Hey dont worry about it.
in fact dont even think about it.
Thats correct.
Hey dont worry about it.
in fact dont even think about it.
It's not odd to me. If you look around you'll find people of all races enjoying interracial relationships. It's no big deal to me. :2 cents:
Well yes there are stereotypes and if your girl is hot there also a lot of assholes who would hit on your girl and say that its odd to date Indian men. But I dont see whats wrong in an interracial relationship. Keep on going my man.
nope. what is it about?You heard about the OkayCupid dating survey?
nope. what is it about?
She dumped him? Can't imagine why...
There's quite a big Indian comunity in France and I've seen Indfian guys dating girls from every other "races" : White, Black, Asian, Maghrebi (= from Tunisia, Algeria or Morroco).
Every "races" except latinas but there's very few latinas in France.
I don't know how things are in the US but in France, races is not a problem when it comes to relationship.
they wanna say Latinas don't like Indian guys, I will be the first Indian guy to knock up a Latina and have kids with her, believe me!