Gas Prices Drop Even Though We Voted For Obama

Is this a joke? President Obama isn't responsible for lowering gas prices, heck if the Democrats had their way our gas prices would be higher right now.

The most important factors for lower gas prices right now are a glut of supply due to extraction innovation (due to fracking, tar sands etc.) and Saudi Arabia.

what is a joke is how fox news and like minded people blamed the president for high gas prices and now get mad because they are too low but wont credit the president with the low prices. they only blame him when bad things happen. not terribly consistent.
what is a joke is how fox news and like minded people blamed the president for high gas prices and now get mad because they are too low but wont credit the president with the low prices. they only blame him when bad things happen. not terribly consistent.

If someone tries to stop a structure from being built, and another man builds it anyway...does the first man then get to take the credit? NO!
If someone tries to stop a structure from being built, and another man builds it anyway...does the first man then get to take the credit? NO!

so you agree that we should have been angry with president obama because the gas prices were high and now we should not mention him at all in the discussion of low gas prices?

so you agree that we should have been angry with president obama because the gas prices were high and now we should not mention him at all in the discussion of low gas prices?


Angry at him? No, not really. If anything, be mad at the Democrats in the Senate and in state houses who have held up the building of new refineries to upgrade or replace old ones. Be mad at the Democrats who held up the Keystone pipeline and safer forms of fracking.



Quoted from the source you've given:
In summary, our data demonstrate eight discrete clusters of groundwater wells (seven overlying the Marcellus and one over-lying the Barnett) near shale-gas drill sites that exhibit evidence for fugitive gas contamination. Three clusters of groundwater wells in the MSA are consistent with hydrocarbon gas contami-nation from intermediate-depth UD sources and one cluster in the BSA is likely derived from an intermediate-depth Strawn source.

Future work should evaluate whether the large volumes of water and high pressures required for horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing influence well integrity. In our opinion, optimizing well integrity is a critical, feasible, and cost-effective way to reduce problems with drinking-water contamination and to alleviate public concerns accompa-nying shale-gas extraction.

So fracking is safe as long as we armor plate every water source in the country. And these eggheads are calling this "cost effective"? Sure, cost effective for oil, not very cost effective for the water.

And the first line of the second quote is priceless. "Future work should establish if this long page of gobbledy-gook means anything or is merely reflective of the fact that we get paid by the word."
Jets suck even though we voted for Obama.