I have decided to become homeless

He's not a bum....yet. He has no prospects, no hope, no chance of making anything of himself in the long run, but for the time being he still has a roof over his head. Its simply that hes not a homeless bum yet.
This is directed to Mr Sarcasm-Know it all I'm think-I'm smarter than everyone else. aka chef
I dont know you. I dont need to know you. But you're saying that if only had someone told you while you're depressed that "you're acting like an idiot" would cure your depression is just hard to believe my friend. Maybe only in hindsight you can say that.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
This is directed to Mr Sarcasm-Know it all I'm think-I'm smarter than everyone else. aka chef
I dont know you. I dont need to know you. But you're saying that if only had someone told you while you're depressed that "you're acting like an idiot" would cure your depression is just hard to believe my friend. Maybe only in hindsight you can say that.

Considering I slit my wrist and have actually "been there", unlike you, then yes...I can say that if somebody would've told me to grow the fuck up and get over it, it would've helped me a great deal and I probably never would've tried to kill myself.

I was never being sarcastic, I don't think I "know it all" and I don't think I'm smarter than everyone else. I've just actually been in his shoes before so I know exactly what it's like. If you can't comprehend that, then you probably shouldn't try and insult me.

If I give someone advice on how to cook a perfectly medium-rare sirloin, paired with a perfectly prepared lamb demi-glace, are you going to say that I'm such a "know-it-all"...??? Think before you talk.
I have lived in the shelters in various places in New York, Jamestown Salvation Army and up north.

Unlike the South, if you live up north, you have to find a place warm to stay overnight.

A corner coffee shop lets an old lady to sit and sleep there all night (from 11:00 p.m. till 5 a.m.) She has serious mental problems.

Most of the shelters for homeless men have some kind of alcohol problems, psychiatric illness or drug problems. For the women, I felt sorry for them. They are crazy, on drugs and high and low. It is so sad. Most chose to be homeless and stay outdoors when it is warm and has a niche but others just sleep over the subway "hot" air tunnel to get warm right in front of thousands of people in downtown.

I agree with Bloomberg of New York to ban homeless people in New York.

One time, the New York State Troopers drove us out of New York State and dropped us near Erie in Pennsylvannia and told us never come back to New York State.

It is dangerous out there, I met gay people asking for sex, robbery, intoxicated men fighting with each others and old ladies drinking themselves to death !
And before you quote me to reply "oh but you have no idea what its like" or "you don't have a right to say anything unless you've been where I have" I'm going to tell you that YES, I have been where you are and YES I've gone through what you have. Go back to two days after my 18th birthday. My father kicks me out of his house because I won't conform to his religious ideals. He chooses his god over his own child. I had nowhere to go, nowhere to stay, so I slept on the streets for weeks until I could hold onto a job. I was depressed, I used to cut myself, and I struggled. I got my first apartment, however, my paycheck barely covered the rent and I went days at a time without having food. I went on in that routine until I met a guy who I fell in love with, and then moved to a new city to start a life with him. When I started that life with him, however, things got abusive and he nearly killed me several times. I spent two years being controlled, abused both physically, sexually and mentally. I finally was able to end it, and he stalked me and attacked me and caused me severe head trauma that still affects me to this day. He's since been convicted, but trust me, the depression I went through after all of that was crippling. I was back with nowhere to live after I broke it off with him, but since then, I have refused to give up. I've worked my way through school. Now I am a business owner, and I pay my own bills with more to spare. I'm also in the best relationship in my life and marriage is likely in our future. No matter how dark life seems, giving up and refusing to acknowledge just how MUCH you have in your life is selfish and pathetic. Grow some balls, fight back at life and work hard at making yourself happy.

/end rant.

That's awesome.........congrats
I got negative rep for disagreeing with chef lol. wow such clout. impressive.
you can say what you want, and You Might actually believe it. You are just saying that now because you still looking for others to blame. if only "someone had told me i was a loser", as if that would have been the life changing words. you can say that now because in hindsight you know you were acting like an idiot and u're just making excuses. If what you say is true, then the world would be perfect. Any problems that any1 might have could be cured by the truth but just about anything not normal is stupid and idiotic.

Im just here to watch porn and throw in a few words when im bored. didn't know some people can get soo sensitive on a porn forum even when you not even arguing with them. (not directed towards you chef)


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I got negative rep for disagreeing with chef lol. wow such clout. impressive.
you can say what you want, and You Might actually believe it. You are just saying that now because you still looking for others to blame. if only "someone had told me i was a loser", as if that would have been the life changing words. you can say that now because in hindsight you know you were acting like an idiot and u're just making excuses. If what you say is true, then the world would be perfect. Any problems that any1 might have could be cured by the truth but just about anything not normal is stupid and idiotic.

Hindsight is 20/20 because you can see exactly what could've, would've and should've been done in order to avoid a disaster. This situation is no different than any other.

During my time of "fuckedupnedness" (yup, I'm making that a word), if someone would've told me to grow up, to stop acting like a cry-baby bitch and that life wasn't fair, it would've helped me a great deal and prevented me from slitting my wrist. How do I know this? Because, whether you like it or not, I know what I need better than anyone else does.

From taking my own, personal experience into consideration, the OP of this thread has a lot of growing up to do. He expects people to feel sorry for him and he is dedicating his life to making that happen. Do you notice how he hasn't posted ever since people stopped feeling sorry for him? That's not a coincidence. He probably noticed that he wasn't getting the pity-party that he was looking for, left the forum, and went somewhere else to look for sympathy. If a person like that doesn't need to get told to grow the fuck up, then I don't know who does.

:2 cents:
Self pity parties like what you do to yourself do no good. Life is hard, and if you can't adapt and overcome it then stop wasting everyone's time. You got two choices, get on and patch life up or kill yourself. If you chooser the latter, well good luck since you failed at trying it before, this time actually go to it with intent and see the results. I'm not cynical, just laying out what you need to do.
move to hawaii

save up the money for the flight

be homeless in hawaii

tonnes of new people to beg from every week

awesome weather to sleep outside year round

if I didn't have a great life I would be in waikiki

try it, you won't be disappointed:glugglug:
Everyone has had suicidal thoughts, everyone has had murderous thoughts, everyone has had homosexual thoughts, etc...

Some people have deeper thoughts than others and some of those people end up acting on their thoughts. But, everyone has those thoughts.

Damn Chef, you really think you know it all don't you? Here you are saying you know what every person who lives on earth has thought @ some point in their life.

Maybe you should create an extra account for your ego.
Or maybe it's time you realize there's more to life than your little world and that not everybody thinks like you do.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Damn Chef, you really think you know it all don't you? Here you are saying you know what every person who lives on earth has thought @ some point in their life.

Maybe you should create an extra account for your ego.
Or maybe it's time you realize there's more to life than your little world and that not everybody thinks like you do.

So, you've never thought about it? Not once? Not one single time in your life? Not even innocently? Not even while reading this thread, which talks about suicide in heavy doses?

You're saying that you have never once thought about suicide?
So, you've never thought about it? Not once? Not one single time in your life? Not even innocently? Not even while reading this thread, which talks about suicide in heavy doses?

You're saying that you have never once thought about suicide?

You said and I quote "Everyone has had suicidal thoughts"
Suicidal thoughts are thoughts contemplating to commit suicide and no, I have never had suicidal thoughts. It may be hard for you to believe but there are people in the world who are very happy and enjoy life.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
You said and I quote "Everyone has had suicidal thoughts"
Suicidal thoughts are thoughts contemplating to commit suicide and no, I have never had suicidal thoughts. It may be hard for you to believe but there are people in the world who are very happy and enjoy life.

I know what I said and I never said that everybody "contemplates" suicide with an intention of actually taking their life. I said that everybody thinks about it. You're thinking about it right now as you're reading this.

And, I'm well aware that there are people who are very happy and enjoy life. Hopefully, you are one of those people and can find a reason to smile everyday. Just because I've tried to end my own life before doesn't mean that everybody else is going to do the same thing and I don't wish them too either.

My world isn't as small as you would like to think it is.
I know what I said and I never said that everybody "contemplates" suicide with an intention of actually taking their life. I said that everybody thinks about it. You're thinking about it right now as you're reading this.

Maybe you should choose your words more carefully next time. Suicidal (the word you used) indicates a state of mind in wich there is an increased risk of someone commiting suicide (that's why i used the word contemplates)

And no, I'm not thinking about suicide while I'm reading this this. You don't know me so don't pretend you know what I'm thinking and there are billions of people on earth you don't know either so just stop being a big wannabe know it all because you don't know what they're thinking either.
It Chef's life, you just live in it Boothbabe. na, jk. I don't want to get involved in this. I don't really think being homeless would be all that bad.