If only Barry Sanders was the norm for NFL runningbacks--you're right--it'd be a hell of a lot more exciting. Sadly, he's a rare Hall of Famer, rather than a typical NFL RB (not Hall of Famer). It is too scripted, Spartan. QBs don't even call plays anymore.
They are told the play and a backup play in case the Defense is in the "wrong" defense...
C'mon...put the game calling into the QB and let's see who really is an "on field General" and not just a trained monkey:thefinger
NFL football wasn't always like this. Money and Corporate sponsorship and Television dictate a lot of the modern rule changes which are contributing to a dumbing-down, boring product.
Soccer has had a hard time breaking into U.S. television because of the lack of commercial opportunities. Broadcast networks can't cram their commercials in like they can throughout NFL games (the 2 minute warning, for example, nothing more than GUARANTEEING EYEBALLS GLUED TO THE SCREEN FOR ADS!!

Soccer rewards the informed viewer. The soccer announcers don't bother telling every little thing that happens. They let you soak in the action. How different than, say, when Devin Hester returns a kick and the announcers SCREAMS -- "HE'S AT THE 50! THE 45! THE 40! THE 35! THE 30! THE 25! THE 20! THE 15! THE 10! THE 5! TOUCHDOWN!!!!)
Don't you want to say--NO SHIT I can see him running??? I don't need that screamed out for me! Let it happen on screen...let me soak in the crowd noise too!