Gunman opens fire in Tennessee church, 2 killed

lone gunman

Closed Account
I didn`t do it!
I swear it wasn`t me!
Why does this shit keep happening, I am so freaking mad and I can stand it.

That's why I hate listening to th news, nothing every seems to happen and then I get so mad because there is nothing I can do to stop it!

Sorry off topic there for a bit!

"We've been touched by a horrible act of violence. We are in a process of healing and we ask everyone for your prayers," the Rev. Chris Buice

I will pray for them and I hope other here will too!


Out of a nation of 300 million, there's going to be daily nutters.
It's not the guns, it's the thought process of killing innocent people.
He could have just as easily killed a greater number of people outside the church with an SUV.

^ Indeedy ;)

Prayers en route

Question is . . . was he a "victim" of foreclosure ?


what the fuck you lookin at?
only 2 people? wow, he's not a very good shot!
Maybe he was mad at god and tried to shoot up at the heavens and somehow missed. Well its news like this that makes me watch horror movies. In the movies the shit is fake but you turn on the news and you cant stand to watch all of it.


Closed Account
Face, that SUV shit is a load of bollocks. If you were to mow an SUV into a group of people outside or inside church you'd surely kill a few people, but thats hardly the point.

If you're a deranged sociopath with homicidal thoughts about to completely compromise your existence in the eyes of the law and decent authority with such a public attack then you're not about to plow your car into a group of people like some sort of drunken fender bender. You'd want the cold brutality and control in such a situation that only a handgun can give; the power and control over another human being to submit. It's all psychological, and for a murderous individual its quite powerful. They sort of convince themselves its a good idea to perform such an atrocity; as if the whole world is some sort of stage and the handgun is their spotlight/10 seconds. But then church shootings are common in the US unfortunately, Why? Is there a common link? ;)

Guns are killing good things about your society and you sit on your hands like its a part of life? Fuck that shit.

Guns are not a freedom here in Australia. Since automatic weapons and handguns were recalled and controlled in the mid 90's there's been an outstanding decrease in homicides rates and massacres. Take a hint America. :dunno:
Church members said the gunman was tackled by John Bohstedt, who played "Daddy Warbucks" in the performance.

Somehow it is especially fitting that Daddy Warbucks ended up being the hero. First of all, because he is such a hero in the play, and second, who better to represent the religious right than a man named "War-bucks"?
The church, like many other Unitarian Universalist churches, promotes progressive social work, such as desegregation and fighting for the rights of women and gays.
I'd be willing to bet my life savings that this asshole shot up this church because they fought for desegregaton and gay rights. Because, you know, sticking up for the gays and the blacks isn't the "christian" thing to do. But shooting a bunch of people because they don't conform to your religious standards is.:rolleyes:
Every massacre with handguns is one more argument for the National Rifle Association to keep weapons legalized: if you don`t have a gun you can`t protect yourself :rolleyes: - a weird argumentation that I as a german really can`t understand...
Every massacre with handguns is one more argument for the National Rifle Association to keep weapons legalized: if you don`t have a gun you can`t protect yourself :rolleyes: - a weird argumentation that I as a german really can`t understand...

At this point the US government couldn't outlaw guns even if they wanted to. The FBI estimates that there are over 200 million privately-owned firearms in the US. If you add those owned by the military, law enforcement agencies and museums, there are probably 12 guns for every man, woman, and child in the country.


Face, that SUV shit is a load of bollocks. If you were to mow an SUV into a group of people outside or inside church you'd surely kill a few people, but thats hardly the point.

If you're a deranged sociopath with homicidal thoughts about to completely compromise your existence in the eyes of the law and decent authority with such a public attack then you're not about to plow your car into a group of people like some sort of drunken fender bender. You'd want the cold brutality and control in such a situation that only a handgun can give; the power and control over another human being to submit. It's all psychological, and for a murderous individual its quite powerful. They sort of convince themselves its a good idea to perform such an atrocity; as if the whole world is some sort of stage and the handgun is their spotlight/10 seconds. But then church shootings are common in the US unfortunately, Why? Is there a common link? ;)

Guns are killing good things about your society and you sit on your hands like its a part of life? Fuck that shit.

Guns are not a freedom here in Australia. Since automatic weapons and handguns were recalled and controlled in the mid 90's there's been an outstanding decrease in homicides rates and massacres. Take a hint America. :dunno:

First, while I have had numerous firearms, and have many friends who have as well, I haven't gone on any shooting rampages or even shot my ex (and that would have been Justifiable Homicide! :) J/K ).

Second, it was a shotgun used, and even where gun control has removed weapons from the population of citizens, hunting weapons are still privately owned. Access NOT denied.

Third, Church shootings are not common in the US, that is also an easy incorrect theory by an outside observer. We have a dynamic population of over 275 million people, where do you get your information on mass shootings here? If you use all the available data, I doubt if you could come up with a 1000 people gunned down by maniacs in a 10 year span.
Granted, just plain ol' murders and Jose shooting Felipe over a $5 debt surely total more than a 1000, but as far as mass killings by flip-outs, nowhere close.

People are gonna blow up, folks are gonna get killed (just had a brother stab a brother to death over a Nintendo game this last week); putting it on our access to handguns isn't really a true analysis.

And just to add even more speculation, drugs are easy to get because of a thriving Black Market...there would be even more bad guys with guns if there was a severe restriction on private weapons here, the money in illegal guns would be enormous. Just folks like me (the non-criminal type) would not have access.

Just for fun, read this post...



Face, that SUV shit is a load of bollocks. If you were to mow an SUV into a group of people outside or inside church you'd surely kill a few people, but thats hardly the point.

If you're a deranged sociopath with homicidal thoughts about to completely compromise your existence in the eyes of the law and decent authority with such a public attack then you're not about to plow your car into a group of people like some sort of drunken fender bender. You'd want the cold brutality and control in such a situation that only a handgun can give; the power and control over another human being to submit. It's all psychological, and for a murderous individual its quite powerful. They sort of convince themselves its a good idea to perform such an atrocity; as if the whole world is some sort of stage and the handgun is their spotlight/10 seconds. But then church shootings are common in the US unfortunately, Why? Is there a common link? ;)

Guns are killing good things about your society and you sit on your hands like its a part of life? Fuck that shit.

Guns are not a freedom here in Australia. Since automatic weapons and handguns were recalled and controlled in the mid 90's there's been an outstanding decrease in homicides rates and massacres. Take a hint America. :dunno:

It is my understanding that muggings and robbery is up sharply since the bannation in Aus (?) :dunno:

If a nutter really intends to kill, he's certainly going to do so. Additionally, some of the most notorious cold blooded killers do not use firearms in the commission of their killings.

We think different :dunno: I say - Let's not let a few bad apples (nutters) spoil the whole crop (sieze The Second Amendment), for that would be the collectivist approach . . . of which I wish to be no part of.

Mankind has used anything (and quite cleverly I might add) at his disposal to express his anger (or hatred) toward another. You simply cannot legislate order ! No way . . no can do !
Listen, If a guy in solitary confinement prison (Pelican Bay) can fashion up a form of a shotgun - Using sulphur match stick tips, dried, hardened and rolled balls of shit and a containment of his own personal bodily gases, a prohibition of firearms isn't going to do much good in America.

Incidentally, a weapons expert claimed that this fashioned "shotgun" I described had the capacity to inflict great bodily harm. That's why the guards who serve the meals work in threes with full body armor and full face shield.

If there is a will there is a way.
This shouldnt be that shocking, at least once a year a crazy nut walks into a building and opens fire on some innocent people. This should be the norm now, its just the society you live in.


Postal Paranoiac
I'd be willing to bet my life savings that this asshole shot up this church because they fought for desegregaton and gay rights. Because, you know, sticking up for the gays and the blacks isn't the "christian" thing to do. But shooting a bunch of people because they don't conform to your religious standards is.:rolleyes:
The church, like many other Unitarian Universalist churches, promotes progressive social work, such as desegregation and fighting for the rights of women and gays. The Knoxville congregation has provided sanctuary for political refugees, fed the homeless and founded a chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union, according to its Web site.

Thought the same thing. There's your motive.
The guy who did this sounds like one of those people Obama was talking about.Angry and bitter about some of the changes he percieves to be taking place namely desegragation and gay rights and is clinging to his guns and god.
Tubular was right, it was motivated by some sort of sick hatred for liberals.

"It appears that what brought him to this horrible event was his lack of being able to obtain a job, his frustration over that, and his stated hatred for the liberal movement," Chief Owen said.

"It appears that the church had received some publicity in the recent past regarding its liberal stance on things and that is at least one of the issues we believe caused that church to be selected."