FreeOnes Members Webcam Week!

Tunsty created the Mission Implausible thread, not because he wanted to create another game thread, but because he needs to know the way out of certain situations he knows he is going to be in someday.

Dr.Death posted a thread asking if Big Foot is real. Little does he expect that was him after he accidentally drank one of his potions and went out in the woods after growing a massive amount of hair. After he returned home he forgot all about it. Also he is working on making himself some fake skin. It will be made...out of little yellow frogs of course.

After LadyLove and Kitty won yet another award they are going to come out, with all the other ladies on the board, a "girls rule, boys drool" slogan. Maybe they will put it into their sigs.

Chuck Norris joined with a midget advocacy group today to issue D-rock a cease and desist order to have him stop making fun of them. As one midget put it today, "Yes, some of it was funny. Heck, even we laughed at some of the jokes, but enough is enough already. All of us and Chuck can't take any more teasing." It is waiting to be seen if D-rock will leave them alone.
poggy1 said:
This Week on FreeOnes Webcam.....

Speaking of KittyKat, the sexy assistant was joint winner of POTW with LadyLove. But what every member now wants to see is the rumoured video tape of the after awards party. It was supposed to have gotten a little out of hand. They argued who's was the best post and decided to settle it with a wet t-shirt contest. Now thats a video I would mind seeing;)

:rofl: :rofl: I can tell you it was the lovely LadyLove that won that one ;)

D-rock said:
After LadyLove and Kitty won yet another award they are going to come out, with all the other ladies on the board, a "girls rule, boys drool" slogan. Maybe they will put it into their sigs.

Maybe we will;)


Member, you member...
***opens door to thread. knocks. "Hello! Poggy? D-rock?" waits for a bit. closes door to thread and walks sadly away.***
*** passes Jod in the hallway leading to the FreeOnes Members Webcam Thread...Jod looks up sadly and shakes his head no...walks away sadly with Jod***
Oh no, I didn't plan for this one so if feels like there is a lot of pressue to do it all on the spot this time. :1orglaugh

With KittyKat recently winning all the "of the week" threads there has been a huge increase in demands for Dr.Death to clone her so many of us can have somebody that is so talented by our side. He came back and said he was sorry but cloning something that good was impossible.

The messageboard was trying to find out what was better, making love with the lights on, off, or with candlelight. Unfortunately some members complained that the option for a disco ball and a dance floor beat wasn't included.

Dr.Death got a new pet that he put in his sig. It looks a lot like Gollem from Lord of the Rings and is always talking about his precious, which in this case is all the gooey leftovers from his "experiments". It all works out because he cleans up the mess for the doc. What he does with it afterwards not even Dr.Death wants to know.

Georges is coming out with his own line of car parts. Of course his biggest seller will be the aftermarket headlights that look a lot like they are shaped like massive breast.

In response to the tread on whether it is better to go to college or not, Freeones has planed on creating a new university that will specialize in training people in all aspects that is Freeones. Roald is scheduled to be one of the professors there although nobody knows what subject he will be teaching yet.

Poggy got so distracted by the images flashing in his new Lucy sig that he missed almost forgot about Freeones Webcam Week.
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D-rock said:
Poggy got so distracted by the images flashing in his new Lucy sig that he missed almost forgot about Freeones Webcam Week.

Truth here and no joking about.

I can't post my usual weekly update in this thread:( I daren't open more than one tab at a time as I'm scared the hard drive might crash. Thats how fragile it is, I've a memory manager running. Usually with the amount I've left on this computer it should run at 200 - 250, but is only running at 48. So till the new computer arrives I can't put a update here, unless I take a couple of hours writing it all down and so. POTW is also a real struggle too but I just manage it, by writing all the links down and things.

I just wish it was Lucy:)

Great post D-rock as always:thumbsup:
This Week on FreeOnes Webcam.....

Gape Fan posted the question "what happened to Analfan". Evidence just in points towards DrDeath, his lab and tub of jelly in the corner. From unconfirmed reports the jelly is whats left of Analfan after a failed experiment. DrDeath was trying to cure him of his anal fetish and instead turn him into a Boobfan. But all went wrong when the silicone was introduced to early and made him into the worlds biggest boob implant.

Our georges as we all know loves big boobies. But this week it was also revealed he hates it when a pornstar doesn't get a good meal. As in the thread "What do you hate the most in a sex scene?" georges replied "a girl not swallowing cum".

This weeks winner of MOTW Undertaker is going to celebrate by making a sig of him wearing the crown. His only problem is this will show that he is still that young he still wears short trousers and a I love Sesame Street t-shirt and won't go with a goth theme.

TallCowboy has won SOTW with a sig of a man having to walk his horse. Truth is this really is TallCowboy and his horse. The reason why he is walking it is because this was day 10 of his trip across the US on horse back. But that was also day 10 without a bath or shower and everytime he tries to get on the horse it throws him off because of the B.O.

Matter619 started a thread to complain about animated sigs on the board. The reason they take so long for them to load for him is because of his slow connection speed. He could easily afford to get a faster connection except he saves the money to pay for his daily Beta Max Video rental.

CaDDaFy posted a thread "If You Were A Pornstar What Would You Be Called. ???". He was that busy putting the question marks on the end of it, that he failed to remember there was a search function to find the other 10 or so threads on this. Either that or in a moment of madness actually thought this was new!

Poggy1 is now having major problems with his computer and doesn't know if it will last till the new ones comes. He is constantly having to run repairs to keep it working. But this isn't his main problem, it's the writers cramp he's getting writing everything down like web addresses, posts for FO's (like this one) and links for POTW. Well thats my story for the cramp anyway:rofl:

I just couldn't go 2 weeks without posting here :thumbsup:
poggy1 said:
This Week on FreeOnes Webcam.....

This weeks winner of MOTW Undertaker is going to celebrate by making a sig of him wearing the crown. His only problem is this will show that he is still that young he still wears short trousers and a I love Sesame Street t-shirt and won't go with a goth theme.

I dont know how you did it but you know to much....:thumbsup:

Funny stuff as always poggy!
TallCowboy's finally shows up for everybody to see. That's when we find out that he is really only 5'2"/157cm. In fact, to make the bouncy hand in his avatar he had to reach up to do that.

Poggy is shocked to learn that Lucy is indeed real after all and not just a figment Dr.Death put into his mind. He is even more shocked to learn that the Doc still created her and that she was an early clone he tried to make of KittyKat.

Undertaker might be wearing a, "I love Sesame Street" t-shirt but a recent interview has found out that this is just a ploy to bring Oscar the Grouch over to the dark side with him and Dr.Death.

Seraphim thought he had a good chance to win Signature of the Week this week, but he came up a little short. After looking at TallCowboy's sig next time he is thinking he might try putting Bianca in a latex cowgirl uniform to push him over the edge.

4G63 got upset after he was woken up from a dream where Priya Rai was in a mechanic's uniform on top of a tuned up 4G63 run car with a bunch of fresh perfectly fried bacon, some donuts, and a bunch of beer waiting for him.

Ipooptoomuch though about changing his name after his problem cleared up for a few hours yesterday, but that situation ended rather quickly.

Gape fan was wondering where Anal Fan might have gone. Unfortunately he was unwilling to check the local Weird Al fan clubs around his area. Nobody can be that crazy.


Closed Account
D-rock said:
4G63 got upset after he was woken up from a dream where Priya Rai was in a mechanic's uniform on top of a tuned up 4G63 run car with a bunch of fresh perfectly fried bacon, some donuts, and a bunch of beer waiting for him.

Best Dream Ever!
Brianelka stunned people after returning from his vacation by telling the board that he thought some women shouldn't get implants. Then he relieved us all by just saying he was just messing with our minds, but at least he said women don't need to get big implants...a small D cup is ok by him.

People got scared when they though LadyLove might be leaving us. It turns out to be a false alarm as she had just ran out of pina colada mix and need to run to the market to get some more thus explaining the confusion over her potential absence.

PD and DD won the member of the week award but they are having trouble figuring out how to make one crown fit on both of their heads.

A reporter tried to find out some info on Dr.Death when she heard that he had a skeleton in his closet. It seems she misunderstood what people meant by that. When she went to the Doc to find out what the story was not only was he more than happy to oblige by giving her an interview but also he even took her to his closet for a look. That was the biggest mistake she had ever made.

People on the board tried to figure out what Hell is like. Some of them found out when they couldn't log into Freeones and had to go through withdrawal symptoms because of it.
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This Week on FreeOnes Webcam.....

SOTW has just been won by Dave_Rhino, but he could find himself in trouble as a member has reported it to the WWF. Now they are looking into the reports that he sprayed two rhino's in the union jack colours for it. Also at the exact same time London zoo has reported a major boost in visitors to there latest attraction. Two very special rhino's in red white and blue!

MOTW winners PD & DD decided to celebrate their win by going out for a meal. Once there they thought the little waiter looked sort of odd. It turned out that Juballs had release his midgets to seize the power of the crown. But once they noticed the bump on PD and realised what it was they turned on there master. So currently Juballs is in hiding camping somewhere out of reach of his midgets. Or is he ?

POTW winner Baal also decided to celebrate his first win of the POTW prize. But his was a little different and three days into the party he remembered that to have a party you should invite some guests.

BNF has been hard at work with the mod squad and FreeOnes crew working on some little changes to the board. All was going well till BNF suddenly realised that a banned member had been hiding in the unused memory of the boards server. He tried in vain to trap the member in question, but once again Chuck Norris was free on the board to reap his revenge on BNF.

Poggy is still having computer troubles. He received his new computer only to find the hard drive got damaged in transit. So he now will have to wait another week for the tech to come and change the hard drive. But all the news wasn't bad he got some new Lucy pictures to cheer him up. (Insert mad laugh here)

Nothingandless decided to post a thread to say that he was, wasn't leaving the board. This had some members confused, so much so that they are asking for the confused smiley is renamed to "Nothingandless"
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Brianelka stunned people after returning from his vacation by telling the board that he thought some women shouldn't get implants. Then he relieved us all by just saying he was just messing with our minds, but at least he said women don't need to get big implants...a small D cup is ok by him.

People got scared when they though LadyLove might be leaving us. It turns out to be a false alarm as she had just ran out of pina colada mix and need to run to the market to get some more thus explaining the confusion over her potential absence.

PD and DD won the member of the week award but they are having trouble figuring out how to make one crown fit on both of their heads.

A reporter tried to find out some info on Dr.Death when she heard that he had a skeleton in his closet. It seems she misunderstood what people meant by that. When she went to the Doc to find out what the story was not only was he more than happy to oblige by giving her an interview but also he even took her to his closet for a look. That was the biggest mistake she had ever made.

People on the board tried to figure out what Hell is like. Some of them found out when they couldn't log into Freeones and had to go through withdrawal symptoms because of it.

This Week on FreeOnes Webcam.....

SOTW has just been won by Dave_Rhino, but he could find himself in trouble as a member has reported it to the WWF. Now they are looking into the reports that he sprayed two rhino's in the union jack colours for it. Also at the exact same time London zoo has reported a major boost in visitors to there latest attraction. Two very special rhino's in red white and blue!

MOTW winners PD & DD decided to celebrate their win by going out for a meal. Once there they thought the little waiter looked sort of odd. It turned out that Juballs had release his midgets to seize the power of the crown. But once they noticed the bump on PD and realised what it was they turned on there master. So currently Juballs is in hiding camping somewhere out of reach of his midgets. Or is he ?

POTW winner Baal also decided to celebrate his first win of the POTW prize. But his was a little different and three days into the party he remembered that to have a party you should invite some guests.

BNF has been hard at work with the mod squad and FreeOnes crew working on some little changes to the board. All was going well till BNF suddenly realised that a banned member had been hiding in the unused memory of the boards server. He tried in vain to trap the member in question, but once again Chuck Norris was free on the board to reap his revenge on BNF.

Poggy is still having computer troubles. He received his new computer only to find the hard drive got damaged in transit. So he now will have to wait another week for the tech to come and change the hard drive. But all the news wasn't bad he got some new Lucy pictures to cheer him up. (Insert mad laugh here)

Nothingandless decided to post a thread to say that he was, wasn't leaving the board. This had some members confused, so much so that they are asking for the confused smiley is renamed to "Nothingandless"

Ahhh, gentlemen, as always, hilarious:thumbsup:
Dr.Death decided to become a wrestler this past week. Part of his uniform is a mask he wears, but nobody seems to realize this as it has an image of a regular face on it. People will be surprised the first time he is unmasked in front of a large crowd.

LadyLove lost her signature for a while. At first she thought somebody around here might have kidnapped it, but it just turned out that it ran away from home for a while. She now has promised to take better care of it in return for a generous amount of foot massages a day.

Civickiller found a link to a website that list a whole bunch of up to date world statistics. One of the harder to find statistics has a huge running total that list all of Hotrod11inches' deliveries to date. It goes up faster than the growth of the world's population.

Poggy just got a new computer. What did he do when he didn't have access to the old one? It seems he built a shrine to Lucy in one of his rooms to keep him from going into withdrawal symptoms until he could look at all the pics on his computer again.

BNF wanted to know if anybody goes into the bathroom when they are about to pass a little gas around. Of course he has never had to do this because everything from him smells like rose petals. People try to congregate around him when this happens.

Jod got a new Job and got a cold. It seems he made himself feel better during that time by warming himself up with the friction he generated when he thought of Mariah.