Williams didn't criticize Obama, he attacked him. It's not criticism when you compare the president to Hitler and call him the enemy. Williams said some stupid shit and ESPN did the right thing by parting ways with him because they in no way want to be associated with Williams' remarks. ESPN has the right to decide who it wants to open its broadcasts and they have the right to associate its product with any entertainer it chooses.
Free speech comes with consequences and it seems as if the last couple of years we've lost sight of what the 1st amendment means. It means Williams will not land in jail or have his life taken for calling Obama the enemy. However it does not guarantee that Williams gets to keep his job after voicing his opinion.
ok so now its attacked not criticized.
And you just can't get past that word Hitler can you?
I won't bother you anymore about this Ice, I can lead you to water but I can't make you drink.
You just won't admit they fired him because he attacked, insulted, said potty words or however else you want to describe it.
That's a no no in 2011. Come to think of it just like it was a no no to criticize Hitler in Germany in 1936.......how ironic.
And this whole Hitler crap 70 years later, WWII history we've been trained to think since birth.
Remember history is written by the winners.
Just ask Richard III, a bad guy in history. That history was written by Henry Tudor his usurper, a man who killed way more than Richard ever dreamed of.......and his son, ahforgetaboutit.
WWII. Japan attacks Russia, Japan attacks China, Poles slaughter Germans, Germany attacks Poland, russia attacks poland, Germany attacks Russia, France and england attack germany, Germany Attacks France and England, Japan attacks USA, USA attacks Japan and Germany, and they would have attacked Russia after if they had the resources, ect ect ect........all that killing.
But Germany lost, So theyre the Bad Guys.