Different scenarios? Colonies had resources? From what and who? Unlike these brainwashed religious thugs, Arab Islamic Jihadists......the money these regimes possess and have spent on supporting terror all over the world from their oil ....an endless supply. But regardless, the real issue here is not about "suppression" in any way.
Looks like they have you brainwashed as well when you sympathize with them and in essence support them by saying they blow them selves up because they have no other options, is downright ridiculous. Please educate yourself on the realities of these jihadists and their motives/intentions.
To believe and admit that you do not know who is "right" or more moral is clearly the problem. "relativism"........look it up and learn how harmful and misguided this thinking is.
We are dealing with an Ideology that has been around for centuries. Its called Jihad---an offensive means of promoting, propagating, and conquering universally all those that do not believe with the same religion as they do. There is no room for diversity You either believe the same way, in the same radical "peace loving religion of Islam" and Allah......or you are the "infidel" and must die. You either convert or are viewed as the enemy and on direct instruction from "allah", they take it upon themselves, by any means it takes, to eliminate you. Even if it means blowing up innocent fellow Arab women and children with a suicide bomb to prove some senseless illogical point. HOW CAN YOU not see the immorality and brainwashed, misguided thinking here?
Jihadists refuse to comply to any civilized international established law or treaties of any kind. ONLY ALLAH sets laws that are to be adhered too. Nothing and no one else matters. Everything they do is intended to fulfill their only goal of establishing their religion worldwide.
Do you know or are you aware of how many current conflicts are going on throughout the world? How many involve and were initiated by various factions of this radical religion? How many tens of thousands of innocent people are being slaughterd on a daily basis by jihadist believing Islamists? Please do yourself a favor and research the horrible realities of this "radical Islam" and see why this modern evil IS and NEEDS to be of concern for all of us. To be uninformed and/or an apologist for this evil will only aid in their existence.
To learn and understand this "jihadist ideology", its origin and history, how long its been around and why, and its plans for the future (the future is now by the way) takes time and is complex. In fact, thats part of the problem. Being so complex and requiring time to learn and read about it isnt somethng many care to or are able to do. Many DON't want to out of fear etc....but what i pointed out above, is in essence, what we are dealing with.
Lastly, call my post here "rightous wrath" or whatever you care to describe it as. I can and will back up any point I made here and prove why what we are dealing with is sometihng unlike we have ever had to deal with and to not deal with it, attempt to stop it from spreading, etc. etc..the consequences will be tragic for this country and planet. It will be a hard an long fight and take courageous people OF ALL countries and religions in this world to contribute to. The Muslim world and its people will need to be a huge part of it as well if we want to see an end to this millennial quest for conflict.
Be that as it may, there is plenty of reasons to have hope. Not going to get into that but there are alot of things occuring in the muslim world, everywhere through out the world that indicates people are seeing the real need to addresss this jihadism. From policies being changed, specific educational programs being implemented, types of things being done by countries or groups of people that in the past, one would never concieve of them doing. Even actions and things being said by the various "so called" leaders of these jihadist groups indicates they are confused and in some instances in panic mode......they are realizing in some respects that challenges exist where they didn't think they would. However, they are far from over in spreading their wrath of death on innocents etc .....and it will most likely get worse before it gets better.
Whew....sorry about this. You can tell im somewhat passionate about the matter. In fact, this type of site/forum probably isn't the place for such debate, in which case I apologize again. (hmm, now why did i come to this site to begin with?)
Imagine said:
I hope you realize that the scenarios are completely different. If the colonies didn't have the resources to take on the British army, I'm quite sure that they would resort to things of questionable nature. All is fair in love and war (although personally I'm inclined to believe that nothing is fair in love and war). These terrorists or whatever your particular side wishes to call them ("your" being used in the general sense) doesn't blow themselves and civilians up because they like to, they do it because there is not a lot of things they can do. If they had an army capable of taking on those they perceive as the enemy, then I'm sure that they would much rather do that, just like the revolutionary war parallel.
By now I'm sure there's quite a few of you filled with righteous wrath. Let me just say that I'm not defending suicide bombing. I just happen to think that all things in life are not black and white and people are not inherently good or evil. I'm as pragmatic as they come and I view all events or actions as a consequence of previous events or actions. I do not condone what is happening, but that doesn't mean I can't understand why it is. Regardless of what side you're on, if you want to defeat an enemy, you have to know why he fights. The one and only factor that ultimately wins a war is not weapons or numbers, it's morale. If you can't take that away, nothing short of complete annihilation will work (and if the coalition goes that far, they are quite frankly a lot worse than the people they fight).
Ultimately I don't know who to blame. But I do know one thing, and that is that this conflict will never end as long as both sides blame the other side for everything and claim the moral highground. It's not as simple as that.