Honestly before I ever got with my girlfriend and before I ever hooked up with a Latina I always wondered "do Latinas even care for Indian men?"
See when I was young I lived in California, for a state that is supposed to be nice and open minded they really didn't like my kind much out there. Most Latinas were with Hispanic guys and if not them then White or Black guys, a small number being with Asian guys (Cambodian, Filipino etc.). I remember when I was 16 I really liked this Cuban chick and wanted to ask her out, as soon as some Hispanic guys heard about it they said "you know Latinas don't like Arab or Indian guys right? Why don't you stick with your own women?".
I decided to ask her out anyways, we went out, kissed, and I lost my virginity to her (yea the girls I was with before her I didn't really do). This didn't sit well with some of the Hispanic guys and I got jumped as a result of it, bruises and minor injuries but the fight ended up getting broken up by a cop, felt like a wuss for not putting up much of a fight.
Thing is I ALWAYS loved Latinas but used to think me being Indian will hold me back from getting with one. Pretty sad but I really lacked confidence back then until I stopped viewing myself as an Indian guy.
As for my preferences, I have never been into White girls or Black girls much, I always liked that brown look on women (Latinas, Indian, Middle Eastern and Asian).