Guitar Hero III


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
There's some neat songs on Rock Band; like Suffragette City by David Bowie.


what the fuck you lookin at?
anybody have an idea what we can look forward to for DLC in the coming months? I know we have foo fighters now and velvet revolver. Neither of which I'm gonna waste my money on! Maybe the velvet revolver songs. I've been looking and I can't find anything that talks about future or possible future DLC.
I finally beat it on expert. Raining Blood was the death of me (and my fingers). I couldn't believe I beat the devil so quickly though.


what the fuck you lookin at?
now do through fire and flames on expert smart ass! :D
yeah and what about the people that play guitar for real it a video game bud and is played for fun thats all !!

I'll tell you something...I've played guitar for over 15 years...I'm not a "shredder" but I can play some fairly fast stuff...GH III on the harder modes is Fucking difficult...I think it's better if you know absolutely nothing about guitar...but if you don't have decent rhythm, this game will destroy your self esteem.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Why am i always watching this thread, when it makes me wanna get GHIII?!


what the fuck you lookin at?
because you want to play dragonforce!


what the fuck you lookin at?
guitar hero 3 is ok, i like that you can download the halo theme song,:) boo ya

It's a bit to easy though. I notice fucking rockband gets new downloadable content all the damn time! Including some nice metallica licks. Where as for GHIII there is what 3 shit song packs and 3 completely gay individual songs. Along with the halo theme and some bullshit christmas tune? All this took forever to become available no less! Come on! Where's the real rock???

I get the velvet revolver thing since it's slash's band and his name is all over this damn game. But I don't get the choice for the rest of the DL content?

Seriously, how about some good hard rock, metal...something!?!?!?!?!?
I'd even take some decent classic rock for fuck sake!
Guitar Hero III is definately in need of some metal content. They put way too many garbage punk bands in the game (all with generic and repeating riffs). I agree that Rock Band has better content overall, but is still plays like crap in comparison.


what the fuck you lookin at?
It does play like crap and the songs that come with it are shit! Part of the reason I got so hooked on the damn game in the first place was because of Cowboys from Hell on the first one! I'd be happy if they'd put some more damn pantera in for download if nothing else!
Unfortunately neither company seems to give the fans what they really want. Us hardcore and metal fans get screwed even though they have the best guitar work.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Yep, even if your not a fan of metal, you still can't help but appreciate the guitar solos!!!