Vampy, my FO comrade ...... I'm confident to say, hand on heart, that no-one here is 'anti-Indian'.
Disrespectful, insensitive, ass-clownish, juvenile and boorish, yes (and that's just me), actually racist - and specifically toward Indians - no.
I think you've got a couple of problems HERE (I'm not even going to go into other life areas):
1. You've fallen into the bottomless shaft of unseeing that WTC7waspulled (oh, and was he, eventually) fell into, which was this: regardless of intent (and I'm fairly sure both yours and his is/were well meaning, and genuinely motivated by curiosity and a desire to explore ideas) - you ask a question and then don't listen to the answers Board members give you or, having asked the questions, then start hectoring those that took the time to answer you, telling them how wrong they all are - which basically betrays what appears to be a 'hidden agenda' of you already having the answer you want to hear, all nicely pre-formatted and ready for use, and simply want people (us) to support your mindset and views.
It's fine not to agree with the answers posted. It's fine to be pissed off at glib remarks and it's fine to strongly defend errors of FACT. But you can't ask a question and then use the answers you don't like as justification for the thread's underlying thesis.
Which leads us to:
2. This place is the place to come and get AWAY from your 'waking life' problems. Sure, lots of people talk about their issues here; some brave/insane members even ask advice. And there are clear groups and gangs and sub-groups, who do, whether they know it or not, provide a friendship and comradery (albeit one filled with fart jokes, poo posts, name-calling and petty sniping; but, hey, that's family) for other Board members.
What there isn't on this Board is a ready-to-go lightening rod (or foil) for your anger and hurt and confusion. Basically, you've used this board - sometimes - like a dog: you farted and then you kicked FreeOnes Board members.
From what I read between the lines of your posts, you clearly have intelligence, I'm in no doubt you have a lot to offer here. And here has a lot to offer you. If you'll let it.
Where is this Revamp's posts exegesis going?
Well, if I can - as a junior member here myself still learning the ropes (and they are quite long and, when PK's been around, barnacle-encrusted and little fishy) - offer one piece of advice.
Drop the act, leave your shit at the door, and come and have fun. The shit will still be waiting there when you sign off.
But it might - just - be a little easier to deal with having abandoned it for a while in favor of tits, ass, fuckin and sucking, poo, great music, games, name-calling, Bieber-hating, babe-sleuthing, gossiping, trading information, teasing Dirk over his Holland Tunnel of a rectum, and all the other things on the Board that do, actually, add up to one of the most vibrant, honest and welcoming communities I have ever experienced (and as a military brat, trust me, you get used to moving in and out of many, many communities, most of which suck dead goat balls)
I'd like you to stick around. For one thing, it gives me someone else other than Akhilpuri to
practice my Hindi swear words and insults on.
I'll also tell you one last thing: the last 12 months have been the single worst, most suckage-infested, ball crushing, kill-me-now months of my entire life. This place (God help me) has sometimes been the difference between a good day and a bad day. It's been the place I come to when the world has kicked me one more time in the balls. It's been a distraction, a delight, a fascination and, honestly at times,a salvation.
And that's all I have to say about that.