If you could forfeit your life to prevent 9/11 from ever happening, would you do it?

If you could forfeit your life to prevent 9/11 from ever happening. Would you?

  • Yes

    Votes: 48 31.8%
  • No

    Votes: 103 68.2%

  • Total voters
Re: If you could forfeit your life to prevent 9/11 from ever happening, would you do

good well written post d-rock

oh and bout this
D-rock said:
It is sort of funny in a way that a couple of people might be more important than thousands to you.
there's a whole theory about this, i don't know if it's been posted here before... dunbar's number or sometimes known as monkeysphere...
i would have to say no. 9/11 happened for a reason. think of this as awake up call for the world to change. i do. the loss of life is sad. but there are more ppl allover the world that could benifit more from having the chance to live. tones of kids at such die every day from small pathetic things. i dont donate enough to ppl like that. allthough id like to do more. but i think of 9/11 as a wake up call for the world. more directly america. there area lot of strong opinions in this post. if you think different thats fine. and not all terrorists are islamic. yet alot are. cause they are passionate about what they believe. even though we think its stupid.... there are alot of other terriorist out there that do worse..... we just dont hear about it all.
To those who say 'yes'..
Would you forfeit your life for any of the following:

#3000 people who die of lung cancer, as a result of smoking?
#3000 people who die from drug taking?
#3000 people who die from HIV/Aids?
#3000 people who die from 'natural causes'?
#3000 people who commit suicide?
#3000 starving children in Africa?

I would be interested to know whether any of the above lives are worth saving..
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Dear V.I.P. of the Week "MCROCKET",

We dropped the ball on Hurricane Katerina but saved thousands on Hurricane Rita.
Whetehr we are Canadian, American or Britons, we have the responsibility to protect our family. (Again, I don't talk about shit about democracy, freedom for the Iraqi people, I don't even have a job and you think I will re-enlist as a fool to be killed !). I got no money, no job, depressed but when it comes to my family, I will fight for it ! I am not interested in people who smoke and die, who use drugs and die, who die of car wrecks, who die of heart attacks, etc

It is common sense if you walked at Times Square with your best high school buddy, and 2 Hispanic youths pulled a knife (not guns) to rob your wallets and gold watch, would you fight back in this situation. They were only 16 years old and weighed 140-145 lbs, I did and walked away from it and thought nothing have happened but would I walk at nightagain at Times Square without very keen notice of environment, HELL No.

What did I learn from "Million Dollar Baby" Clint Eastwood, the old man 76 years old (?) said, "Always protect yourself" means protect your family, your loved one, I am not telling you to go to Iraq to kill people but protect my family !
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lovejoy said:
I got no money, no job, depressed

I do not pity you. I hate pity. But I do hope your life gets better very soon.

It is common sense if you walked at Times Square with your best high school buddy, and 2 Hispanic youths pulled a knife (not guns) to rob your wallets and gold watch, would you fight back in this situation. They were only 16 years old and weighed 140-145 lbs, I did and walked away from it and thought nothing have happened but would I walk at nightagain at Times Square without very keen notice of environment, HELL No.

You are obviously not without bravery - imo.

What did I learn from "Million Dollar Baby" Clint Eastwood, the old man 76 years old (?) said, "Always protect yourself" means protect your family, your loved one, I am not telling you to go to Iraq to kill people but protect my family !

Well, I do not have any loved ones in my life. So whom do I protect (not that I am complaining, just asking)?
I believe that no one is worth saving more then another. But it is understandable that you would wish to save your family. I just believe killing is always wrong. It is sometimes understandable (like in self defense), but it is always wrong.
lovejoy said:
The answer is absolutely YES !

Only a coward will say NO !

(I do not endorse personal attack on this Forum)

Whether you are a Canadian, American or a Brit, we have a responsibility to fight against the Islamic extremists and kill them all !

I am not a racist and I am not white but I know what is RIGHT and WRONG and I am willing to die for my country !

The poll was already very doubtful, but I would have never thought, that really such stupid attitudes exist like that of pornlover. Sorry can not say it in other words.
"Only a coward will say no." - " Im willing to die for my country." - Hey, guy, do you really thought about what you were writing? You know what? Go to Iraq, and ask the soldiers there, what their opinion is of such a bullsh**t you are writing! Do you think it is honourable to die for you country? Defending a country is fine -but dying for it????Do you know what dying means? I think everybody is mentally ill who thinks something like that.
Perhaps you should gather some more information than that which you get from "Fox News" about islamic terrorists whom we "have to kill all". Somebody already mentioned that not all terrorists are islamists. Furthermore, your inhuman attitude becomes already apparent in your comment, that they all have to be killed. As if killing would solve all problems!! You should study a little bit history and politics. Killing always leads to revenge and even more suffering! How about a change of politics in relation to arabic states?

Sorry people I had to answer to this comment, it was just too ridiculous!
lovejoy said:
I am not interested in people who smoke and die, who use drugs and die, who die of car wrecks, who die of heart attacks, etc

Which answers my point perfectly..
Saving the lives of the people in the WTC becomes a symbolic gesture, rather than about actually saving their lives.
The people in the WTC were no more or less deserving of being saved than #3000 Starving children in Africa.
Re: If you could forfeit your life to prevent 9/11 from ever happening, would you do

daschok said:
The poll was already very doubtful, but I would have never thought, that really such stupid attitudes exist like that of pornlover. Sorry can not say it in other words.
"Only a coward will say no." - " Im willing to die for my country." - Hey, guy, do you really thought about what you were writing? You know what? Go to Iraq, and ask the soldiers there, what their opinion is of such a bullsh**t you are writing! Do you think it is honourable to die for you country? Defending a country is fine -but dying for it????Do you know what dying means? I think everybody is mentally ill who thinks something like that.
Perhaps you should gather some more information than that which you get from "Fox News" about islamic terrorists whom we "have to kill all". Somebody already mentioned that not all terrorists are islamists. Furthermore, your inhuman attitude becomes already apparent in your comment, that they all have to be killed. As if killing would solve all problems!! You should study a little bit history and politics. Killing always leads to revenge and even more suffering! How about a change of politics in relation to arabic states?

Sorry people I had to answer to this comment, it was just too ridiculous!

So accepting other people's opinions without insulting them isn't one of your stronger sides, is it? I could go on and on about what I consider the naive attempts to talk peace with these people but I did so a numer of times already in other threads. The only reason I felt tempted to post here was your response, which in its harshness was uncalled for.
Re: If you could forfeit your life to prevent 9/11 from ever happening, would you do

lovejoy said:
It is common sense if you walked at Times Square with your best high school buddy, and 2 Hispanic youths pulled a knife (not guns) to rob your wallets and gold watch, would you fight back in this situation. !

i just find it interesting you felt it was neccessary to inform us that your attackers were hispanic...


It's good to be the king...
I voted no - a friend of a friend of mine worked at the WTC (for Cantor Fitzgerald) and I would do almost anything to turn back the clock and prevent the grief caused by his death.
But not this - sorry.


BTW I voted 'no'.

I wish I was braver and more unselfish. But when push comes to shove - I am far less of a great human being then I wish. FAR less.
Re: If you could forfeit your life to prevent 9/11 from ever happening, would you do

I picked up on that too, QuestionMark...

Bigots don't even know they're bigots half the time, and this is a fine example. :mad: :thefinger

QuestionMark said:
i just find it interesting you felt it was neccessary to inform us that your attackers were hispanic...


He might have just been describing them. Doesn't mean he IS racist.

I find many Americans do have a habit of describing people by their ethnicity alot. It seems to be a habit to them as opposed to racist.

But's let's ask him.

Hey Lovejoy. Do you consider Hispanics inferior to you in any way?

I am NOT accusing. Just asking.
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Why ask? The inference (if you could call it that) was just about as subtle as a jackhammer to the head.

"Two Hispanic youths approached me" or whatever he said...

:eek: "Oh no! Not those horrible, dangerous, good-for-nothing Hispanics! You know how 'they' are!" :eek:

You give the guy too much credit, mcrocket. A bigot is as a bigot does/says, and his words were clear as springwater.


Nightfly said:
Why ask? The inference (if you could call it that) was just about as subtle as a jackhammer to the head.

"Two Hispanic youths approached me" or whatever he said...

:eek: "Oh no! Not those horrible, dangerous, good-for-nothing Hispanics! You know how 'they' are!" :eek:

You give the guy too much credit, mcrocket. A bigot is as a bigot does/says, and his words were clear as springwater.

The old Golden Rule. Do unto others.

I would rather someone gave me a chance to explain a statement I said/typed before labelling me 'racist' or a bigot.
I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt until he has spoken on the issue.
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He HAS spoken, though, and quite demonstrably so. If he ever comes back to read this, I'm fairly certain he'll backpedal - if he has the nerve to post. Meh...


I do not see the big deal anyway.
He said two Hispanic youths. What is racist about that?
Maybe they WERE Hispanic. And maybe they WERE young.
I understand why you people assume that he could be a bigot.
But we are now calling people flat out bigots because they utter the line '2 Hispanic youths'?
And on top of that. If he denies it he is just backtracking?
Holy shit people.
Judge not, lest ye be judged.

Man. This society has gotten TOO politically correct.

So if I describe two guys that attack me as 2 black guys - that means I am a bigot?
And they attacked him for fuck's sake.

I do not know what this guy is like.

But he is going to have to say something alot worse then '2 Hispanic youths' for me to call him a bigot. A LOT more.