Guitar Hero III

You shouldn't get your hopes too high for GHIV's content. The new developers seem to have an obsession with songs containing like 1,000 notes each and insane solos. It seems like they are putting more and more punk music in the newer ones too :(.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
You shouldn't get your hopes too high for GHIV's content. The new developers seem to have an obsession with songs containing like 1,000 notes each and insane solos. It seems like they are putting more and more punk music in the newer ones too :(.

I wish they would do what singstar did, release a game for each genre of music (but with Guitar Hero obviously it would be different kinds of rock), that would be neat and meant you could actually play what you wanted to


what the fuck you lookin at?
And I really don't see the point in having so little content. Just implement more of the stereotype guitar classics and even the songs from the old games so one can play what one wants to listen to.

That's what DLC is for, even that is lacking in the fun department. To much mish mash of shit there as it is and very slow at coming out with more.

You shouldn't get your hopes too high for GHIV's content. The new developers seem to have an obsession with songs containing like 1,000 notes each and insane solos. It seems like they are putting more and more punk music in the newer ones too :(.

Bullshit! Fuck punk!:thefinger Fuck alternative!:thefinger

Bring on the metal!:banger:

And of course the great classic rock that we all love!

I wish they would do what singstar did, release a game for each genre of music (but with Guitar Hero obviously it would be different kinds of rock), that would be neat and meant you could actually play what you wanted to

Great idea! But, will no doubt never happen.


what the fuck you lookin at?
So, I finally beat raining blood on hard. Once you get through the first fast part the rest is cake! Anyway, I beat that, then comes lou...let's just say I damn near threw the controller across the room. I had to stop after 10 consecutive tries or I would have!

I may never get the achievement for beating the game on hard :(


what the fuck you lookin at?
Awesome, but they went crazy trying to make the songs really hard in GHIII. The notecharts on the higher difficulties seem to be designed for hardcore players.

I can play em, but god damn they're hard!


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
GH3's songs are better than 1 and 2

Disagreement on that one. One didnt know which way it was heading and wasnt polished quite so much.

Two found a natural niche right in the classic metal, occasional punk OR blues song and a good bit of hair rock. The game was polished, but not as difficult. Unless you speak of Beast and the Harlot. F!CK A-SEVENFOLD!! Even freebird is easy in comparison.. it's an endurance challenge.

I recall a joke on 'That 70s Show' that comes to mind...

'Baby I'm gonna go all freebird on you tonight. Yeah. Fourteen minutes long.'

Three seems to be heading off in a strange direction. Extreme emphasis on hammer on/pull off's. Difficulty ramps on on hard *AND* expert at the end. (and easy from what I've heard from the roomie) The series cant rightfully appeal to beginners as well as veterans if they cant actually BEAT the game on easy or medium! At least they're giving the vets what they want with this one... an actuall CHALLENGE! I breezed thru the first two on hard and can complete a damn lotta expert if I'm sober and fairly energized. Hand me a redbull and I've gotta extinguish the fingers every so often. (OW OW OW! Damned harlots. And beasts. :p)
^^^Oh no you didn't!
Beast and the Harlot is one of the most fun gams to play in the game IMO, Once you get the basic melody down it is a cake walk.

As far as which game is better, it is really a matter of personal preference. GHII had less bad songs, but didn't play as good in comparison. GHIII has a lot of good songs, but isn't for beginners (I can breeze through GHII on expert easily, but it took me a while to make it through a few songs in GHIII).


what the fuck you lookin at?
Me too, I can pass all but 3 songs in the game easily on expert (Raining Blood, TTFAF, TDWDTG).

On a side note, there is a DLC pack actually worth buying coming soon :D.

Very good news! :thumbsup:

As for difficultly I'm starting to find GHIII to be easier than I and II. In the first one the HOPO's were all but impossible for me. Even now. The timing wasn't right for me there. On II they are a little easier but still a challenge. With III they've got a ton of enphasis on HOPO's. So much so in fact that they are highlighted, which makes fast sections a breeze. So much so I can now get through raining blood. I still have problems with the damn chords or the repetitive notes. I can never get the rythem quite right :(


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
So your gay? Thanks for sharing. Not my type but to each their own!

Welcome to the board faggot! :thefinger

He's probably mad at the fact that there isnt a SINGLE song by Rupaul, Celine Dion or John Tesh in the Guitar Hero series. Dont be too hard on him! lol


what the fuck you lookin at?
The classic rock DLC just came out and it is great. I reccomend that everyone with a 360 buys it.

Is it actually fun to play? I have some of the other DLC and either its to damn hard or to easy and either way I got tired of it after only a few runs through.