If You Woke Up Tomorrow Being G.W. Bush...

OMG!!!! The replies here are both very thoughtful and some are making me

Keep it coming!!!! :nanner:
Regressive taxes aren't any better than Progressive

RogueWolf said:
I suppose one of the things that I would do is really push for the passage of HR 25, the FairTax Act. It's a proposal to totally change the way taxes are collected.
For anyone interested in checking it out.
I would do much more, and could write enough here to fill a page...but to be honest...I'm just not in the mood right now. :tongue:
First off, let's get something straight, I'm about 80% Libertarian.
One of the major Libertarian talk radio hosts right now is Neil Boortz who champions the "Fair Tax."
Unfortunately, I canNOT agree with him on this.

Yes, the concept of the "Fair Tax" has some merits.
For instance, those who recycle their discretionary income into private sector investments, which create private sector jobs, would not be taxed.
Those who like to buy luxuries would then be penalized for it -- including the "wealthy" who do NOT pay income taxes (and whom most people call "rich").
And there are other benefits too.

UNFORTUNATELY the "Fair Tax" is a Regressive tax, meaning those of lower income pay more.
Furthermore, exceptions/deductions for lower income earners is VERY DIFFICULT to implement, especially at the end retailer.
This would encourage mass fraud and other issues which are much more difficult than to combat it at the employer.
Even worse, those of "wealth" who do NOT consume pay virtually NO tax -- making it WORSE in some cases than Flat/Progressive taxes (when it comes to sitting on money v. investing).

I still stand by my view that a Flat Tax with a simplified set of deductions starting at US$40,000 (for the US) is the way to go.
Every dollar in discretionary income is a dollar that can be put into the private sector, and it doesn't matter if it comes from someone of middle class income earning making $50,000 or someone of upper class INCOME (NOT "wealthy") making $500,000.

Progressive taxes only REDUCE the number of private sector jobs created by HIGH income earners (NOT "wealthy"), as well as the accumulation of wealth by those of lower class as they enter each tax bracket.

Regressive taxes might help encourage more investments, but they do it at the EXPENSE of the lower class who consume goods as a greater percentage of their income than those who have more income.

The answer is a "flat tax" -- take the whole communist idea of "fair" issue out of it. The US federal government says X amount of dollars is what it takes to live (I suggest $40,000 + $5,000/child) and anything beyond that is discretionary. If the US federal wants to give further deductions for discretionary income put into investments, that's great. But the KEY to a HEALTHY, PRIVATE ECONOMY is to tax DISCRETIONARY INCOME EQUALLY.

Even if that means I would pay more tax as a result than someone who earns 3-10x much as myself. There are VERY FEW PEOPLE who actually make 7+ figures/year in INCOME. Wealth is NOT taxed by income taxes, never has been, never will, because it was earned at some previous point (be it income or gains) and tax has ALREADY been paid on it.

I'm sorry, but I disagree with many people on the Regressive "Fair Tax." It has the right idea -- to get the wealthy who don't pay income tax for buying luxuries -- but it really does NOT make that much of an impact. All while expensing low income earners far, far worse than any Progressive Tax in our history -- including the 1993 Income Tax increase that raised taxes on anyone who made more than $20,000.
Prof V, you could have said that in a PM - the topic of the thread is asking what YOU would do if you woke up being President of the USA...

See post #25 in this thread. Thanks.

:2 cents: :hatsoff:
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Nightfly said:
Prof V, you could have said that in a PM - the topic of the thread is asking what YOU would do if you woke up being President of the USA... :2 cents: :hatsoff:
Okay, fair enough. I'll keep the subject in mind next time.
1. No longer allow companies to finance and influence the elections
2. Make it so that public transport, healthcare and other things vital to humans are owned by the state
3. Destroy the largest part of the nuclear arsenal (leave about 100 nukes just in case)
4. cut the military budget in half (thus effectively making the army a lot smaller)
5. force every state to create jobs for the former soldiers (if possible)
6. No longer pay Israël, the middle east or any other country with financial help, unless they can PROVE they use it to increase the life standards of their people (& not buy weapons with it)
7. Sign the Kyoto protocol
8. Make the high court totally independent from me
9. lift the boycott on Cuba, if they promise to try to keep their people in Cuba
10. Make social security better accessible andspend more money on it (& if it's not owned by the central govenment, make it so that it is)
11. Allow abortion (it's still allowed AFAIK, but ok), gay marriages and euthanasia
12. Forbid creationism in schools and if churches are financed, stop it.

I can probably think of more, but it would take some time.
Okay, here's my list, since everyone is taking this seriously ...


- Flat tax, standard deduction starts at $40,000/family

- Make it ILLEGAL for the term "marriage" to be used in state/federal sponsored documents, make it BENEFICIAL for 2 people to live together, especially if they have kids (takes "sexual orientation" out of the whole thing) as 2 parents are better than 1

- REFUSE social services to single parents who will not live with another person, even a friend and STOP social services on those who are single/no kids, living with someone else, making it a FELONY to have undeclared residence of another who adds to your household income when you receive state/federal social services (I've seen this abuse FAR TOO MUCH by people who don't even have kids!)

- Free college education to any and all African Americans, as the #1 way they were fucked was by denying them education by our bigoted ancestors who are laughing at us now (any other "affirmative action" is just a handout -- we must nip the ROOT CAUSE of their demographical in the ass)

- Start helping the poor buy homes in rural areas instead of paying for costly public projects, including incentives for 2 people to live together in a duplex, regardless of sex, if they have children

- Make it ILLEGAL for your employer to give you healthcare (aka "employee extortion"), stop penalizing those who pay for their own healthcare out-of-pocket and make it pre-tax (sorry Ms. Clinton, I don't like to penalize the responsible ;), encourage non-profit healthcare providers

- Social Security / Medicare will break with the Baby Boomers retiring, nothing can be done -- so raise the 401K benefit limit, merge the Social Security / Medicare taxes into the Flat Tax rate (instead of the current "tax atop of tax" non-sense) so the next generations can save themselves (SS/Medicare will die with the Baby Boomers). Give incentives for Gen-X to take care of their Baby Boomer parents in the same house (it needs to be expanded from the last few years of the tax code), including allowing benefits from Gen-X workers to extend to their parents.


- Stop the political non-sense on campaign finance that results in censorship, allow anyone to donate but require FULL DISCLOSURE (this is actually part of the Libertarian platform) -- and any lack of FULL DISCLOSURE is a FELONY (which would imprision about 1/4th of Congress right now ;)

- Reverse the Constitutional exception that Congressmen/women can't be criminally charged with what they say or do on the floor of the Congress

- Pass a law that if any political party is on 100% of the state ballots, they must be included in the debates (this would instantly qualify the Libertarian party)

- US Constitutional Amendment granting the right to abortions through the 2nd trimester, an Amendment that can ONLY be voted on by women because it affects women for at least 18 years of their life -- REGARDLESS of their age, no one should decide an 18+ year fate for a woman, and the wording of the Amendment will include this


- Implement a "pay to pollute" policy that directly hits both wasteful companies and consumers in their pocketbooks. The "fine" system is doing NOTHING -- just fine for ANY pollution, period, and that will force companies (and consumers) to consider their waste.

- Stop exporting most of our recycled goods to China and use federal funds to jumpstart REAL recycling plants

- Kick the politicians out of the EPA, stop the ignorant public-based hearings and put in engineers and scientists, like many state agencies work (and far work better for the environment)

- Go to the UN and say the US will sign Kyoto when ALL major, industrial nations -- especially China -- signs it, and make a case why ALL NATIONS SHOULD WORK TOGETHER on Kyoto, with more treaties to follow! Withhold ALL AID (especially from China) until they sign Kyoto.

- Come up with a comprehensive environment policy to protect the oceans and push it upon the UN, where MOST OF OUR WORLD'S OXYGEN is generated. This has been ignored far too long by narrow-minded, tree-hugging environmentalists.

- Cut the funding to Hydrogen Fuel Cells (which only benefit oil companies buying up natural gas companies) and push for mass research in Nuclear Fusion while a complete plan to update ALL Nuclear Fission plants to more efficient, safer designs the Japanese and French are moving to

Foreign Policy:

- Take half the money from the recent Highway bill and errect a complete, PHYSICAL BORDER BARRIER both north and south

- REMOVE the Visa program for workers (H1B Visa is virtually indentured servitude), only visitors, and implement a new "Green Card qualification system" for those with unique talents decided upon a pool of people from respected art, engineering, science, social and similar organizations

- Modernize our nuclear arsenal into 100s of tactical nukes as most of our arsenal is aging and useless and really needs to be modernized (this is actually being done)

- Expand the US Coast Guard's budget 10x

All I can think of for now ...


Take a Hit, Spunker!
Get up.End the war.Go to Iraq.Step on an IED.Die.Go to hell.Become Satan's bitch.
Well if I woke up as Dubya (thats cool local slang to you non-natives)...

I'd snort some cocaine ... dodge the draft....become an alcoholic womanizer with a bad temper....be a complete failure at business until my wealthy friends rescue me. Within a few short years be elected Governor of Texas, and quickly catapult into the White House on my Father's name alone and in spite of losing the popular vote. Then be re-elected with last minute help from Osama Bin Laden, in spite of high disapproval ratings. Also not be able to manage my way out of a wet paper bag without the advice of my staff .....and yet be able to declare an endless war and institute some of the most radical changes in American history ....

Oh wait...that already happened, didn't it? ..Damn!:crash:

:) Ohhhh, you know I'm just playing Mr. President...

Excellent posts in this thread today - more hilarity and intelligent posting/writing!!!! Woohooo!!! :nanner: :thumbsup: :1orglaugh :D
Nightfly said:
Excellent posts in this thread today - more hilarity and intelligent posting/writing!!!! Woohooo!!! :nanner: :thumbsup: :1orglaugh :D
That's funny because sorting cocaine, dodging the draft and only getting a 44% popular vote fits Clinton even more.
I mean, at least GWB didn't lie about the first, at least went into the Air National Guard and got 49% of the popular vote the first time, instead of only 44%.
And don't even try to bring up Osama with regards to Clinton -- although I can't directly blame Clinton because hindsight is everything.
Just food for thought, putting things in perspective against other, recent Presidents.
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Prof Voluptuary said:
That's funny because sorting cocaine, dodging the draft and only getting a 44% popular vote fits Clinton even more.
I mean, at least GWB didn't lie about the first, at least went into the Air National Guard and got 49% of the popular vote the first time, instead of only 44%.
And don't even try to bring up Osama with regards to Clinton -- although I can't directly blame Clinton because hindsight is everything.
Just food for thought, putting things in perspective against other, recent Presidents.

Wow...just, wow.

Its called comedy Prof. You're supposed to laugh, not break it down into a serious Clinton vs. Bush debate.

And did I ever even mention Clinton? Where the heck did that come from?
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kungfudude said:
Well if I woke up as Dubya (thats cool local slang to you non-natives)...

I'd snort some cocaine ... dodge the draft....become an alcoholic womanizer with a bad temper....be a complete failure at business until my wealthy friends rescue me. Within a few short years be elected Governor of Texas, and quickly catapult into the White House on my Father's name alone and in spite of losing the popular vote. Then be re-elected with last minute help from Osama Bin Laden, in spite of high disapproval ratings. Also not be able to manage my way out of a wet paper bag without the advice of my staff .....and yet be able to declare an endless war and institute some of the most radical changes in American history ....

Oh wait...that already happened, didn't it? ..Damn!:crash:

:) Ohhhh, you know I'm just playing Mr. President...


Great post imo. Funny. And I think the best so far. Not because it's knocking Bush. But because it is true.

Okay, maybe also because it's knocking Bush. But the truth part is great.

And please Prof.; enough with the anti Clinton stuff here okay? I think it is natural and okay to knock the present President (whomever it is). And if you want to knock Clinton - why not start your own thread? I am sure you would have some very interesting points to make that I did not even know.
But please let us have our fun, okay?
I am NOT trying to insult you. I often learn alot from your posts. Just asking you to lighten up a bit. Even I do - from time to time. :)
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kungfudude said:
Wow...just, wow.

Its called comedy Prof. You're supposed to laugh, not break it down into a serious Clinton vs. Bush debate.

And did I ever even mention Clinton? Where the heck did that come from?

Hey Kung,

Its Prof. He can not not be anything but serious.
Your fault, if you don't mind
Someone gave me neg rep for the below-quoted post, saying "your (sic) an idiot." :wtf:

Back to topic...

Nightfly said:
OMG!!!! The replies here are both very thoughtful and some are making me

Keep it coming!!!! :nanner:


Nightfly said:
Someone gave me neg rep for the below-quoted post, saying "your (sic) an idiot." :wtf:

Back to topic...

Well, that makes no sense to me either.

I meant it for your post on another thread. Kiddiing.

No, that confuses me as well.
dickdenice said:
Hey Kung,

Its Prof. He can not not be anything but serious.
Your fault, if you don't mind

I don't mind. I was just defending my satirical post from someone who indirectly dissected it. And I was half kidding in my defense to boot. Maybe I didn't word it as well as I should have, but I never took offense in the first place. I've gotten 3 pm's from people explaining to me how serious of a fellow he is and I won't misunderstand again. :2 cents:

Anyway, back to to the topic at hand.
If You Woke Up Tomorrow Being G.W. Bush...

Good question, although i'm not american so this could be applied to the UK also.... i'd see to it that...
Education became a higher prioity, I mean good education for all and proper meals to the children you know only veggies and stuff.
Proper health care for all using a similar system as the NHS in the UK.
Like Georges said boot camps for brats that need extra discipline, kids nowadays need to realise that civilian rights don't come for free.
Stamp out corporate crime indeed make it compulsory for wealthy commercial companies etc to give more back into the communities, ie better pension schemes.
Tough sentances on corrupt Public servants like senators, congressmen and MP's.
Promote achievements of worthwhile pursuits like sport, science, engineering, charity work, general good work towards the bettering the communiites for the common man instead of promoting fame and idolising actors, popstars, models etc.
Show on 'the news' more positive news not just a humourous 60 second story at the end.
Give old age people the respect they deserve by not treating them like second class citizens (eatern countries are well out in front on this issue).
Make peoples pay reflect the academic and physical hard work they put in to the given job.
"If I ruled the world.....!"
kungfudude said:
Wow...just, wow.
Its called comedy Prof. You're supposed to laugh, not break it down into a serious Clinton vs. Bush debate.
And did I ever even mention Clinton? Where the heck did that come from?
I know, and I found it humorous that some of the examples used fit Clinton even better.
So I added my own humor -- one upmanship style.
Not a big deal, just ignore it if you don't get my return joke.
That's all, just a little return fodder.

One constant about politicians ... they all suck and are out-of-touch with the common person.