French satirical weekly "Charlie Hebdo" says its latest edition contains several cartoons with caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad.
The editor of the weekly, originally a cartoonist who uses the name Charb, said the images would "shock those who will want to be shocked."
He said they will appear in the edition due to come out on September 19.
The magazine's decision to publish the cartoons comes amid sometimes violent protests in Muslim countries over a low budget video made privately in the United States that mocks the Islamic prophet.
At least 19 people have been killed during such protests.
French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault issued a statement expressing his "disapproval of all excesses" and called for everyone to act "responsibly."
France, with at least 4 million Muslims, has Western Europe's largest Islamic community.

I'm in favor of freedom of sppech and, any other day, I would have approved the publishing of such cartoons but this is realy not the right time to publich them.
On September 30th 2005, Charlie Hebdo and othr newspapers and magazines all over the world had published such cartoons afer they were first published in a danish paper, Jyllands-Posten, and hzd provoked many protest -sometimes violent- from mmslims all over the world.
Here's one of the cartoons published in 2005