ESPN Drops Hank Williams Jr. Over Obama Remarks


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
ESPN Drops Hank Williams Jr.'s Monday Night Football Song Over Obama Remarks

By: Courtney Subramanian

Monday was not a good day for Hank Williams Jr.

The country singer, who performs the "are you ready for some football?" lead-in on ESPN's Monday Night Football, has been pulled from the program after comparing President Barack Obama to Adolf Hitler in an interview Monday morning.

Williams told Fox News news anchors on Fox & Friends that this summer's golf summit between Obama and House Speaker John Boehner was like "Hitler playing golf with [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu." When asked to elaborate on his analogy, Williams called Obama and Vice President Joe Biden the enemy.

Fox's Gretchen Carlson later pressed him and said, "You used the name of one of the most hated people in all of the world to describe, I think, the president." Willaims replied, "Well that's true. But I'm telling you like it is."

(MORE: Voices of Monday Night Football: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly)

In response, ESPN dropped the opening song in Monday's broadcast, declaring in a statement on the pregame show, "While Hank Williams Jr. is not an ESPN employee, we recognize he is closely linked to our company through the opening to Monday Night Football. We are extremely disappointed with his comments, and as a result have decided to pull the open from tonight's telecast."

Williams later released a statement, and did not apologize for his political remarks, but instead said he holds strong opinions and his comments were misunderstood.

"My analogy was extreme — but it was to make a point. I was simply trying to explain how stupid it seemed to me — how ludicrous that pairing was," he said. "They don't see eye-to-eye and never will. I have always respected the office of the president."

It is unclear whether the Emmy-winning song "All My Rowdy Friends Are Here on Monday Night," a remix of Williams' 1984 hit "All My Rowdy Friends Are Coming Over Tonight," will be dropped permanently from the program's introduction.

"Working-class people are hurting — and it doesn't seem like anybody cares," Williams continued in his statement. "When both sides are high-fiving it on the ninth hole when everybody else is without a job - it makes a whole lot of us angry. Something has to change." And apparently, so does our Monday night theme song.

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Well its messed up what he said but if it was a few years ago and he said the same about W. would he of been dropped??
So Obama is like a nazi?? I get that not everybody is going to like him, but comparing him to nazi's is just ridiculous.
So Obama is like a nazi?? I get that not everybody is going to like him, but comparing him to nazi's is just ridiculous.

lol I think Nazi is pretty much the go to word when you are talking about a political figure you are not a fan of
lol I think Nazi is pretty much the go to word when you are talking about a political figure you are not a fan of

It is, and it needs to stop. No one should be compared to Hitler or the nazis unless they're engage in mass murder or proposing acts of genocide. That man and his regime were responsible for the deaths of millions of innocents, and to compare someone to them simply because you don't agree with their politics is not only ridiculous, but also disrespectful to the people who suffered and died because of the real nazis. It was wrong when people said it about Bush, and it's wrong now.

All that aside though, I hope they bring the Hank Williams Jr song back to MNF next week, because theres really no other way to start the game properly.


Pucker Up Butter Cup.
Last I checked Obama didn't persecute and murder thousands of Jews!
We're getting way to fucking sensitive. That and people don't actually read what people say.

He didn't compare Obama to Hitler. He said that Boehner and Obama playing golf together is like Hitler playing golf with Netanyahu.

That's an analogy about how polar opposite the two people are. While it may be a dumb analogy...there's nothing wrong with it.

Why don't they just go ahead and make it illegal to even say Hitler's name? That seems where we're headed.

We're getting way to fucking sensitive. That and people don't actually read what people say.

He didn't compare Obama to Hitler. He said that Boehner and Obama playing golf together is like Hitler playing golf with Netanyahu.

That's an analogy about how polar opposite the two people are. While it may be a dumb analogy...there's nothing wrong with it.

Why don't they just go ahead and make it illegal to even say Hitler's name? That seems where we're headed.


Yeah, but a major network cannot be associated with you if you make comments of this nature. If you don't need the gig, and don't give a fuck... okay whatever, but this is about making political statements while being associated with a media outlet. You can't make political statements on your regular 9 to 5, and Hank Williams, as old as he is should no better.

Go talk to Gilbert Gottfried about that shit.


ESPN is forgetting how fucking stoopid most football fans are and how very few of them would turn away from Hank, no matter what he said.

"Obama is Hitler."
"Yee-Haww......what?........oh, who gives a fuck.........Yee-Haw!"

Just watch how many inbreds come down on Hanks side on this and start sniping at ESPN.

he is should no better.

And so should you. :nono:
I couldn't believe it when I heard it. Hank out of nowhere with his views on Obama, and his logic is just laughable.

With that said, I'm sure going to miss Hank on Monday Nights.

Jon S.

Bottom line, corporate America, and ESPN is part of the Disney family btw., only cares about their bottom line.....not about right & wrong. Now, in the whole grand scheme of things, I can't imagine anyone in their right mind giving a rat's ass about anything that Bocephus (Hank's nickname) has to say about anything. Clearly black America would be the most offended by Obama being compared to Hitler, so in this case, Disney cares how blacks may take what he said, and a lot of black people go to the Disney parks, watch Disney programming, buy Disney merchandise, and watch ESPN. Plus, you have sponsors who care about their bottom lines as well. So Disney decided to that a proactive stance by acting before the more vocal black activists called for them to act. Plus, from what I have heard, Hank appeared to be under the influence of "something" when he was on Faux and Friends.

Everyone with any sense knows when you compare people to Hitler, you lose any credibility that you might have. I didn't agree with it when people did it with "W," and I don't agree with it now.....and it does seem more pronounced, and used a lot more with Obama for "some reason." (can anyone say racism?) Personally, people got away with it with Bush later in his term because he was wildly unpopular, and who would be offended by it really? So, it wouldn't hurt anyone's bottom line. However, the Dixie Chicks took it on the chin when Natalie Maines said about being ashamed of being from Texas since Bush was from there. Since country music attracts a crowd that could be offended by ripping on the redneck President, the corporate bigwigs went after them. So, it does work both ways. And, before anyone turns to the 1st ONLY applies to government action.....not private citizens....or in this case corporations.

Bottom line, corporations only care about their bottom line, and rarely, if ever do anything for noble causes. When they do take action, it's solely to protect their bottom line, and the more vast the corporation is (the more genres they are active in), the more likely they will take action. I'm sure ESPN will now take a wait and see approach to any decision about dropping Hank for good, and they will see if it all blows over, or if the story has any legs. If it blows over, as I suspect it will, they will bring Hank back next week. If not, Hank will be gone for good. It's just that simple.:2 cents:

Oh yeah, since those on the right like to rip on liberals for being rich and claiming that they care about the working man......why doesn't Hank just give his fortune away to all of those working class people who are hurting? I kid, but he's just playing to the base that buys his music. For the record, I actually like country music....mainly the "old" stuff, it's just that I also happen to be educated, I can think for myself, and I don't automatically believe anyone is better or lesser than I am based upon the color of their skin. I have found that many stereotype people because of their ethnicity.....I'm a white man....but that's as far as anyone should go with their assumptions....because, as I've said, I'm educated, intelligent, and I can think for myself quite well....thank you very much.
Are we now saying Hank haves no free speech? I don't much like Hank but last I heard he haves ever right to make a fool of him self much like I did to him and if you not happy with what I have said you don't have to read this. Because this is still a free country much you tell people you want porn you like porn and yet the same people will take you right to see porn. So I guess we should shut down Freeones web site right now then. I give Hank his right to free speech and I want my right to free press THANK YOU. THANK YOU FREEONES FOR GIVING ME FREE PRESS.
Are we now saying Hank haves no free speech? I don't much like Hank but last I heard he haves ever right to make a fool of him self much like I did to him and if you not happy with what I have said you don't have to read this. Because this is still a free country much you tell people you want porn you like porn and yet the same people will take you right to see porn. So I guess we should shut down Freeones web site right now then. I give Hank his right to free speech and I want my right to free press THANK YOU. THANK YOU FREEONES FOR GIVING ME FREE PRESS.

This has nothing to do with freedom of speech or freedom of the press.



Jon S.

Are we now saying Hank haves no free speech? I don't much like Hank but last I heard he haves ever right to make a fool of him self much like I did to him and if you not happy with what I have said you don't have to read this. Because this is still a free country much you tell people you want porn you like porn and yet the same people will take you right to see porn. So I guess we should shut down Freeones web site right now then. I give Hank his right to free speech and I want my right to free press THANK YOU. THANK YOU FREEONES FOR GIVING ME FREE PRESS.
Dude, read my post above......Constitutional Law 101....the 1st Amendment applies ONLY to GOVERNMENT action.....not the actions of PRIVATE CITIZENS. You have to 1st amendment rights against private people taking actions against you. Furthermore, FreeOnes DOES take action against post that they find objectionable. They delete posts, give infractions, and ban people all the time. You only have a 1st Amendment right against the government trying to muzzle you.....not against ANYBODY doing it. People alway get that confused. :2 cents:

This has nothing to do with freedom of speech or freedom of the press.



The only thing is...he didn't compare Obama to Hitler.

You're totally right there.....I don't get it myself. I saw what he said, and I didn't see is as though he was saying that Obama was like Hitler either. Sadly, Hank didn't do a good job clearing things up and say that he didn't meant that. I took it like saying it was like the KKK and the NAACP playing golf together.....that it wasn't a great mix.

Will E Worm
