Indian (India) guys and interracial relationships, is it really odd?

Indian guys and interracial relationships, which ones have you seen or heard of?

  • Indian guy - White girl

    Votes: 36 80.0%
  • Indian guy - Black girl

    Votes: 16 35.6%
  • Indian guy - Latina

    Votes: 12 26.7%
  • Indian guy - Asian girl (Indians are Asian but I mean other types of Asians)

    Votes: 17 37.8%
  • Indian guy - Other (middle eastern, native american, etc.)

    Votes: 20 44.4%

  • Total voters
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Not really all the same to me bro, I can't get a hard on to a blonde girl in most cases or a White girl, dark skin girls just don't do it for me either. The inbetween skin always gets to me. I don't feel awkward with her at all, in fact I have suffered little animosity because of her, the one I suffered animosity for was Cuban.

Also, this was to just get a general poll or consensus, since ya know, Indian guys supposedly don't date or marry interracial.

Who said they don't? They do it even more than Indian girls.
Plus I have read through some threads on dating forums and people keep saying no one wants Indian men because they all smell bad and because of some funny accent crap.

10 bucks says that IP address originates in Pakistan or from a Pakistani Muslim home. I see so much back and forth between Pakistanis/Indian Muslims and non-Muslim Indians on the internet, the classroom and work you wouldn't believe.
Honestly before I ever got with my girlfriend and before I ever hooked up with a Latina I always wondered "do Latinas even care for Indian men?"

See when I was young I lived in California, for a state that is supposed to be nice and open minded they really didn't like my kind much out there. Most Latinas were with Hispanic guys and if not them then White or Black guys, a small number being with Asian guys (Cambodian, Filipino etc.). I remember when I was 16 I really liked this Cuban chick and wanted to ask her out, as soon as some Hispanic guys heard about it they said "you know Latinas don't like Arab or Indian guys right? Why don't you stick with your own women?".

I decided to ask her out anyways, we went out, kissed, and I lost my virginity to her (yea the girls I was with before her I didn't really do). This didn't sit well with some of the Hispanic guys and I got jumped as a result of it, bruises and minor injuries but the fight ended up getting broken up by a cop, felt like a wuss for not putting up much of a fight.

Thing is I ALWAYS loved Latinas but used to think me being Indian will hold me back from getting with one. Pretty sad but I really lacked confidence back then until I stopped viewing myself as an Indian guy.

As for my preferences, I have never been into White girls or Black girls much, I always liked that brown look on women (Latinas, Indian, Middle Eastern and Asian).

They don't like the competition. Especially if they feel they can't date Indian girls or they sense you don't respect them or Hispanic women. That also feeds back to they stereotype of using non-Indian women for sex then bouncing when it's time to settle down. It sucks to get labeled because of the actions of others, but it is what it is. Once you understand how these folks think, it'll be easier for you to deal with it.


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I am fit and I think she looks good. Thing is, I am not the type of guy who goes around beating his chest to start a fight with everyone in sight.

Violence is my last resort and I have only used it twice in my life.
I am fit and I think she looks good. Thing is, I am not the type of guy who goes around beating his chest to start a fight with everyone in sight.

Violence is my last resort and I have only used it twice in my life.

I asked you that to eliminate the most likely reasons for disrespect. Sometimes if folks see a "mismatch" they will try to pry in, often that's mismatch in confidence or appearance, not necessarily race.

Anyway, --not a guy who goes around beating his chest--can be interpreted many ways, some of them not so flattering to you. Did you get picked on a lot in school? Did random guys try to get silly with you back when you were single? Do many of your male friends have GFs and if so, how are you treated by your male associates when you go out?

I worked with a guy who was basically made to be the punching bag by a group of "friends" when he went out. He basically followed these guys around in H.S. to be cool and kept it up in college. These guys treated him like a punk and it radiated off into his relationships. Sure enough he would have problems with people hitting on his girlfriend and it didn't stop until he reevaluated his life.


Closed Account
I asked you that to eliminate the most likely reasons for disrespect. Sometimes if folks see a "mismatch" they will try to pry in, often that's mismatch in confidence or appearance, not necessarily race.

Anyway, --not a guy who goes around beating his chest--can be interpreted many ways, some of them not so flattering to you. Did you get picked on a lot in school? Did random guys try to get silly with you back when you were single? Do many of your male friends have GFs and if so, how are you treated by your male associates when you go out?

I worked with a guy who was basically made to be the punching bag by a group of "friends" when he went out. He basically followed these guys around in H.S. to be cool and kept it up in college. These guys treated him like a punk and it radiated off into his relationships. Sure enough he would have problems with people hitting on his girlfriend and it didn't stop until he reevaluated his life.

One kid threw a coke can at my head in high school, punched him right in the face, knocked him out, and casually sat back down.


Closed Account
I think it has to do with numbers though, not many Indians in my area and what I said, man that was BACK when I was 16, it isn't so common now when I am 21. In fact the issue is more so with people asking me endless questions about being Indian and whether or not my parents approve of this relationship or not and various other questions.


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God another one of these threads.:facepalm:

so there has already been a thread about Indian people and interracial relationships? IF there has point me to it and no I have no interest in ones about White males and interracial relationships or interracial porn.

This one is Unique to Indians since well, Indian guys in interracial relationships are Unique because it is so rare.
One kid threw a coke can at my head in high school, punched him right in the face, knocked him out, and casually sat back down.

Did this actually happen? Not to be rude, but I don't see many one punch knockouts and rarely is someone able to just sit back down casually. You don't actually need to answer that question if you don't want to, because it's beside the point.

Do you get most of the tension from Hispanic guys and are they the majority in your area? Are you one of the only Indian guys in your school or community?

There are a lot of guys who want to date Hispanic girls, and perhaps these guys feel the pinch. That's not excusing what they do because they are punks for attacking a guy when he's by himself but that's the mindset. Asian guys are notorious for flipping out on the internet because of the perception (grounded in slightly out of date statistics) that everyone is snapping up the Asian guys leaving them with none while non-Asian women reject them. So maybe this is part of a Hispanic version of that.

Yeah I see your post farther down the line. It goes back to things like ignorance as well as stereotypes grounded in facts. When you say 'people asking me if my parents disapprove' you should really describe who these people are. Are they random strangers or folks associated with your girlfriend? If they are girls they might be looking out for her, if they are dudes they have that clannish mindset I described before or they could be interested in breaking you up to get with her.

All I can say is that take a trip out of the community where you can spend time with each other and do that for activities so your relationship can blossom. You get close and then it won't matter too much because you won't be preoccupied with the little slights breaking off a good relationship.

Also I'd add that it's not like society is trying to stop Indian guys from dating X. Indian men date out more than Indian women and there's already an incentive to date Indians because of a positive view of Indian tradition and culture held by Indian-Americans. A lot of folks WANT to marry other Indians.


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Did this actually happen? Not to be rude, but I don't see many one punch knockouts and rarely is someone able to just sit back down casually. You don't actually need to answer that question if you don't want to, because it's beside the point.

Yes it actually did, the guy was down for a while, had his eyes open but was shocked, did not get up and swing. Everyone had their mouths open and stuff was quiet.

Do you get most of the tension from Hispanic guys and are they the majority in your area? Are you one of the only Indian guys in your school or community?

read my previous post, though I do get some questions it isn't a big deal

There are a lot of guys who want to date Hispanic girls, and perhaps these guys feel the pinch. That's not excusing what they do because they are punks for attacking a guy when he's by himself but that's the mindset. Asian guys are notorious for flipping out on the internet because of the perception (grounded in slightly out of date statistics) that everyone is snapping up the Asian guys leaving them with none while non-Asian women reject them. So maybe this is part of a Hispanic version of that.

I am sure Hispanic guys do great with White ladies
PS: gotta catch some Z's, see ya!


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also feeds back to they stereotype of using non-Indian women for sex then bouncing when it's time to settle down. It sucks to get labeled because of the actions of others, but it is what it is.

thats a tough one to overcome, and yes i've seen this to be the case most of the time... and im not just talking about the time Apu had an affair with the blond chick in the kwikymart

you have to pull away from the crowd and distinguish yourself from them otherwise you're gonna be cast into the bunch and judged in the bunch. be unique, still be true to yourself... just be indian with a twist if that makes sense, and you'll find success. otherwise your path is kinda predetermined.


Closed Account
thats a tough one to overcome, and yes i've seen this to be the case most of the time... and im not just talking about the time Apu had an affair with the blond chick in the kwikymart

you have to pull away from the crowd and distinguish yourself from them otherwise you're gonna be cast into the bunch and judged in the bunch. be unique, still be true to yourself... just be indian with a twist if that makes sense, and you'll find success. otherwise your path is kinda predetermined.

you know AS MUCH as people give the south a flak racism, I hardly encountered any racism down there, most of the racism I have seen has been up north (New England) or on the West Coast

I mean when I visited LA with my girlfriend one Mexican guy just yelled out loud and said "yo, she datin an Indian dude man this b*tch is crazy!".

I grabbed her and walked off, he said to me "why don't you stick with your own women". I mean jesus, for a place that is supposed to be the interracial dating capital of the world, the west coast was a joke when I visited and when I lived there.
Don't worry Revamp, some people here are just fucking with you :) mostly because you shouldn't even waste your time asking such questions man. It is odd yes, but whatever, fuck what other people think, just be happy with your hispanic girlfriend... ...and don't leave her for an indian girl who your parents set you up with haha. Just kidding, be happy and don't worry about irrelevant things.


Closed Account
Don't worry Revamp, people here are just fucking with you :) mostly because you shouldn't even waste your time asking such questions man. It is odd yes, but whatever, fuck what other people think, just be happy with your hispanic girlfriend... ...and don't leave her for an indian girl who your parents set you up with haha. Just kidding, be happy and don't worry about irrelevant things.

if you voted on my poll then thanks, I was asking for votes even if people don't want to discuss it

you know what REALLY made me post this? That McRibs commercial, like I thought the Indian guy was going to share a sandwich with the pretty girl but noooooooooo.

I just wanted to take a survey, honestly, I think I may be the only Indian guy in the US with a Latina, feels that way since people make a huge deal out of it.


Closed Account
honestly though, I find the deep south gets a bad rap for the interracial dating thing

I have seen FAR MORE interracial couples in my time in GA than I did in my time in New York or Cali.


Closed Account
I HAVE a question

okay guys

so hypothetically speaking: Say an Indian guy came on this board and asked you all if he has a chance with a Latina or if a Latina would date him, what would you tell him?
you know AS MUCH as people give the south a flak racism, I hardly encountered any racism down there, most of the racism I have seen has been up north (New England) or on the West Coast

I mean when I visited LA with my girlfriend one Mexican guy just yelled out loud and said "yo, she datin an Indian dude man this b*tch is crazy!".

I grabbed her and walked off, he said to me "why don't you stick with your own women". I mean jesus, for a place that is supposed to be the interracial dating capital of the world, the west coast was a joke when I visited and when I lived there.

Diversity is one of those things that works better in theory than in practice. What's the source of a lot of tension? Competition over dates. Humans have tribalism hardwired into their brain. He sees you as someone taking a woman from his tribe, fishing in his pond etc. That's why I laugh when we get lectured by some European in a homogeneous nation about how backward Americans are on race/ethnicity etc. Now that Europe has become a lot more diverse they're sounding a lot like us, in fact we may be more "progressive."

As for racism in the south, I kind of felt the same thing. But I was usually closer to a military base when I was living down there, so my perception is a bit off.
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