FreeOnes Members Webcam Week!

poggy1 said:
Roald won POTW with a very cynical set of comments on how women should basically just shut up moaning. For the rest of the week he was in a men only prison for his own protection. The ladies of the board was after his .... to put them in a jar.

KittyKat won SOTW and to help her celebrate DrDeath let his sexy assistant do a experiment of her own. She wants to see what she would get if she mixed a Jod0565 and 4G63 together. The result is still unknown, but DrDeath's computer didn't survive the experiment.

:rofl: :rofl: Poggy, you never fail to make me laugh with your weekly webcam post!
Poggy's Saturday update of this thread is one of the things I look forward to reading every Saturday...Good work on the updates and on making this a great thread
This Week on FreeOnes Webcam.....

Tgunz262 won SOTW with a stylish sig of Heather Kozar in pictures. But to achive it he had to do the old saw a woman in half trick. His only problem is now, he doesn't know how to put Heather back together. As he returned the library book after only reading the first half.

Irony has won MOTW and was instantly targeted by Juballs midgets. Irony however been a typical Aussie dealt with the problem in true Aussie style. The midgets was last seen in some outback watering hole singing Waltzing Matilda.

Rory's posted pictures of a trip to Vegas and had the stunning Silvia Saint in some of them. This brought a post from Prof Voluptuary stating she was looking good for her age of about 40 (if not already). This brought confusion to some members, think they'ed been frozen and had lost 10 years, when they'ed only taken a nap.

Also a thread was started by accessspecialex on Prof Voluptuary stating he was a legend. Which has brought a post from thegunner898989 saying and I quote "Every post he makes is a quality one. I've rarely seen a post shorter than 5 lines". But this is not what a lot of members think make a quality post, as most are asleep after 4 lines of reading.

(Sorry it's a little short and late this week not much time.)
This Week on FreeOnes Webcam.....

Deeeze has this week won SOTW with a great sig in black and white of Vida Guerra. But members think they are just pictures of the current Vida in B&W. But evidence has come to light that this is not the case. The Vida in them pictures are actually her grandmother who was one of the very first playboy models.

Georges has at last been awarded the MOTW title. He also has the perfect way of dealing with Juballs and his midgets. His harem of big boobed women should keep them well distracted while he makes his escape with the crown.

DrDeath won POTW, but I have my doubts on how he won it. As I look through the list of members who voted for him, I suspect that he programed his clone experiments to vote for him. I too voted for him, but I must tell the members the truth of why. I got a envolope with a picture of my Lucy and a note saying "if you don't vote for me, I'm going to experiment on combining Lucy with Jordan (Katie Price)" :eek:

The Mod Squad continue to do great work under the watchful eye of FreeOnes himself. But one of his crew members Rorys, decided to post some pictures of the babes he was hanging out with in Vegas. But Silvia and Terri still deny that they know him.

Sorry little short again, things are still busy.

*whispers* You have no proof that I'm guilty of the crimes stated above....maybe next time my Nemesis! *laughs an evil laugh*
This Week on FreeOnes Webcam.....

Poggy1 was going to celebrate his 4000th post right here in this thread. But failed by 1 posts, as he couldn't find anything to post on without looking like he was spamming. So decided to eat some Spam instead!

Irony was bored during this week and went hunting through the thread basement. He pulled up one thread out of the dark, that was so old that it was a debate on religion started by Jesus.

POTW had joint winners this week of LadyLove and D-rock. When asked for a comment on this LadyLove said simply "D-rock, rocks my world" and this has members wondering now. Is this the only joint thing between them ?

Prof Voluptuary was on usual form this week trying to get members to argue with him on the smallest matters. He's took to boasting about himself, to prove how good he is. Hollywood have stated they can't miss out on this and are currently locked in talks about making a blockbuster of him called "I Did It My Way" starring only Prof Voluptuary and with a cast of Prof Voluptuary. j/k:D

Legzman this week revealed he is scared of corn fields after watching Signs. So now the mods have come up with a new punishment just for him if he ever steps out of line. They are going to send him to be an extra in Fields of Dreams the stage show.

CaDDaFy started a new religious thread on is it a good or bad thing. But the question that goes through my mind when I look at it is this. The amount of red rep he's got after starting that thread, is it a good or bad thing!
poggy1 said:
Irony was bored during this week and went hunting through the thread basement. He pulled up one thread out of the dark, that was so old that it was a debate on religion started by Jesus.
Yep Irony dug ups some old stuff but I'm glad he did 'cause I hadn't seen some of it and some of it was pretty funny! LOL:1orglaugh
Haha lol thanks Poggy. Yeh just thought i might resurface some old talk that i found quite amusing!
Nice ones. I'm going to have to start thinking of more of my own again, but start early in the week and write them down so I have enough good material.

Dr. Death has started a new meat packing business out of his butcher shop/clinic. He will specialize in hamburgers, which he calls soylent burgers, whatever that means, :dunno: which will all be part of his new soylent brand of products.

Seraphim has thought about ditching the cloak he wears after the tenth time in a day he has tried to reach for something and had it slip out of his grip because the sleeves on his cloak are way longer than his reach.

Poggy got 4,000 posts this week but was worried when one of the moderators told him that they were going to adjust his post count to make it so every post with the word Lucy doesn't count.

Degenerate Jeb is trying to get his sig to be a new move on the next big fighting video game that comes out. Hopefully this might be a step closer to matching the roundhouse kicks Chuck Norris has always done in it.

Georges is trying to get newly found pictures of his youth banished where it is revealed that his was at one time riding around with a small-breasted women in a Ford Pinto with a cheap big chain department store watch on his wrist.

D-rock finally went back to putting babes in his sig delighting all the other members that were getting scared of the Chuck Norris and the team era of his sigs.
D-rock said:
Poggy got 4,000 posts this week but was worried when one of the moderators told him that they were going to adjust his post count to make it so every post with the word Lucy doesn't count.

Well that will leave me with just 1 post:eek: :rofl:

Great post D-rock:thumbsup:


Member, you member...
D-rock said:
D-rock finally went back to putting babes in his sig delighting all the other members that were getting scared of the Chuck Norris and the team era of his sigs.
My prayers worked, huh? lol
jod0565 said:
My prayers worked, huh? lol

Even my cruelty can only go so far. I didn't want to make you cry anymore. :1orglaugh Plus it's impossible to go wrong with beautiful women. :yesyes:
There have been reports that LadyLove might be trying to take over some of Juball's midgets and that is why she has done well in the "of the week" threads lately. It seems that she has upped the ante on Juballs. Where he only gives them a loaf of bread, some gruel, and water each day she is willing to give them another loaf of bread, some cheesecake, and let them watch all the cartoons they want in addition to that.

The reports that it was Chuck Norris that made all the frogs pop up on people's signatures recently are not true. When questioned about it Chuck said that if he was going to do that he would put himself on the picture because he is the only thing good enough to replace what everybody had. He then went on to build the palace he will be living in the next few days using nothing but his spit as the glue that will hold all the timbers together he roundhouse kicked out of the ground.

Dr.Death has been working on an undead version of a snake that will be able to hunt down frogs everywhere without tiring. He says that they will also make good pets and should be on sale sometime in the spring of next year. Rumors are that he will also make them able to attack midgets just in case an emergency pops up for him later.

Also in the news today is the fact that Poggy has finally convinced the Bank of England to come out with a reissued one pound note with Lucy on it. Now everybody will be able to see her face whenever they go to buy something.

Jod is eagerly waiting the moment he will reach 100,000 rep stones. He figures then he will be able to combine them and create a new rock that he can live under because the one he has now is starting to get a little old. Plus everything will look green when the sun shines through it.
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This Week on FreeOnes Webcam.....

DrDeath pasted 1,000 posts, but actually DrDeath has 10,000 posts. It's just that everytime he posts 100 times, he only goes up by 1 posts. This is due to FreeOnes not been the real FreeOnes anymore. DrDeath cloned him sometime ago and even now still has the real FreeOnes lock in a lab. Trying to extract his power over the ladies to use against the ladys of the board and lure them to his lab.

Aces&Jacks pasted 7,000 posts, but didn't get time to celebrate. As a new member thought that he'd set a challenge to the ID King. The test he set him was to ID 100 babes in 1 hour. The task look impossible after 45 minutes had gone and Aces&Jacks had only ID'ed 20 of them. But the 50 minute mark the whole board went black for 9 minutes. Then with a blinding flash of light one thread only came to life and in it there was 100 and 1 names. The other was from a post he asked for only the blonde ID'ed, but AJ also decided to ID the redhead too. From now on the ID section will always be known as Kingdom Aces&Jacks!

Irony pasted 2,000 posts and in true Aussie style threw a massive party for the board. It was a real BBQ with every meat you can think of and every beer too. But disaster struck when he went to lite the BBQ, a spark flew across to where his MILF collection was and it burst into flames. Members still are talking about how he broken down and had to be taken away while still crying like a baby.

Seraphim past the 5,000 post mark, but all didn't go well for him from that moment. First there was a law passed that no model will ever be allowed to pose in latex. The just to finish him off God ordered that he recruited a whole new staff of men only.

Calm passed the 3,000 post mark, but all is not that calm for him either. As rumours have started to do the rounds that he too has been experimented on by DrDeath and is a clone made up by bits of former members.


Member, you member...
D-rock said:
Jod is eagerly waiting the moment he will reach 100,000 rep stones. He figures then he will be able to combine them and create a new rock that he can live under because the one he has now is starting to get a little old. Plus everything will look green when the sun shines through it.

It will be The GreenHouse! er, GreenRock!
This Week on FreeOnes Webcam.....

DrDeath continues to do experiments on the members of the board. He for the second week won SOTW and now he is trying to use his evil experiments of mind control and cloning to get KittyKat MOTW.

Speaking of KittyKat, the sexy assistant was joint winner of POTW with LadyLove. But what every member now wants to see is the rumoured video tape of the after awards party. It was supposed to have gotten a little out of hand. They argued who's was the best post and decided to settle it with a wet t-shirt contest. Now thats a video I would mind seeing;)

CaDDaFy seems to think that all music stopped after 1989. But sadly that is also when he lost his hearing to all other music other than a guitar rift in a freak accident. While listening to a Deep Purple banging out a tune on his headphones, there was a sudden power surge. It made the volume get stuck on full for 10 mintues.

********** asked the question "Is porn degrading". But didn't expect what one member answered. The other members of the board are wondering if it was a old unhappy ex-girlfriend when they posted. The only porn that is degrading is with **********, on there one and only post on the board.

Freemonger is thought to have just come out of a very darkroom, which had nothing but porn dvd's from the last 10 years in it. Because he seems to think that there has been only hot looking women in porn for the last 10 years. Members are already trying see if he was made in the last 10 years also.

4NAK8 wanted to know whats wrong with the other members of the board. He's not happy that they aren't spamming after he posts a link or picture of a babe, telling him how good they look. Tomorrow he will be writing to his local goverment asking them why his garden hasn't won "garden of the year". Even though he hasn't cut the grass or trees for the last 5 years!
poggy1 said:
Speaking of KittyKat, the sexy assistant was joint winner of POTW with LadyLove. But what every member now wants to see is the rumoured video tape of the after awards party. It was supposed to have gotten a little out of hand. They argued who's was the best post and decided to settle it with a wet t-shirt contest. Now thats a video I would mind seeing;)
Hey, does anyone know where I can get a copy of said video?:lovecoupl :D