FreeOnes Members Webcam Week!


Member, you member...
I'm tinking of Mariah right now and I'm all warm and fuzzy inside - again.
This Week on FreeOnes Webcam.....

Seraphim angered his boss God and had to pay the price. He was guilty of trying to get his team of angels to do some posing in tight latex bodysuits. God didn't think this was becoming of his right hand man, so sent a bolt of lightening down to knock out his modem. He even made sure that the repairman was too busy to come for 4 days!

D-rock won POTW and was so shocked with the result he went into a coma for 3 days. Doctors was baffled though as he had a broard grin on his face for all the 3 days. It wasn't till he began to come round shouting "Priya don't leave me this way, please, please don't go with ********** I love you, remember the last 3 days" then broke down into a scream.

RogueWolf won MOTW and was instantly getting midget trouble. Juballs claims that it wasn't any of his midgets even though he found a hole under his fence. But he was found to be lying when one of them grabbed the MOTW crown and started to chant a sacred spell. RogueWolf then changed into a RogueKitten which KittyKat currently is looking after.

FreeOnes added a advert to the top corner of the board. No harm in that really, except what members don't know is that. For every member who joins the site, FreeOnes gets a private modeling session from each of the models wearing nothing but a FreeOnes thong and t-shirt.

Gordar asked why do members buy magazines. But I have found out the true reason he asked this question. It wasn't as innocent as members might think, he's working in partnership with DrDeath and his sexy assistant KittyKat. When they get the results in they are going to publish their own magazine. But hidden within the pictures will be messages not seen by the normal eye. Only when you are asleep will you start the sleep walking to DrDeath's lab so he and KittyKat can start his evil experiments on his unknowing victims.

Poggy meanwhile now back up to full power is getting back to spamming Lucy's thread. Although he does have a few members trying to give him competion. But with a evil laugh he says "I pity the fools who think they will beat me" as the men in little white coats load him into the padded cell.

(Did you miss me last week :rolleyes: )
D-rock won POTW and was so shocked with the result he went into a coma for 3 days. Doctors was baffled though as he had a broard grin on his face for all the 3 days. It wasn't till he began to come round shouting "Priya don't leave me this way, please, please don't go with ********** I love you, remember the last 3 days" then broke down into a scream.

Luckily once I returned out of the coma I could purify myself of the nightmares by looking at pictures of Priya. Ahh that's better.

Some members complained about the advertising in the corner. Some new evidence has come up to suggest that it might be BNF's doing. He just wanted everybody to have to watch Anette Dawn rub herself all over. The reason he didn't choose Gisele was that he was saving that for himself.

Dr.Death posted a picture of a large Spam truck. What people don't know is that is going to be the basic for his new Skullmobile. Once completed it will have a mouth that will swallow people he catches while he chases people around in it and they will be thrown into the event horizon he has installed in there earlier.

There has been an update on Seraphim’s status. It seems the man upstairs wasn't upset that he had people try out the new latex uniforms, it was the fact that Seraphim didn't include a uniform for him considering he is also a big latex fan and all. All was fixed after Seraphim spent the last for days creating a special latex outfit for the big guy.

Jod and Dr.Death have been going back and forth for the title of the Rep King. It looks like Jod might be trying to get an edge by getting the midget vote on his side after he gave them some stilts and a couple of his Mariah magazines to win them over.
AFA has recently won the Nigerian lottery. He was so excited because now he will be able to invite all the Freeones members over to the party that he is preparing. He promises to send the limos out for us just as soon as the $50,000 processing free he had to pay to receive his reward goes through.

Inspired by the Man Laws tread Legzman has come up with a television remote control that will be impervious to women everywhere. It seems to work any button on it you will need to successfully answer a sports trivia question it gives you.

Civic killer wanted to know what were people’s favorite types of transmission are between an automatic and a manual. He only asked this because he needed the info to figure out which one would be the best to install for hunting down all the pesky Civics that are on the road.

Poggy created a 5 Little Question thread. In one of those questions he asked people what would be the first thing they would buy if they won the lottery. He didn’t answer this question himself, but we have learned that the answer would be to use the money to carve an image of Lucy into the moon for everybody to see forever.

A Taco Bell ripped off Dr.Death this week when they messed up his order. He eventually made up with the guys there and invited them to his house. It seems they found out that Dr.Death is a fan of Iron Maiden just like them. The doc offered to take them to his basement to show them his collection. Unfortunately for them, when Dr.Death said his iron maiden collection he wasn’t talking about Iron Maiden the band. Nobody is sure if Dr.Death got his revenge on them but diabolic laughter could be heard coming out of his house. Mwhahahahah hahahaha....Hahahahaha
A Taco Bell ripped off Dr.Death this week when they messed up his order. He eventually made up with the guys there and invited them to his house. It seems they found out that Dr.Death is a fan of Iron Maiden just like them. The doc offered to take them to his basement to show them his collection. Unfortunately for them, when Dr.Death said his iron maiden collection he wasn’t talking about Iron Maiden the band. Nobody is sure if Dr.Death got his revenge on them but diabolic laughter could be heard coming out of his house. Mwhahahahah hahahaha....Hahahahaha
Yep! I let them stay in my "guest room" it's a lil' small but very homey! ;)
Poggy created a 5 Little Question thread. In one of those questions he asked people what would be the first thing they would buy if they won the lottery. He didn’t answer this question himself, but we have learned that the answer would be to use the money to carve an image of Lucy into the moon for everybody to see forever.

I don't need to pay for that D-rock, I'm currently in training to goto the moon myself. But not to carve Lucy's image, but to paint the moon in Lucy's image! ;)

This Week on FreeOnes Webcam.....

Pussypoppa won SOTW with a basic copy and paste sig thats all over the web. Next week his entry will be a sig he's copied and pasted of a less active member of this very board. He will almost get away with it until the original name will start to melt his off it to reveal it belongs to Ipooptoomuch.

Sandee Westgate has got CivicKiller completely in her powers. So much so that she has reformed him completely. He is no longer the destroyer of Civic all over the world. Sandee has made him start to run a home for broken, unwanted and old Civics.

Hazardmandan started to make posts on topic threads saying exactly the same as was said above him. It is thought that he could be a old retired auto message machine that has broken it's programing and become addicted to porn. But has to revert back to his old ways every so often to repeat a message above. He can currently be found on a models thread saying hot, hot, hot....

Legzman, Roughneck and King all seem to have jumped to the conclusion that this very thread is linked to a actual webcam. This is even after I provided a link to the thread. But no doubt they won't ever see this post, as at the moment all 3 of them are looking at a Tera Patrick picture in a dark room while wearing blindfolds. But passers by can still here them saying "look at the boobs on that"

RogueWolf would like to know where Tunsty is. Well good news RogueWolf rumour has it Tunsty will be back very soon to reveal his true identity. This is because he is really David Hasslehoff and is currently to busy remembering the time Princess Diana threw herself at him trying to get him to bed her.

Aegis has revealed that he has been banned from a number of hosting sites in the past. Well we at FMWW can reveal the reason why he keeps getting banned. It has nothing to do with the fact he has pictures of naked women on them. This is because he keeps uploading a portrait of himself on them.

Icerfan has taken to desperation in trying to suck up to EllyJanie. His current plan is to post her name in every thread asking for the best looking, sexiest, etc. But a message just in from EllyJanie has revealed she will be running off to marry the rep king himself Jod. It was the lure of the green stones that won her over, someone told her they are emeralds. (I wonder who ?)

Iamforever seems to think he is some sort of eternal being. Well Seraphim has informed his boss of this, who is said to be a little angry at this statement. Iamforever will have to watchout from now on as God has his ways of making fools out of people. It's even thought God might even make him into Chuck Norris for a year.

Poggy started a thread called "A Stolen 5 Little Questions" that he hoped Lucy would join the board and post in. But rumour has it as D-rock has played a little master stroke on Poggy. He is going to get another IP address registered to Southampton, England. Then join the board and make one thread with one post in it. All it will say is "Hi this is Lucy Pinder and I've just joined the board to say I'm getting married in 10 minutes and I've just retired from modeling". The last thing we heard from Poggy was "Noooooooooooooo....." and since then he's been in a deep, deep, deep.... coma.

*Sub note*
No members was harmed in this episode of FreeOnes Members Webcam Week!
This Week on FreeOnes Webcam.....

CaDDadFy started two poll threads on sitcoms and shamefully did no research on the sitcoms he picked to go with the titles of the threads. So now members are wondering if they should start there own poll thread, on how long he researched before posting them, 1, 2 or 3 seconds.

Seraphim won SOTW, but he has a little secret he's not telling about the model in his sig. The reason he's not telling is because it's his bosses daughter and he thought his little angel was at a job interview not posing for Seraphim. If he finds out Seraphim will not only be reduced to cleaning the angels toilets for the next 6 months. But also will have his wings clipped and made to take the common workers low class plane to work in the morning.

Deeeze was also celebrating his own win in MOTW. The longtime member and one of the greatest sig makers on the board wanted to do something special to celebrate and remember his win. He decided to make a very special sig of him wearing the crown while surrounded by babes. He wanted to get some real stunners for it so called a professional modeling agency. While browsing the phonebook he spilt his drink on it, making it all smudged. The next day when the knock at the door came he opened it eagerly to see his gorgeous models. The shock nearly killed him, his models were all babies. The smudged phonebook number he called was Class Babies Models not Class Babes Models!

FreeonesUser12 wanted to know which type of girl you would like to bed. The choices he picked was Fat or Skinny (his words not mine) then went on to say which he would prefer. He stated "Who wouldn't want to fuck the living shit out of this girl?" and gave a link to a rather large lady. Well he'll be at it for quite sometime from the looks of it doing what he stated.

Gordon Bennett decided to make his voice heard on Lucy Pinder by posting :sleep: . That was the whole post and then when challenged as to why he posted that (by whom I don't know honest). He replied it was because she still hadn't shown her nipples. Next week he will be posting :sleep: :sleep: in Jennifer Ellison's thread.

Tunsty has returned to the board from his break and announced that he is reworking Billy Joel's 'We Didn't Start The Fire' into a FreeOnes version. If it goes well he also has plans to rework many other songs into FreeOnes versions including Tom Petty's 'Free Fallin' and calling it 'FreeOnes Hawkin'

Roughneck won POTW and is determined not to let the crown go easily. So he contacted DrDeath on how he could make it impossible to remove it from his head by anyone but him. His head can now be seen in DrDeath lab cupboard with the rest of his heads in a sealed jar collection.

Poggy posted some new pictures of Lucy in her thread this week. One of these is of Lucy wearing nothing but soap bubbles. What members didn't know is that he has actually applied to be the official bubble postioner for that shoot. But they fired him as his drool kept washing them off.
Tunsty returned to the board this week. It seems that he was on a secret mission to create a bunch of weird happenings that he could then use in his WTF files. The good new is that he appears to not be David Hasslehoff after all.

RogueWolf then begged Tunsty to take him on his next secret mission so he can see what goes on.

Jod was working when Mariah came in suddenly and sweep him away to go off on a trip to a deserted tropical island together. Of course it was all a dream and he woke up, but he woke up to find himself in the middle of Mariah's bed. He just hopes she doesn't get mad when she finds out he snuck in there.

Dr.Death invited some people over to his house. At one point he asked everybody if they wanted to look at their tombstones. At that point everybody ran out of the house because they have heard rumors of Dr.Death previous happenings and didn't want to stick around. Dr.Death then came back into the living room with a couple of Tombstone pizzas he had baking in the oven for them, and had to wonder why he is always so misunderstood.

LadyLove finds out that she is the rightful heir to be queen of the universe in one of her “domino” searching incidents on the Internet. Unfortunately, before she can claim her prize she gets distracted by something else she sees and misses out on it.