that is that this conflict will never end as long as both sides blame the other side for everything and claim the moral highground. It's not as simple as that.