Just a week after the death of Henry Allingham we learnt today of the death of Harry Patch.I believe there's only one WW1 veteran left now.
I think you should have put Michael Jackson in the headline then You Might have got more replies , isnt it just so wrong that with 2 true heroes nobody can be bothered replying , but you put a faded controversial pop star in the mix you get overloaded with replies
I"m not trying to pick apart memories. I'm just saying...
Why is every american who fights in an american war become a hero just like that? Don't actions during that war count?
Mike meant something to some people. These guys, mean something to some? Why compare? Why the contempt? Just let be. I'm only saying cuz you said. I'm Just saying.
Mike got me laid? Did either of these guys? Maybe? There is that whole Butterfly effect thing? I don't care. I really don't. These guys? Mike? Everybody has a value to others but why should anyone else care?
Just saying.
Great post. I saw the posts earlier ,but I didn't want to disrespect the death of this poor old man(nor any man) like some tend to ignorantly do others.
Because of the unprecedented interest in an entertainer's death(Michael Jackson, who is arguably the most beloved figure on the planet) some foolishly like to somehow make it a negative commentary on contemporary society & our priorities. But historically countless Artists like Shakespeare,Mozart,Raphael,etc,etc....... have been( & still are) more beloved/revered/remembered than any lowly foot soldiers of their eras. I know of no time period in our history in which a basic foot soldier has been more beloved than our most celebrated Artist:dunnoGenerals/Commanders have gained notoriety, however).
From what I have seen this man was a military Private/Plumber who ,unlike millions upon millions of other nameless pawns/soldiers just like him during WWI & II, was basically lucky to survive & live to an astounding age. Otherwise he would have been a nameless/forgotten pawn just like the others & people should be grateful that Patch is even remembered.
Why is every Soldier a 'hero' today? It seems to me because of the 'Hawkish' Neo Conservative political influence which brands us 'Traitors' if we won't support their foolish wars nor blindly revere their 'warriors'.
P.S How can Jackson be a forgotten Pop star when his last set of concerts(in a 20k seat arena) sold out an astounding/unprecedented 55 shows in less than four(4) hours & last album sold nearly 11 million copies with little promotion:dunno: Their were enough reqeuest to sell out 85 of those 02shows ,but the man could barely do,nor had the desire to do the 55 it seems.