FreeOnes Members Webcam Week!

BNF and Georges decided to have one final race to see who would come out the winner once and for all. It was all going good until BNF's engine failed. It seemed somebody sabotaged it. Georges was happy in his sure victory until his engine also suspiciously failed. A couple of seconds after that a car came flying from behind with Brianna Banks and Gisele riding inside of it. They had it with the little competition between BNF and Georges and decided it was time they taught them a lesson and won the race instead. It was all good between BNF and Georges and they decided to call it even and admitted the woman sure taught them a lesson. They just wished the ladies had remembered to come back and pick them up. It was a 10 Km walk back to the resort they were all staying at.

Dr.Death has officially announced his run for the presidency. He hopes to gather support with his new platform. It seems the first part of the new platform will be to lobotomize all other politicians, corporate CEO's, lawyers, used car salesman, and those idiots down at the Taco Bell that always screw up his order. The swell of support he has been getting lately has been huge.

Seraphim has had to hide out for a few more days. Now that he has moved it seems another problem has popped up. The people up stairs have been reading over some of his reports and they, "Don't think spending all the time protecting the inside of strip clubs and specialty latex uniform shops is a good use of resources". Seraphim tried to mention how bad activity inside strip clubs has been lowered, although for some reason the same can't be said about the latex shops. Just last week a limited addition signed Bianca Beauchamp latex outfit mysterious disappeared for a few days while Seraphim was on watch. The updated uniforms his squad is wearing now have a strikingly similar design.

Undertaker and KittyKat have won sig of the week. Again Dr.Death offered a tiebreaker competition but Undertaker declined. It seems that some people think KittyKat might have something on the Doc that she could use to call the shoots over there and he didn't think he could win against that. Plus he didn't think he had any hope of winning the g-string contest.

Freeones when down for a while yesterday. It seems a couple hundred midgets crashed though the office windows and tried to take over the place. Luckily throughout a daylong running battle in the office Team Freeones finally gained the upper hand and got them out. The defining moment of the encounter was when Rorys dressed up as a cute lady midget got on his knees to make it seem like he was short and lured them into a trap to finish off the last of them. Nobody knows who sent them but some people have their suspicions.
Dr.Death has officially announced his run for the presidency. He hopes to gather support with his new platform. It seems the first part of the new platform will be to lobotomize all other politicians, corporate CEO's, lawyers, used car salesman, and those idiots down at the Taco Bell that always screw up his order. The swell of support he has been getting lately has been huge.
Yep they are the first ones on the list to be lobotomized!!:thumbsup:

Oh and LOOK! 3,000 posts!:hatsoff:
This Week on FreeOnes Webcam.....

Thorsif pasted the 3000 post mark this week. To celebrate he posted over 40 links in one day. Then not only that he started a thread for the 2 million rep club. But the size of his own opening post must have wiped the post completely out of his head. Because just 3 posts later he congratulated the new members again. Or is he like most TV companies and just can't stop repeating.

Poggy noticed that Seraphim wasn't around to do SOTW so helped him out by doing it for him. All the members most likely think he did this out of kindness, but he had another motive. It turns out that Seraphim has a few comprimising photos of him containing Him, Lucy, a french maids outfit and a feather duster.

Juball decided not to pick a winner for MOTW this week due a poor nominating show. So this week rumour has it that he's sending out the midgets to get the members to nominate. Each midgets has a simple agender directive. Torture your selected member by denying him from seeing all women till he's made a nomination.

Boobman came bursting onto the board as a new member. One of the first questions he asked was if there was if there was any Brit's here. He learned one thing from this question, the Brit's on this board have escaped from the nut house due to some of the answers.

DrDeath and KittyKat have gone on their holiday together for 2 weeks. But they have left his trainee in charge of the lab while they are gone. But D-rock's first solo experiment went a little wrong. His cross-breed between Jod0565 and LadyLove just produce a rep stone that liked to sweet talk everyone and was horny as hell.

Jack123 came out with a statement that stunned RogueWolf and most of the board on Gianna Michaels We quote "shes not that good, shes got great tits though" we are not denying she got great tits. But to say one of the most in demand and hardest working pornstars in the business at the moment is not that good! Next week he will be found reviewing in Jenna Jamesons thread saying she's not and never has been very popular.

No members was harmed during the making of this post (hopefully anyway :thumbsup: )
Dr.Death and KittyKat have not been on vacation while they have been away, but have instead needed the time retake Death Island from somebody that tried to buy it out from underneath them and later they are planning on saving the world from Juballs’ midgets.

D-rock has been housesitting for Dr.Death while he has been away. To be safe he has left most of the things locked up alone, but he took the Docs pet in the basement out for a walk in town. A couple hours later half the city was destroyed. He just hopes nobody blames him for that. When asked about the evil spirits he accidentally let escape earlier and had to go track down he said he didn't even want to talk about that one.

Dave Rhino learned a shocking truth this week. He isn't full rhino but is 1/16 giraffe.

Freeones has come up with an innovative new plan to advertise this website. He is going to get somebody to build a huge laser and then he is going to carve out the letters "" into the moon so everybody will see it from now on.

A recent survey showed that everybody that comes on this board is misunderstood. It seems that nobody comes to look at the naked chicks and they just like reading the articles on this web site. Or at least that is what they tell their significant others.

Now that Jod is approaching two million rep stones people asked him what he is going to do now. He responded by saying he is going to start a new religion based on the color green.

Poggy got worried when a report came out that Lucy was going to finally expose her breast live on television for everybody to see. Just before the show aired the channel mysteriously went off the air until the show was over. Reports by a couple eyewitnesses said Poggy could be seen sneaking out of the broadcasting station. The world never got a chance to see anything after that.
Poggy got worried when a report came out that Lucy was going to finally expose her breast live on television for everybody to see. Just before the show aired the channel mysteriously went off the air until the show was over. Reports by a couple eyewitnesses said Poggy could be seen sneaking out of the broadcasting station. The world never got a chance to see anything after that.

Only problem is D-rock, I've nearly worn the DVD out of it already and it's the only copy :eek: :1orglaugh

Good post :thumbsup:


Nikkala made me do it!
Poggy noticed that Seraphim wasn't around to do SOTW so helped him out by doing it for him. All the members most likely think he did this out of kindness, but he had another motive. It turns out that Seraphim has a few comprimising photos of him containing Him, Lucy, a french maids outfit and a feather duster.
That's HOT! :flame:

I LOVE THIS THREAD! :lovecoupl
Dr.Death returned form his vacation. After it was all over he missed Kitty so much that he forgot about world domination for a whole day.

D-rock has finished up his housekeeping duties for Dr.Death. Along with the town almost getting destroyed by certain unleashed experiments, Dr.Death’s family members have had unfortunate accidents while the Doc was away. One of his brothers "accidentally" slipped and fell into the cage that held a weird thing in the basement where the hungry monstrosity quickly ate him. The other brother "accidentally" slipped into the Docs black hole he keeps around the house, and the bratty little kids were sold off to the circus. He used the circus money to buy some commemorative Friday the 13th collector plates to put on the Docs walls as a present. When asked about it D-rock said that it was a good coincidence all those bad things happened because he was getting annoyed with them.

Jod has reached his 10,000th post. Shortly afterward Mariah called and now wants a private audience with him. It seems she is turned on by large digit numbers which explains Jod’s fast rise in both post and rep points. When asked about it Jod just said that his master plan is coming along nicely now.

It was revealed why Civickiller has crashed into so many Civics. When he drives down the road he puts up a poster of Kate over the inside of his car's windshield. Sooner or later this blocks the view of the road or the image of Kate distracts him and he crashes yet again.

A reporter came up to Dave Rhino this week and asked him why he is always on Freeones. He said, "Because I'm a rhino, like all rhinos I was born horny...get it, rhino...horny".

JCMSVOBODA made a deal with Dr.Death. He would send all the beautiful Czech women to Dr.Death to be his new assistants under KittyKat if he would send a clone of Farrah back for every person he sent.

Georges surprised everybody this week when he said he was going to live the rest of his life as a hippie out in the forest. Then a few seconds later he said he was just kidding, but it scared everybody for a minute.

Iamforever reveals a secret. He isn't going to last forever. He is going to last only to eternity minus one day.


Member, you member...
Jod has reached his 10,000th post. Shortly afterward Mariah called and now wants a private audience with him. It seems she is turned on by large digit numbers which explains Jod’s fast rise in both post and rep points. When asked about it Jod just said that his master plan is coming along nicely now.

Mariah did say her favorite color is Green!

But unfortunately she was talking about money.
I have something up my sleeve to get her, just wait...
Tunsty is planning on selling a new brand of tea soon. It's brand name will be "Shut the Fuck Up". That way everybody everywhere will be able to tell their fellow human beings they should have a cup of their "Shut the Fuck Up", and they will be happy to get it.

You were very close to the truth...
Dr.Death had to shoo away a person that was trying to steel lawn decorations. Further investigation has revealed that the person was really a member of Freeones and they were trying to break into his lab to get one of their kidneys back before the Doc auctioned it off.

The Freeones glamour model competition is winding to a close and the contestants have finally learned what they will be getting if they win the competition. It's a modified Freeones t-shirt that says, "I won the Freeones Glamour Model Championship and all I got was this t-shirt".

Roald starts a thread titled “Oh my God I love big tits”. After all these years he has figured out how great they are. Now all his assistants in the office have them.

Clarkie25 won signature of the week, for his next signature he is planning on showing Bat Man and Robin not only wearing tights, but in a very revealing and awkward position with each other.

Iamforever learns that a tattoo he has had on his back for over 3 years has the statement, “I love the Minnesota Twins” on it. Nobody ever had the heart to tell him.
Good post D-rock as always.:hatsoff:

Now you may have noticed I've not posted in here for a couple of weeks. There is a reason behind this. I'm working on a special post for christmas for this thread and hope to have it up in just over a week! So stay tuned. :thumbsup:
Good post D-rock as always.:hatsoff:

Now you may have noticed I've not posted in here for a couple of weeks. There is a reason behind this. I'm working on a special post for christmas for this thread and hope to have it up in just over a week! So stay tuned. :thumbsup:

We wait with bated breath!!!;)
Good post D-rock as always.:hatsoff:

Now you may have noticed I've not posted in here for a couple of weeks. There is a reason behind this. I'm working on a special post for christmas for this thread and hope to have it up in just over a week! So stay tuned. :thumbsup:

I don't know if there is a 'Pulitzer' prize for the internet.. but we'll polish one up ready for your post poggy.:bowdown:
On the 12 days of christmas FreeOnes gave to us...

1st day.
FreeOnes himself gave Poggy the control of the board for the day. This gave Poggy control of all the ModSquad absolute. So Poggy's first act was to punish them all for any wrong doings they had done over the year. BNF was the first up and his punishment was to be Chuck Norris's servent for 24 hours and his first duties turned out to be was to bath him and dress him.
Seraphim was given to the mercy of his Angel crew. When last seen he was wearing a tight latex maids outfit and was cleaning there dirty socks by hand.
Aces&Jacks was locked into a room full of newbies and wouldn't be let out till he'd ID'ed everyone of the 5000 babes they had pictures of for ID'ing.
Pitino was given as a slave to Belladonna which at first he smiled at and thought it would be fun. That all changed when she grabbed him and strapped him face down to a table. The last Poggy saw as he made his exit was Belladonna putting on a massive strap-on on and heading in Pitino's direction. Just as Poggy got outside he heard a deafening scream from Pitino.
Comanduc was forced out of his dark celler and forced to make at least 10 posts on the board. In any thread except congrats, happy birthday or Erica Campbell's thread.
AFA was banned from the ID, Find Your Favourite Babe and Funny Pictures sections of the board. He was made to only post in the FreeOnes talk section for 24 hours and with no links or pictures.
Darkman was forced to review everyone of his 16,000 plus posts he's made on the board and made to delete all the dead links.

2nd day.
DrDeath and KittyKat decided to get into the christmas spirit by first kidnapping Santa and his reindeer. Then with this achived they put the Doc evil plan into operation to take over christmas. First instead of delivering presents to everyone on christmas eve night, he left one parcel for each person. The next morning as everyone opened the present they was hit by a hypno ray. They remembered nothing of what happened to them till christmas day night. But the true evilness of the Doc's plan was evident the next day when people woke on boxing day morning. Every single man in the world had instead of feet, they had a pair of pink fluffy bunny slippers which they was unable to remove. The women had a pair of white bunny ears and a fluffy bob tail.

3rd day.
Foxlipsus threw a massive christmas party and invited all the board members. FMWW sent freelance reporters Gordar and Calm along to see what it was all about. The early party was very much a quiet affair at first on the early report. Then things started to liven up when Fox and his band came on stage to play a set. By the end of it there was women screaming and ripping off their clothes to reveal full BSDM outfits and jumped on to the stage. At this point the whole party became a massive scene of torture and sex with Fox right in the middle of it. They reported that a santa claus character was been strapped up like a reindeer and abused by women dressed as elves both physically and sexually. But when asked what happened next both Gordar and Calm broke down into a deep jibbering wreck. They are currently been treated at a near by hospital for shock and a few injuries to them physically.

4th day.
Montrealman and Iamforever decided to get together for a night of musical studies. They thought they go through all the types and try to see if they could write a book on the types and styles of music. Plus also the types of people you'd find that listened to each style and why. But as all seemed to be going well till they hit the country and western section. There minds went all a blank and all they could think off was Dolly Parton and Shania Twain. All that ended up been posted here was a photoshoped image of the pair in a lesbian embrace, wearing nothing but lingerie.

5th day.
D-rock went to his family christmas get together at a aunt's house and spotted a lady he adored. Yes it was her Priya Rai was at the gathering how and why. To D-rock's suprise it turns out that she's a the sister of his aunt's, uncle, wife, nephew girlfriend, which meant absolutely no relation to him. So he thought he'd try his luck at seeing if he could get a date with her. He tried all his best chat up lines but none of them worked. Having failed at this he tried to impress her which also wasn't having much of a effect. So he went for one last attempt by jumping on the karaoke and belting out pretty woman. But just as he was finishing her saw her walking out the door with David Hasslehoff.

6th day.
Dave Rhino had gone away on a safari for christmas and was on a hunt to capture a Rhino. He thought it was about time he had one of his own to live up to his name. The hunt was long and the Rhino big and strong but was finally worn down. The troubles really began though once he had returned home and put his new pet into the new home he had built for it. First he named it Dave of course and then as the weeks went by he started to see Dave (the Rhino) everywhere, at work, at local store, at the sports centre and even driving a big 4x4. He thought he was going mad and went to see a shrink. The shrink was soon certain that Dave Rhino was very ill and admitted him to hospital for the best care. Last known the Rhino Dave was very happy in his new job and 4 bedroom house with a shinny grey 4x4.
7th day.
Om3ga and Georges held a christmas wet t-shirt contest. There was only really one rule, the girls had to at least be over a 36dd cup to part take in the contest. Many of their favourite models turned up to the contest, which was measuring a 7 at the local earthquake centre with all them shaking and bouncing boobs. The two organisers was the judges with a special guest judge (Jerry the King Lawler) as the third judge to split any ties. But as they got down to the final two ladies a natural 40hhh model and a implanted 38dd model the two got into a fight over who should be the winner with Jerry unable to decide between the two. As all that was coming from him was "PUPPIES". Next week on WWE will see a special Cage match between Om3ga and Georges with Jerry the King Lawler as special guest referee to make the final choice of winner.

8th day.
Heartbroker and Legzman heard that Hef was having a sexy christmas party at his mansion. This is something they just couldn't miss, but how was they going to get in. After all how does a pair of normal everyday working men get into a glitzy celeb/model party. After hours of thinking they come up with a plan. They would dress up in a pair of waiters outfits and pretend they was with the party staff. They was amazed at how it easy it was getting in passed the security on the gate. They entered through the back staff door and into the kitchen where they picked up a tray of food and drinks and headed towards heaven. Imagine there shock when they got throught the service doors into the mansion and found out it was actually a sixty christmas party of only people over sixty.

9th day.
JCMSVOBODA was trying to have a quiet christmas at home with close family. But the week before christmas the house nextdoor had got a new owner who he still hadn't seen yet. On this night his new neighbour had decided to have a house warming party and all started well. Till at about 10 o'clock when suddenly there was a roar of many engines as a lot of new party guests turned up. Added to the music been turned up to deafening volumes they party was now a real noise. He tried the police who said unless he had actual proof that there was some actual law breaking happening they couldn't do a thing. He told his family who was now very upset by it now that he would go round and put a stop to it. So off he went nextdoor and banged on the door to get someone to answer it. But no one came so losing his temper fully he kicked in the door and stormed into the house to find it completely empty of everything but a CD player and Farrah wearing nothing but a sash saying 'happy christmas JCMSVOBODA from everyone at FreeOnes'.

10th day.
Jod and Tunsty decided to spend christmas watching old DVD's of Laurel and Hardy which gave them a idea to put on a show for the old folk at a nearby rest home. Their plan was to update and redo some a old Stan and Ollie scene from one of the films they watched. The show was a great success as the wore fully costume and make up to even look like the famous duo. The only problem now is though that after having a cup of tea with a pair of old dears they blacked out. When they awoke the found they wasn't quite themselves as it seamed that Jod had Tunsty's body and Tunsty, Jod's. It turns out that the two old dears was actually DrDeath high school science teachers.

11th day.
LadyLove, Krista38DD and Erica Campbell arranged a ladies night out for all the ladies of the board. They went to a bar for drinks but soon was wanting a faster, more fun type of place to go. So it was agreed to go on to a male strip club. The first few dancers was really great and had gotten the ladies going wild. But the forth dancer came out wearing a wearing a Manchester United football (soccer) kit and he didn't quite have the look of all the other dancers before. It was the announce who told the ladies that he was a one night only deal all the way from England. He wasn't really very good the ladies thought as he removed his clothing he often fall over or get stuck. All the time he wore a mask to hide his identity but forgot about his tattoo across his back saying 'Pussypoppa'. The ladies thought this was great knowing who he was and decide to blackmail him so they wouldn't reveal his secret. Pussypoppa now has to go do a private show for them once a week.

12th day.
FreeOnes held a party for all the board members and mods Roald and Rorys was in charge of the entertainment. All the members when hearing this made sure they would attend. Upon arriving the much rumoured mass of models who was going to attend seemed a little far fetched. In fact the only lady in the whole building was a little old lady who was checking the coats. After a hour the two sniggering jokers decided to put all the members and mods out of there misery when they pulled back a big curtain on stage to reveal a beauty with each having a letter painted on them reading out "MERRY CHRISTMAS ALL THE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD".