French satyrical weekly "Charlie Hebdo" to publish caricatures of prophet Muhammad

French satirical weekly "Charlie Hebdo" says its latest edition contains several cartoons with caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad.

The editor of the weekly, originally a cartoonist who uses the name Charb, said the images would "shock those who will want to be shocked."

He said they will appear in the edition due to come out on September 19.

The magazine's decision to publish the cartoons comes amid sometimes violent protests in Muslim countries over a low budget video made privately in the United States that mocks the Islamic prophet.

At least 19 people have been killed during such protests.

French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault issued a statement expressing his "disapproval of all excesses" and called for everyone to act "responsibly."

France, with at least 4 million Muslims, has Western Europe's largest Islamic community.

I'm in favor of freedom of sppech and, any other day, I would have approved the publishing of such cartoons but this is realy not the right time to publich them.

On September 30th 2005, Charlie Hebdo and othr newspapers and magazines all over the world had published such cartoons afer they were first published in a danish paper, Jyllands-Posten, and hzd provoked many protest -sometimes violent- from mmslims all over the world.

Here's one of the cartoons published in 2005

Oh, this'll go over well! :thumbsup:

I'm in favor of freedom of sppech [sic]... but this is realy not the right time to publich [sic] them.

It doesn't really seem like you're familiar with the term "freedom of speech."
It doesn't really seem like you're familiar with the term "freedom of speech."

The thing is, when does freedom of speech need to be curtailed? That shit stain that made that movie fully exercised his freedom of speech, and now the Camel Brigade is exercising its freedom of speech, and there are many innocent Americans being attacked and killed. Wouldn't you say that something that everyone knows will harm scores of innocents should be censored if its author isn't willing to publicly face those he's insulting? That shit stain in LA has come out and accepted responsibility for the movie from the safety of an undisclosed location. He'll admit to making it, but he's just as happy to see Americans pay the price for his actions. That's cowardice.

If the French editor who's publishing this in his magazine isn't willing to face the Mooslim world and say, "Fuck yes, I published it, what are you gonna do about it?"then he's just a coward who will hide behind his county's innocents. That kind of freedom should not be allowed.
It is not good idea to publish that picture, because after that many Christians lose their lives.


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The thing is, when does freedom of speech need to be curtailed? That shit stain that made that movie fully exercised his freedom of speech, and now the Camel Brigade is exercising its freedom of speech, and there are many innocent Americans being attacked and killed. Wouldn't you say that something that everyone knows will harm scores of innocents should be censored if its author isn't willing to publicly face those he's insulting? That shit stain in LA has come out and accepted responsibility for the movie from the safety of an undisclosed location. He'll admit to making it, but he's just as happy to see Americans pay the price for his actions. That's cowardice.

If the French editor who's publishing this in his magazine isn't willing to face the Mooslim world and say, "Fuck yes, I published it, what are you gonna do about it?"then he's just a coward who will hide behind his county's innocents. That kind of freedom should not be allowed.

First of all, free speech doesn't include murdering people, so to say that "the Camel Brigade is exercising its freedom of speech," is categorically false. Having said that, I don't disagree that this Alan what's-his-name is a piece of shit, but simply being a coward is not condition enough to revoke someone's freedom of expression. Should the leaders of the project to build a Muslim center near ground zero be made to publicly face all New Yorkers and other extremely incensed Americans? Should Americans start killing the Muslims domestically as well as internationally that celebrate 9/11? Should Bill Maher be made to take an open-top bus tour of the Bible Belt every time he opens his mouth and says derogatory things against Christians? Of course not, although I'm pretty sure there are people who would kill Bill Maher if they ever saw him for insulting their religion and beliefs, too.

Does it make it right to do so? Of course not, its unethical, immoral and just plain stupid. Its more than distasteful and could be argued as inflammatory. But I side with Thomas Jefferson in the thought that "I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it."
kill salafists and all other radical islamist scum and you will have peace.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
God damed it Johan. I hate agreeing with such a liberal but you've got it right. Free speech does not take liberties from anyone. Peaceful protests are not a threat but welcomed in a free society. Bad timing? Sure with the current event happening throughout the world concerning this matter. That being said, some guy's video starts burnings and killings only says one thing. There is never a place for free speech for some people. There are lands on this earth that people can live that live by the laws that you believe in. Pack your bags and live in your happier place forever. We won't stop you from living in a place you don't want to live in.
That being said, some guy's video starts burnings and killings only says one thing. There is never a place for free speech for some people. There are lands on this earth that people can live that live by the laws that you believe in. Pack your bags and live in your happier place forever. We won't stop you from living in a place you don't want to live in.
Except some exception I don't understand and don't agree with, I think my country is one of these lands : Here, in France, you're entitled to freedom of specch, unless what you say is judged to fall under our laws about Incitement to ethnic or racial hatred. Directors and producers of "Innocence of Muslims" would have been charged of this. And, most probably, they would have been condemned...
We respect freedom of speech. Unless your freedom of speech hurts someone else's freedom of opinion/religion.


My Penis Is Dancing!
I say we put the crazy Islams, crazy Christians, crazy Jews and so on, put them on a big island with the weapons of their choice and let their little gods sort the bodies out.
Only rule is, the only weapons they get will be those weapons which can be used to kill each other. For instance, no nukes. Blow up all the crazy fucks from all of the crazy religions and let those with the capacity to think for themselves live in peace.