Fuck all Religion!

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Isn't "no religion" a religion?

The blind hatred of religion and the unwarranted attacks of the faithful are a set of beliefs, not religion. But I see your point.

Personally, I think most of the vehement ant-religious types were probably butt fucked by someone in their church early on and developed a hatred that can't be reasoned with.
In general, religion (especially Christianity, Judaism and Islam) is the opiate of the masses as Marx and Engels described. Still, the quest for spirituality and the justification/reason for our being goes on. I would say that some religions bear much promise toward finding an answer to that question....most particularly Buddhism. However, in general, I agree. Most religions are total bullshit.


Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Nester, you started a Happy Easter thread not too long ago. Granted, it was about porn but I thought assheads, excuse me...atheists, avoid using words like "Easter," "Christmas" or any others that might connote a hint of belief or the tolerance of those who are faithful.

I don't really care if someone chooses to believe or not, but I hate it when someone proselytizes one way or the other without knowing what they're talking about. Live and let live.

Unless you're a fucking Scientologist. If so, I hope you get dick cancer.


A man, Clad in steel, Binded by ritual.
Techno Templar. Shrouded by history and lies.
Red crossed, Heart of steel, and the good book.(penthouse)
Adam's craft, a Mini gun forged in the pits of virtue.
A three pointed Mace, The Morning star cackles.
That's some ethereal shit.

Shit, the Agents of destruction approach.
Sons of Cain, Fallen, Nosferatu! Lawyers!
Accursed wretched leeches lacking in grace.
Good personal hygiene.
However still shall I render judgement.

Perplexed, Die they will not.
Fleet of foot!
Fare thee well would be a lie.

The murky woods
Man wolves hug the trees.
Compromising positions.
Sodomizing nature!
Trampled lilies, the dogs of war.

Pagan gods cry.
Pan's pestilent pipes.
Changeling's in my pad.
Seductive furies, the whisperings of carnal lust.
Howl on the wind.
I haven't heard that before.

My shield, a mirror, Veritas
Decrepit crones, the witches shall burn.
Bale fire the book reads.
A death keel rips the air.
A neighbour's death.

Blood soaked in a clearing, head spinning.
Post apocalyptic wasteland, I forgot my coat.
Inconsistent scenery.
Man's Eden, the orchard is dry.
Its a nano nephilim Crysis.

Legions, Sins of the flesh.
Sandbox giants.
Sober and rapture me up.
Isn't "no religion" a religion?



Official Checked Star Member
Religion is the source of most conflicts in the world. Aside from oil and land I really can't think of anything else countries fight over. I have no problem with religion even though I'm a non-theist but I wish people wouldn't use it as an excuse to hurt others and then hide behind it when they come under fire.
I don't believe. Religion to a single person can be good, but the church is a different story. They don't pay taxes, and the priests fuck little boys (why boys, why not little girls atleast lol). A priest downtown here where i live fucked a boy and got arrested about a year ago. The church got sued, so they had to sell a bunch of their land. My college bought the property and now there is no more Church down there period

Now did God tell the priest to fuck little boys? yeahh i thought the same thing. "NO"


I got bored again muahahahahaha......

Civilization that oil starved beast
The micro-militarism of cornered animals
The golden path has been lost
Mankind not in balance with nature
Pagan gods scheme and plot
New agers have all the answers
Rather than trust humanity, It's divided house
Genocide, A culling, Whisperings from illuminated halls
Novis Ordo Seclorum their goals usurped
Loki the great usurper, full of devious machinations
Unchain the beast, set it loose upon man, 666
Virus, they have the cure.
Great swords split the sky, Their power wilting all they touch
Man's eden no more
Cursed sons of Cain, Doomed to walk the earth, Slumber for scarcity of sacred blood.
Waning pagan powers conspire, Followers, Pan Shepard's
Enchanted glades, Celtic and Norse strongholds of old
Sheltered from the events to come
Dogs of war, Ever their foot soldiers, More beast than man
Christianity's last alliance, Secreted enclaves
Coalition infiltrated and subverted within
The beast ravages the globe, humanity's end
Dark prince's discontent, No longer idle upon the throne
All souls will be his, Trapped in limbo no more
Legions meet legions of light, They clash
A stalemate, An accord is struck upon the land of Israel
True god, The strands of fate hidden by pagan unity
Power will wane, Followers required
Chess, The game will reset, Return of the old proxies
Legion's return to hellish and heavenly domains
Israel transformed, Verdant and lush, A displaced population
Adam and Mitochondrial Eve, Neo-genesis
A seed of evil, Dark prince once again implants
Non-interference, Free will treasured by his most high
Passage of years, Pagan and believer alike flourish and multiply
Pagan kingdoms, Neo-Israel, Creatures of myth and new age technocrats
Inhabit the ruin of the third kingdom
Gods walk amongst mortals once again
A new age has begun, One of bloody strife and intrigue
Omega: Cantos I

Jon S.

Don't sweat it Nesty, God doesn't believe in you either!
God believes in me though! God, Jesus, The Easter Bunny and I had Easter Brunch together this past Sunday! Santa Clause and the Tooth Fairy tried to crash the party, but we kept them out! :1orglaugh

For the record, it's not religion that is the problem. It's organized religion and the fanaticism that follows from it that is the REAL problem!
God believes in me though! God, Jesus, The Easter Bunny and I had Easter Brunch together this past Sunday! Santa Clause and the Tooth Fairy tried to crash the party, but we kept them out! :1orglaugh

For the record, it's not religion that is the problem. It's organized religion and the fanaticism that follows from it that is the REAL problem!


I said something similar to someone once.
Like; "Sure, the Easter Bunny is driving and Santa's coming along too!"

Fuckin' idiot said something to me like...

"What are you getting at?"
