As a republican (in the Roman sense), I don't recognize titles, royals, nobility, kings or queens. I really don't understand people who believe in the peerage, or hold the belief that simply because of who somebody's mommy, daddy or inbred uncle was, that makes them better than anybody else. As much as these people have inter-married over the centuries, I'm amazed that the average one doesn't have six toes on each foot at this point in time.
What's more, it's incredibly odd to me that so many so-called "woke" people in the U.S. are celebrating a Black woman
(OK, "biracial", if we want to be PC about it) marrying into a family that made a HUGE fortune in the Atlantic slave trade. People "taking a knee" before our national anthem is played or turning their backs on our flag, but they'll kiss the ass of the world's richest welfare queen, whose family owned the Royal Gambia Company, the Royal Adventurers Company and the Royal African Company - slave trading operations. It's damn near comical, watching people lose their shit over statues of long dead and defeated Confederate generals... but there's old Queen Liz, a
useless living relic, whose family fortune is more tied to human trafficking than any other that I can think of. How come the "woke" people in the UK aren't demanding reparations from the British royals? I'm serious. I mean, they could certainly make a better case for that with them, than they could in the U.S. Let's say... seize 75% of their wealth and distribute it to whomever (Blacks, Irish, people in current and former colonies, etc. - anybody they've taken advantage of over the centuries). Break 'em and turn them onto the street... make them sing for their supper from now on. Who cares? :dunno:
Yeah, so outside of the (faux) royals in Monaco, I don't have any use for
any of them. And the only reason I'm OK with the Monagasque royals is this:
Plus, they don't try to hide how trashy they are. They actually embrace being trashy. Didn't Princess Stéphanie live in a circus tent or a trailer for awhile? And popping out illegitimate kids is the norm for that set.