Re: Etiquette with OCSMs (aka those smoking hot girls that post on this board willing
How about instead of stating my opinion as non-offensively as possible I don't go out of my way to me mean but I state my opinion as non-offensively as practical given the circumstances to get the true point across, not use understatement, and to accurately portray reality? Being as "non-offensive" as possible is like smiling while telling your next door neighbor, "Whoops it looks like you goofed up a little bit" after he accidentally burn your hose down because he was careless.
Sometimes situations don't give you a choice but to be blunt or harsh if you respond to them appropriately.
Viorotica, Cam with Carmen, Nina Mercedez are three I know for sure that board members have run off. I also this is why I can't get Bryci or the other girls on that network to come and post on the boards themselves. They can't be bothered with the negativity.
And while I don't know this for sure, I have a gut feeling this is why we haven't seen Jelena Jenson, Courtney Cummz, Jessica Drake, Sunny Leone, etc in ages. Personally, I wouldn't want to put up with this shit as a model myself. I have to because I work here!
I also hate to be play devil's advocate here, but while some of those people really did receive some crap they shouldn’t I also think for some of them a good deal of the problem was the OCSM themselves. I have never seen anything so horrible it should have driven them off like you said unless they had the thinnest of skins.
I hate to harp on her because I really do like her and think she's pretty cool but I would say more than half of the fault for Viorotica leaving was her own, maybe even a lot more. She doesn't seem to have the emotional maturity to be on here and it's probably better she left. This might not be the right business for her. I don't know hot to be honest other than to state that. She has very great and very rare potential but it looks like if she's not careful things other than her talent will derail her. While some people went too far and did push her a little bit more than they should have, I have also seen her blow up at totally inappropriate ways for the mildest criticism (like not liking her tattoos for example). I have also seen her blow up at things that weren't even a criticism or meant to be bad at all, like somebody mentioned her looking a little like Katy Perry. (which is actually true) Even the issue with her breast being real or not would have never even come up or been as bad as it was if she honest from the beginning. Nobody would have cared after that, even the people that went on and on and on about it. (As a comparison look how Yurizan handled it a month or two ago when it came up. Hardly anybody cares or at least goes on about it.)
Nina was somebody I even defended at first. True she took some crap also but as time went on I also noticed a ton of the complaints about her are very legitimate. For whatever reason she can no longer seem to run her websites well. She was misleading often, at best. I would say it was bordering on the point of false advertising at times. It's also wasn't something that happened once or twice with what people were complaining about. Looking at it I can't really blame a great amount of the bitching, especially when it taken into account some of those people probably actually spent money on that.
Cam with Carmen was hardly on here anyhow and from what I've seen a lot of the complaints are the quality of the video she does. Maybe I'm just remembering wrong but didn't she have problems with updates and such also. I'll admit the fact some people continually tried to post pirated material was bad, but that doesn't seem like something one would blame the messageboard or most of the members for when FreeOnes gets rid of the stuff and emphatically is against it.
All those people in some way opened the door and were greatly responsible for the flak that came their way themselves. I really think a great many of the times a OCSM has problems with the people here that often there is something about the OCSM themselves that lends itself to there being problems. The ones that are nice, do the best job they can, appreciate the fans, and don't blow up at criticism or the occasional idiot don't seem to have a problem. People like Sandee, Gisele, Ashleigh, Miss Hybrid, and Sandra Shine, for example, don't seem to have a problem with the people here and their are fewer obvious incidences of idiots in their threads. Even people like Mariah and Vicky that some here really don't like have the ability to let it roll off their backs.
The others I don't get either. Sunny has pretty much never been on here since I have joined years ago unless she the ultimate lurker in FreeOnes history among OCSMs. I have never seen anything that would legitimately cause her no leave. I haven't seen anything but mostly positive things said about Jelena either. Unless there is something I'm missing the mist of FreeOnes' past I don't get that about those two. I'm not as familiar with the threads and post of the others, but I can say the same for them with all probability. The only people that off the top of my mind have legitimate complaints about their threads being filled with gigantic idiots that continually go to far and would rightfully cause somebody not to want to be here are Denise Milani, Nikki Simms, and Bryci and none of them were ever members here, and only probably Bryci is not on here now because of it.
With that said somebody keeping on complaining about models not going more hardcore or about some body alteration might be going to far, but also some of the people that pop up are new or new to their thread and haven't read the last 120 pages of them. I would put them thinking about asking somebody if they plan on going hardcore when that person has already probably been asked 10,000 times in their career as stupid for not knowing they probably have been asked that many times and are sick of it rather than that person always being pushy or abusive. If it's not the same person that continually goes on about it I don't know what to say. It's pretty much a part of the business, as stupid as it can be at times, that they have to deal with. Before any person in adult entertainment even begins their career their agent, or at least somebody in the know, should tell them to expect, except, and prepare for being asked that, A LOT, because it's going to happen. There is just no way around it.
As far as body alterations and complaining about them. The thing is, a lot of people screw up so badly with it and it's often such a monumentally dumb decision, not just in a everyday sense, but in a business tactical sense also, I can't often look that bad upon the people that complain about it. I also think they are doing the people in the industry a service. Not always the model they are complaining about, but more importantly, to all the others. If some other person in the industry looks at the extreme amount of criticism and complaints that roll somebody else's way and decided not to make a dumb decision themselves then it's was pretty much worth it in my view. That goes especially when the level of criticism rises to the level of the mistake that was done. That goes for all kinds of stupid decisions people make in this industry and not just cosmetic ones.
In any case I know one thing. If the board has to go to the length of making the board members so they never make somebody like Violet upset, it's going to be in trouble in the end.
If somebody is an obvious jerk that continually belittles an OCSM over trivial things and doesn’t stop or a member is a blatantly a jerk just to troll and is doing nothing more than to upset somebody then fine get rid of them.