All the more reason to stop hurting yourself. Nobody wants to be around a person who is going to be a cry baby that expects people to feel bad for them. Cutting yourself isn't going to make new people care about you's just going to upset the people who care about you already.
Try thinking of your mother for once. Think about what your childish actions are doing to her. You're putting her through hell, crushing her emotionally, draining her mentally and exhausting her physically...yet, you sit here and want people to cater to your feelings, even though you obviously have no regard for anybody elses, especially your own mother's.
Your mother isn't going to love you more just because you cut yourself like an immature high school girl. She loves you whether you cut yourself or not. Just because she doesn't physically say "I love you" every 10 minutes doesn't mean that she hates you.
Not hearing "I love you" enough is a pretty stupid reason to cut yourself and want to die, and you know it.
well women aren't attracted to a guy that doesn't give a fuck about himself, that's for sure. there are a lot of things that you don't have any control over, I get that, but Chef is right when he says there are things that you do have control over that you can change for the better.
tell your doctors that your pills aren't working. if he doesn't listen to you, go to another doctor.
you can stop excessively drinking, it makes you unhealthy and emotionally unbalanced. if you can't stop on your own there are programs that will help you and not all of them are about God if you don't want that.
try to eat better and exercise. this is the simplest and most important thing that you can do. put on some headphones and walk around the block. after a while, when you start to get in better shape, run around the block. This will make you feel better on every level. eventually you can go to the gym, which is a great way to meet people.
I hate my job, I do not like a lot of the people that I work with and the company that I work for is screwing me over by not paying for any benefits and by not paying me very much. Every so often there is a chance that I will be able to get a pay raise, but my fucking boss is so hard on me that I did not get the raise.
Good luck with that :hatsoff:
Well......what else was I really supposed to say? Huh!?!
How about....
Stop feeling sorry for your self ?
Just sue him for discrimination. As you said you're overweight.
That's all you need to sue him.
If an old clumsy woman can spill coffee on herself and win, so can you.![]()
it scares people
i am not going to make myself feel like shit just so my mother is happy, i did that for 20 years of my life
i dont understand how she can still love me, because i have put her through so much shit in the last few years
that is not the only reason that i cut myself, there is a plethora of more
is this real?
Good luck with that :hatsoff:
Well......what else was I really supposed to say? Huh!?!
How about....
Stop feeling sorry for your self ?
If due to his mental problems he can get certified he is disabled he might be able to make a claim based on that but the odds of success are slim.But suing due to discrimination based on being overweight is a non-starter.There is no protection in law against such discrimination.And I have to say this reference to I guess the famous McDonalds hot coffee case as some sort of an example of a trivial lawsuit is again not really very accurate.If you go do the research you would learn McDonalds had been warned by govt officials repeatedly before that case about their practice of "super heating" their coffee so that they always were serving it hot.They ignored the warnings and thats why the women was able to get an award against them based on their negligence.
You haven't heard of any more such cases have you? Thats because the award was an effective means of getting McDonalds attention and they changed the temp they heat the coffee too.Thats what such lawsuits and awards are all about.Obviously just warning them was not working hitting them in their pocket books did work.
No shit.
This is exactly why I say that you WANT to feel like shit. You acknowledge that your cutting and your suicidal lifestyle scares people. You also claim that you want people to love you. You can't have both dude. Stop the fucking cutting because it's scaring people away from you. Put down the sharp objects and let people come to you. It's not that hard to figure out.
It seems that you're one of these kids who thinks that a life full of gloom and sorrow is fucking cool. No, it's not. Grow up. Cutting yourself is fucking stupid and far from cool. Being sad and mopey all the time is fucking stupid and far from cool. Stop trying to glorify all of this negativity in your life and grow up.
Do you realize how much bullshit your mom has willingly gone through during your life, just so you could be safe, sound and happy? Do you realize how much she has sacrificed for your happiness? Do you realize that your mother has given up gigantic portions of her life and her happiness in order to give you a future? Quit being so fucking selfish. The least you could do is put down the knives, pick yourself up and get your ass headed in the right direction.
Because she's your mom. I've done shit that hurt my mom before, but she still loves me. She's my MOM. The same goes for you and your mom.
You're too scared and too embarassed to ask somebody for help
What is up with people cutting themselves? Why is it so popular? I will admit I have been depressed for a long period of time in my life and I maybe still am, but I never really contemplated cutting myself. Believe me I have had dark times in my life much like anyone. Mine lasted for over a year. Eventually I start growing out of my depression and still trying to totally get past it. You just have realize nothing last forever and move on. Your life may suck now but that doesnt mean it will suck forever. You just gotta keep up hope for a brighter day and try to get there.
First off, 5'10" and 210 isn't that big. That's close to my size and I'm not fat.Second, chill out and work on that job hunting. If you find something you like to do it will work wonders on your self esteem, and the rest will fall into place.