Good lord, when I get worked up I start making a shitload of typos. You would think I would know how to spell evoke and adultery correctly by now.
ETA: Or post on the right thread lol
ETA: Or post on the right thread lol
noun: terrorism
the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.
The asshat in question is a hateful douche with a ninth grade education. While his shitty act was terrorist in nature, his target wasn't necessarily politically motivated. I would venture that he probably couldn't spell terrorism, yet alone define it. Then again, there was a politician, yes?
I thought it was a racist agenda. Make up your mind.
FFS, he was racially motivated. It's not an either/or. He was clearly racially motivated, that was the political agenda, and thus was an act of terrorism. This shouldn't be that hard to understand
So the blacks of America aren't a race but a political ideology? Rachel Dolezal is on board.
Funny how gun fans are always answering any argument about regulation with the same bullshit lines that are supposed to slay all reason:
We have no choice, for some reason, you and your ilk, just can't seem to understand what realistic logic, and truth is right in front of you That it isn't a guns fault, and no matter what you do, criminals will always get them, and since you guys are usually trying to figure out how to blame it on ANYONE, or ANYTHING, but who or what it should be blamed on, and you're to busy NOT paying attention and screaming about how we're all fucking idiots and whack jobs...we have to remind you, you're just so very wrong about this subject. That's why our argument is ALWAYS the same, because it's true, logical, timeless, and it stands on it's own.
- It is our sacred constitutional right to own as many and as overkill weapon as we desire
That is correct, it is, and it should be.
- We have to be able to defend us against our government
That is correct, we should be, and from the way they've acted over the last decade, they've more then proven they are untrustworthy.
- Those thugs would keep their guns
What thugs? If you reefer to gun owners, not all of use are thugs
A : Your constution allows muskets and pistols.
When the Constitution was written, that's all that there was. Our founding fathers wanted the civilians, to be as EQUALLY armed as the military they may have to face. We are not now, and likely never will be again. Clearly any gun law enacted is simply a way to disarm a lawful populace. This is apparent and true, because most states with strict gun laws, have a high rate of violence by gun, and usually these acts of violence are committed by repeat offenders, that shouldn't have a gun in the first place.
B : People who are attacking their own country are called "Terrorists"
We aren't attacking anybody...we don't want to be attacked. We are portrayed as terrorists, because we disagree with our leaders, and expect them to do their jobs. It is up to them to uphold the Constitution, not usurp it.
C : We are talking regulating excess weaponry, and excess ammunition. You are fine with revolvers, pistols and rifles.
Who has the right to judge the word excess? I feel it's excessive for any of our politicians to use MY tax dollars for their medical care, or personal security. Why should I not take advantage of an ammunition sale, and buy extra when it's cheap? I should not be allowed to go to the range? I should have my bullets doled out to me like communist countries dole out toilet paper and bread to their subjects, in long lines? Free men do not ask permission for the RIGHTS they are entitled to. And sure rifles and pistols, and revolvers are fine....who has a flame thrower? Whose asking for a B52 full of Tomahawk cruise missiles?
Are you so brainwashed or so stupid that you keep coming up with the same lines?
Do not forget to vote for me.
I'm a candidate...I voted for me. I needed at least one.
What?! Far more people? He reloaded five times. He could have killed more. You plow through a few people, that's it. They run back into the church or scram.No one is brainwashed, we are however clearly smart enough to know the truth, and that is, this guy could have just as easily, in fact probably more easily, got behind the wheel of a large automobile, and screamed racial slurs, while running down far more people, as they exited the church.
And still people think that they should be allowed to carry a gun because some 300 year old piece of paper says so
You know, Dylann Roof's car could have plowed through the doors of that church or onto the sidewalk of a inter city neighborhood too.