On the 12 days of christmas FreeOnes gave to us...
1st day.
FreeOnes himself gave Poggy the control of the board for the day. This gave Poggy control of all the ModSquad absolute. So Poggy's first act was to punish them all for any wrong doings they had done over the year. BNF was the first up and his punishment was to be Chuck Norris's servent for 24 hours and his first duties turned out to be was to bath him and dress him.
Seraphim was given to the mercy of his Angel crew. When last seen he was wearing a tight latex maids outfit and was cleaning there dirty socks by hand.
Aces&Jacks was locked into a room full of newbies and wouldn't be let out till he'd ID'ed everyone of the 5000 babes they had pictures of for ID'ing.
Pitino was given as a slave to Belladonna which at first he smiled at and thought it would be fun. That all changed when she grabbed him and strapped him face down to a table. The last Poggy saw as he made his exit was Belladonna putting on a massive strap-on on and heading in Pitino's direction. Just as Poggy got outside he heard a deafening scream from Pitino.
Comanduc was forced out of his dark celler and forced to make at least 10 posts on the board. In any thread except congrats, happy birthday or Erica Campbell's thread.
AFA was banned from the ID, Find Your Favourite Babe and Funny Pictures sections of the board. He was made to only post in the FreeOnes talk section for 24 hours and with no links or pictures.
Darkman was forced to review everyone of his 16,000 plus posts he's made on the board and made to delete all the dead links.
2nd day.
DrDeath and KittyKat decided to get into the christmas spirit by first kidnapping Santa and his reindeer. Then with this achived they put the Doc evil plan into operation to take over christmas. First instead of delivering presents to everyone on christmas eve night, he left one parcel for each person. The next morning as everyone opened the present they was hit by a hypno ray. They remembered nothing of what happened to them till christmas day night. But the true evilness of the Doc's plan was evident the next day when people woke on boxing day morning. Every single man in the world had instead of feet, they had a pair of pink fluffy bunny slippers which they was unable to remove. The women had a pair of white bunny ears and a fluffy bob tail.
3rd day.
Foxlipsus threw a massive christmas party and invited all the board members. FMWW sent freelance reporters Gordar and Calm along to see what it was all about. The early party was very much a quiet affair at first on the early report. Then things started to liven up when Fox and his band came on stage to play a set. By the end of it there was women screaming and ripping off their clothes to reveal full BSDM outfits and jumped on to the stage. At this point the whole party became a massive scene of torture and sex with Fox right in the middle of it. They reported that a santa claus character was been strapped up like a reindeer and abused by women dressed as elves both physically and sexually. But when asked what happened next both Gordar and Calm broke down into a deep jibbering wreck. They are currently been treated at a near by hospital for shock and a few injuries to them physically.
4th day.
Montrealman and Iamforever decided to get together for a night of musical studies. They thought they go through all the types and try to see if they could write a book on the types and styles of music. Plus also the types of people you'd find that listened to each style and why. But as all seemed to be going well till they hit the country and western section. There minds went all a blank and all they could think off was Dolly Parton and Shania Twain. All that ended up been posted here was a photoshoped image of the pair in a lesbian embrace, wearing nothing but lingerie.
5th day.
D-rock went to his family christmas get together at a aunt's house and spotted a lady he adored. Yes it was her Priya Rai was at the gathering how and why. To D-rock's suprise it turns out that she's a the sister of his aunt's, uncle, wife, nephew girlfriend, which meant absolutely no relation to him. So he thought he'd try his luck at seeing if he could get a date with her. He tried all his best chat up lines but none of them worked. Having failed at this he tried to impress her which also wasn't having much of a effect. So he went for one last attempt by jumping on the karaoke and belting out pretty woman. But just as he was finishing her saw her walking out the door with David Hasslehoff.
6th day.
Dave Rhino had gone away on a safari for christmas and was on a hunt to capture a Rhino. He thought it was about time he had one of his own to live up to his name. The hunt was long and the Rhino big and strong but was finally worn down. The troubles really began though once he had returned home and put his new pet into the new home he had built for it. First he named it Dave of course and then as the weeks went by he started to see Dave (the Rhino) everywhere, at work, at local store, at the sports centre and even driving a big 4x4. He thought he was going mad and went to see a shrink. The shrink was soon certain that Dave Rhino was very ill and admitted him to hospital for the best care. Last known the Rhino Dave was very happy in his new job and 4 bedroom house with a shinny grey 4x4.