Re: How's this'to cheer ya' up: Girl blasts school officials over her friends gang ra
If this is going to be about other races thinking they can do what they like in this country, I can only hope the American public don't take it lying down like the Afrikaner had to in South Africa, where there are 50 murders a day, a minimum of 700 rapes a day, and the white man taking the blame for the majority of them and other things wrong with the country.
The Afrikaner had his guns taken from him. The Commando system that was always in effect ever since ever since has been forbidden. At least 20 000 farmers were murdered on their plots or farms in the first ten years after Apartheid ended.
All I am saying is I hope things don't go this way here, because Americans are armed and dangerous.
It will be a difficult path to negotiate to avoid hurts and accusations while recognising rights of various groups.
Thing is, there shouldn't be any rights, at all. No one should have rights. What should be in place is an automatic subconscious national willingness to do what is right by the other person, without constantly having to negotiate a minefield of hatred and accusations.
I smell a swelling, long time in coming, of a growing majority - through natural birth - wanting to step in and snatch power, all the while holding a thinly disguised arrogance to the world. Kind of like Puff Diddy Puff Daddy Daddy Puff Piff Paff Puff wtf ever he is called. The look of sublime insolence, brushed over with a disguise of caring, professional business acumen. All it really is is 'taking it back for the Black man', at any cost.
You know, when I go to College, I can say 'hullo' to some people but not to others.
Guess who the 'others' are.
They gather themselves in a corner. One chap, the kinder in the group, looks furtively over his shoulder while mumbling hullo, like someone is going to challenge him later for greeting the mofo white dude.
Already the head of the institution threatened a black student with dismissal for the way he cursed some little white girl.
The day is coming, people, the day is coming.
You know what? Fuck this. Let it come.
If people can't respond like decent human beings after how they have had so many bend over backwards to please them, then they must rather stew in the mistakes of another era.
I just hope we can learn from the South Africans who are trying to be one nation, putting the mistakes of the past behind them.
I hope they can start actually caring as well, enough to do something that is extremely urgent about all the innocents whose lives are being destroyed.
However, as I say, if certain people want to fill their hearts with pride and hate, they will discover the consequences of their decisions, and no thumping together to the beat at the local club, pretending to be hip, or new age philosophy will stave off the blood bath that will follow.
No thinly disguised care about people, looking cool or covering in bling, pretending to actually care to party with or talk to 'dem white folks' will disguise what I perceive to be the real attitudes for much longer.
Of course, once the black man has beaten up the whites, will he share anything with the hispanics?
I really hope someone important and powerful steps in and heals race relations once for all, for good, really soon.