Erica Campbell quits

what about all the ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS!

are they taking all our porn star jobs? should we be worried?

Illegal immagrant, terrorist, Christians taking all the hottest babes and brainwashing them! Aarrrrgg!

Well, looking at Erica's all natural beauty always confirmed the existance of God to me. So each time I viewed her curves I was having a religious experience. How can I begrudge Erica for wanting her own religious experinces? I'm happy for her, but sad that she quit. Here's to you, Erica.

Although, I do wish that she would stop by and give us a definate word on the subject.
Like many others on this thread, I'm sad to Erica leave the industry... she was one of my favorites and fit the "girl-next-door" role almost to a 'T'....

However, and maybe this has been asked and anwered here on this thread, but I may have missed it, I am assuming that her web site ( is no longer active, since she's offering refunds and the home page has her message on it...

First question: How long did she have that site up?

I was a member of another site claiming to be the "official" Erica Campbell site ( a year or so ago, and I see it's still up... I am assuming that she doesn't own that site...

Just wondering, cause I might join the latter site, just to download whatever new sets and videos she's had in the last year or so...


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Sex is a very disturbing thing for most people...especiallty women. With women, they get attached, so if it is becoming a job to screw 3-4 different guys a week, eventually at some point, they get all confused and what they may have liked at first, alot of them begin to hate it. But in fact, they still like the aspect of it, and after doing it so many times, it's all they know.

It's really obvious to see alot of times in their faces during scenes, and at the end of scenes that they don't "enjoy" it, and even some of the ones that appear to be, if you really look in their eyes, they don't. This is where drugs come into play to sort of mask that pain and hate they have for what they are doing, however in many cases, they have no education beyond high school and can't make anymore money that they do in porn.

I don't know why some of you guys get so upset at these girls for trying to turn their lives around. That's very selfish to wish that someone continue to behave in a manner that is self-destructing to them, only so you can enjoy it. And obviously, she knows more about the business being on the other side of the camera, than what we see after all the makeup, editing, acting.

Like many on here, I watch porn, however it is not something I am proud of, and if I could go back and delete that first day as a kid when I stumbled upon that VHS of Debbie Does Dallas in my house, I certainly would.
I don't think you know what the hell you're talking about. Besides, we're not talking about a "hardcore pornstar" here. We're talking about a girl who did relatively tame Playboy/Penthouse style photos. She probably didn't even shoot but a few times a month.

And I don't have a problem with people making a change or choosing to take a different direction in their life. But what I do have a problem with is when people work for years in the adult industry (making a good name and living by doing so) and then out of nowhere decide to come out bash and blame the industry for everything under the sun without taking any responsibility for their OWN CHOICES.... nor having any justification for their out lash other than their sudden change in moral beliefs.
According to registries, the "clubericacampbell" site was only established in the last 2 months. It is very new, and assuming Erica has no plans to use it herself from now on, she could consider selling it for a nice profit, given that her name is in it.

As for the original site, Erica does not own it and never has. It is owned & operated by the "" offices. As for its content (her galleries & videos),I don't know what, if any claim Erica has to any of it. It could be that they own all of that as well. Depends on what legal arrangements she's made over the years. If she owns none of it, then no matter what she does-- become a nun, a brain surgeon, President of the United States, it would still be on the Net for all to see. Hopefully, she didn't sign away complete control of her work to others, but who knows?

And I'd like to pose a question here: Over the last page or two, there's been heavy mention of drug use. Maybe not directly, but some of you seem to be implying that there's a connection with Erica's situation. How did drugs suddenly work their way into this discussion? I've never heard ANY rumors whatsoever about Erica & drugs. And know a couple of people who've worked with her both in recent times, and earlier on....neither have they. Maybe we don't know everything about her personal life, but overall, she's come across as one of the more level-headed, grounded women in this business. I think much of the "dark side" of things that she's remarking on is more of what she has observed more than participated in herself.
Please let's not toss around innuendo too lightly, ok???
I don't think you know what the hell you're talking about. Besides, we're not talking about a "hardcore pornstar" here. We're talking about a girl who did relatively tame Playboy/Penthouse style photos. She probably didn't even shoot but a few times a month.

And I don't have a problem with people making a change or choosing to take a different direction in their life. But what I do have a problem with is when people work for years in the adult industry (making a good name and living by doing so) and then out of nowhere decide to come out bash and blame the industry for everything under the sun without taking any responsibility for their OWN CHOICES.... nor having any justification for their out lash other than their sudden change in moral beliefs.

So if I was in a serial killer clique for 10 yeasr, and then I suddenly realized what I was doing was terrible, it would be wrong of me to try to go back and tell others to stop doing it? Just because I did crack for many years, it would be wrong of me to tell others the ills of it and stay away from it?

And it doesn't matter whether she was a harcore pornstar or not, I'm sure she got offers to do so, and I'm sure she knows some of them as well. Therefore, I'm sure she has validity about what she is saying.


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Approved Content Owner
So if I was in a serial killer clique for 10 yeasr, and then I suddenly realized what I was doing was terrible, it would be wrong of me to try to go back and tell others to stop doing it? Just because I did crack for many years, it would be wrong of me to tell others the ills of it and stay away from it?
What?!:confused: What are you talking about bro? You need to go back and re-read what I said because you obviously weren’t able to comprehend any of it the 1st time around. Let me try to break it down for you in a way that you might be able to understand it. I stated very clearly that:

I don't have a problem with people making a change or choosing to take a different direction in their life.
That means if someone is doing one thing, and then decides that they don’t want to do that anymore, and/or want to make a change (take a different direction) in their life… I have NO PROBLEM with that. Period. What don’t you understand about that??

But what I do have a problem with is when people work for years in the ***ADULT INDUSTRY*** (making a good name and living by doing so) and then out of nowhere decide to come out bash and blame the industry for everything under the sun, without taking any responsibility for their OWN CHOICES/ACTIONS.... nor having any justification for their out lash other than their sudden change in moral beliefs.
This means that I have a problem when people like Erica Campbell (for example) work in the adult industry for years, knowing that they will be required to get naked (and possibly perform sexual acts) for the camera, and they do it for years on end… willfully.

Then they wake up one morning and decide they have a moral conflict with their career choices, and proceed to attack and bash the entire industry because of their own personal choices/actions in life, without placing any (or very little) fault what so ever on themselves. That’s like an alcoholic blaming all the liquor and beer companies for causing all the problems in their life that stemmed from drinking. “Alcohol is BAD… people should stay away from alcohol, cause it will destroy you… alcohol should be outlawed”. Any of this sound familiar? Just change “alcohol” to “porn”.

The reality in both of these scenarios is that the product/producers are not the problem… it’s the people who can’t handle the product that have the problem. If you’re an alcoholic, or can’t handle drinking alcohol, then you have NO business doing anything with alcohol. The same goes for porn. I wish people would get over themselves and stop blaming everyone and everything else for the cause of their own problems/issues in life.

And it doesn't matter whether she was a harcore pornstar or not, I'm sure she got offers to do so, and I'm sure she knows some of them as well. Therefore, I'm sure she has validity about what she is saying.
Because she wasn’t doing hardcore, I find her bashing of the entire industry (which includes hardcore pornstars) to be a little ironic. I was not challenging her credibility. I do now challenge the validity of her views because tons of girls do the same Playboy/Penthouse style work she did and you never hear any of them come forward with bitter sentiments. That speaks volumes.


Closed Account
Then they wake up one morning and decide they have a moral conflict with their career choices, and proceed to attack and bash the entire industry because of their own personal choices/actions in life, without placing any (or very little) fault what so ever on themselves.
Although she does make some nebulous references to such, Erica isn't griping about her own bad experiences. Rather, she's pointing out that many other women have very bad experiences (mostly doing hardcore, I believe) in the porn biz and she claims that she wants to help them. I personally don't have a problem with that goal.

Of course, what exactly such "help" should consist of is very much open to debate. Being an atheist, I'm certainly not in favor of religious evangelism. Nor do I like censorship (which is "helpful" in that it discourages production of anything which can't be distributed). Neither of those are effective solutions in the long run, since they only address the symptoms and not the causes.

The reality in both of these scenarios is that the product/producers are not the problem… it’s the people who can’t handle the product that have the problem. If you’re an alcoholic, or can’t handle drinking alcohol, then you have NO business doing anything with alcohol. The same goes for porn.
No, the reality is that they are ALL part of the problem. There are many serious issues which exist within the realm of the hardcore porn industry that need to be addressed. Many people (mainly women) are being taken advantage of and harmed, both physically and mentally[1]. The driving forces behind all of this include drug use/abuse/addiction, mental illnesses, coercion, inadequate/unenforced regulations, etc.

Since porn does influence many impressionable viewers (including children)[2], these abuses are all the more concerning. They are also giving plenty of people the wrong ideas about sex and about women.

Because she wasn’t doing hardcore, I find her bashing of the entire industry (which includes hardcore pornstars) to be a little ironic. I was not challenging her credibility. I do now challenge the validity of her views because tons of girls do the same Playboy/Penthouse style work she did and you never hear any of them come forward with bitter sentiments.
I do not doubt that her views of the industry are valid. If you want more evidence (especially from non-religious sources), then just let me know.

1. A collection of porn star anecdotes from former porn star Shelley Lubben, now religious (PDF)
This may sound strange but I think religious groups is responsible for the problems in the porn industry. Think about it, they tried for decades to ban it and haven't suceeded so what they do now is go after the stars themselves which is a scary new way that they have to try to wipe it out. I wouldn't be surprised that they have people working in the industry to supply drugs if the stars become addicted, have them be abused, etc up to the point that a stars self esteem, confidence breaks down and may make them suicidal which in turn makes them easier to get converted to religion. If they succeed in that then they get them to make the bad side of the porn industry look bigger then what it is and possibly make up stories about it too. Once that happens they then get them to try to convert other stars which unfortunatly does succeed. To me if there were no drugs, abuse or STDs or AIDS in the porn industry there most likely won't be any former porn stars (both softcore and hardcore) that become born again christians or what ever religion they may convert too.
Some people are knocking what she said in regards to putting down the porn industry. As far as I can tell, the following are the only really negative things she said about it:

'Being in the world of adult modeling I see A LOT of pain....A LOT of heart break. SO many lost girls get into this business just for some extra money....'

'I too started out to make some extra money to help me finish school. Almost ALL of the time It doesn't end where you think it will.....the path goes on......the hole gets deeper....and the road gets darker. MOST of the time the girls don't even realize it. One day you see this bright beautiful girl shooting tame nudes...the next they are signing on the dotted line of a hard-core porn company. Lost. Broken. Alone.

I being on the other side of these pictures you don't see the pain these girls are in. The struggle....the drugs that they take so they can get themselves through these sets. Sometimes it's just a pretend to be someone else..become someone you never thought you could be...and the hole gets deeper.' ...

'It is will a new clarity and a new purpose that I will continue my life. I WANT TO HELP THESE GIRLS! These lost souls.....these girls that are ABUSING THEMSELVES. Selling themselves for NOTHING. I want to help them STOP THIS PAIN. I want to show them the light.....and the love of Jesus. ONLY HE CAN FILL THIS VOID IN THEIR LIFE! HE IS THE WAY....THE ONLY WAY.

All I see in these comments is a former model commenting on the effects the industry has had on herself and other women she has known. Something she; and all of us in our places of work; have every right to do.
As I've never really rated Erica C, I can talk with both hands free. So, what innate talent does Ms C possess to make dollars now? Will she be giving away all the accumulated (sullied) loot she's made? Will she be trading on the fact that she's an ex-porn star - (Bet it's euphemised to 'Adult Star') - who's found de Lawd to fund her farm/lifestyle whatever? As a cradle Catholic, I've tried to recall on several other occasions when Porn Stars found God, exactly where and when Jesus said: 'Our Father and I expressly forbid you to enjoy human sexuality in any form'. I think in the 17 years I had of indoctrination I would have remembered that one - but no? Life's sh*t all round - stop blaming Porn!
This may sound strange but I think religious groups is responsible for the problems in the porn industry. Think about it, they tried for decades to ban it and haven't suceeded so what they do now is go after the stars themselves which is a scary new way that they have to try to wipe it out. I wouldn't be surprised that they have people working in the industry to supply drugs if the stars become addicted, have them be abused, etc up to the point that a stars self esteem, confidence breaks down and may make them suicidal which in turn makes them easier to get converted to religion. If they succeed in that then they get them to make the bad side of the porn industry look bigger then what it is and possibly make up stories about it too. Once that happens they then get them to try to convert other stars which unfortunatly does succeed. To me if there were no drugs, abuse or STDs or AIDS in the porn industry there most likely won't be any former porn stars (both softcore and hardcore) that become born again christians or what ever religion they may convert too.

You have GOT to be kidding.

I have little to no love for religious groups, but come on now.
Some people are knocking what she said in regards to putting down the porn industry. As far as I can tell, the following are the only really negative things she said about it:

'Being in the world of adult modeling I see A LOT of pain....A LOT of heart break. SO many lost girls get into this business just for some extra money....'

'I too started out to make some extra money to help me finish school. Almost ALL of the time It doesn't end where you think it will.....the path goes on......the hole gets deeper....and the road gets darker. MOST of the time the girls don't even realize it. One day you see this bright beautiful girl shooting tame nudes...the next they are signing on the dotted line of a hard-core porn company. Lost. Broken. Alone.

I being on the other side of these pictures you don't see the pain these girls are in. The struggle....the drugs that they take so they can get themselves through these sets. Sometimes it's just a pretend to be someone else..become someone you never thought you could be...and the hole gets deeper.' ...

'It is will a new clarity and a new purpose that I will continue my life. I WANT TO HELP THESE GIRLS! These lost souls.....these girls that are ABUSING THEMSELVES. Selling themselves for NOTHING. I want to help them STOP THIS PAIN. I want to show them the light.....and the love of Jesus. ONLY HE CAN FILL THIS VOID IN THEIR LIFE! HE IS THE WAY....THE ONLY WAY.

All I see in these comments is a former model commenting on the effects the industry has had on herself and other women she has known. Something she; and all of us in our places of work; have every right to do.

There is another way, leave the industry to do something else like all the former pornstars who leave the industry who don't become born again christians who still have normal lives. Oh wait, those are the former pornstars who live in countries that religions don't have much of an influence in anymore like the UK for example.
You have GOT to be kidding.

I have little to no love for religious groups, but come on now.

I know how that sounds but some religious groups will do anything to get what they want, even bad things. You hear about groups infiltrating their enemy so there is a possibilty that religious groups could be doing that to the porn industry. Attack it from the inside so to speak. Anyway that is the theory that me and my friends have about the whole religion vs porn war thing and who knows maybe it is a possibility and it might be happening, you never know.


Closed Account
This may sound strange but I think religious groups is responsible for the problems in the porn industry. ... I wouldn't be surprised that they have people working in the industry to supply drugs if the stars become addicted, have them be abused, etc up to the point that a stars self esteem, confidence breaks down and may make them suicidal which in turn makes them easier to get converted to religion.
I'll admit the possibility, but I don't buy that. More likely, the [hardcore] porn industry, like many other industries, is afflicted with the decadence and corruption that is so pervasive these days, at least in the U.S. Bush has totally screwed his country over, and it's certainly a nation in decline.

If they succeed in that then they get them to make the bad side of the porn industry look bigger then what it is and possibly make up stories about it too.
The porn industry already looks bad enough without Christians making up stories about it. Seriously, even current hardcore porn stars are speaking out about the problems. Some of them may be religious (non-Christian), but I doubt that they'd be involved in some kind of Christian conspiracy.
I'll admit the possibility, but I don't buy that. More likely, the [hardcore] porn industry, like many other industries, is afflicted with the decadence and corruption that is so pervasive these days, at least in the U.S. Bush has totally screwed his country over, and it's certainly a nation in decline.

The porn industry already looks bad enough without Christians making up stories about it. Seriously, even current hardcore porn stars are speaking out about the problems. Some of them may be religious (non-Christian), but I doubt that they'd be involved in some kind of Christian conspiracy.

That is why I think there should be a lot of things done to wipe out all the problems in porn as I said earlier. I think there should be groups and organizations that does random drug testing, making sure that the stars are not abused and not forced to do things they don't want to do. If the industry cares about pornstars (hardcore and softcore) than they should do these things to get rid of these problems. If that happens though I wonder how many pornstars will become born again christians. We should bare in mind though that not all pornstars that leave the industry become religious or become "born again so to speak", many ex-pornstars live out normal lives without religion. I just wish that they speak about this too though, I just hope things can be done to get rid of these problems and hopefully the porn industry won't have such bad publicity. I suppose we should see if the porn industry in the UK, Europe (as a whole), Australia, Japan and others around the world have the same problems as the US porn industry.
Which is solved ...

That is why I think there should be a lot of things done to wipe out all the problems in porn as I said earlier. I think there should be groups and organizations that does random drug testing, making sure that the stars are not abused and not forced to do things they don't want to do. If the industry cares about pornstars (hardcore and softcore) than they should do these things to get rid of these problems. If that happens though I wonder how many pornstars will become born again christians. We should bare in mind though that not all pornstars that leave the industry become religious or become "born again so to speak", many ex-pornstars live out normal lives without religion. I just wish that they speak about this too though, I just hope things can be done to get rid of these problems and hopefully the porn industry won't have such bad publicity. I suppose we should see if the porn industry in the UK, Europe (as a whole), Australia, Japan and others around the world have the same problems as the US porn industry.
Which is solved by porn becoming mainstream and accepted erotica, not left to the outcasts and those who will pay for something that is questionable. Until then, you can talk about all this "regulation" you want, no politician is going to stand up for it. ;)
Re: Which is solved ...

Which is solved by porn becoming mainstream and accepted erotica, not left to the outcasts and those who will pay for something that is questionable. Until then, you can talk about all this "regulation" you want, no politician is going to stand up for it. ;)

That's what I don't understand about porn. It's one of the biggest industries in the world with millions of viewers, buyers and fans and yet it's still not accepted as mainstream and accepted erotica. I guess maybe most porn fans are scarred to admit that they love porn. Who knows if what I am suggesting gets enough support (if any) from fans around the world maybe it will happen. Politcitians never listen to people unless it suits them, it makes my wonder though how many politcitians have porn, maybe theres quite a few but it doesn't exactly look good on a campaign unless of course porn does get accepted eventually.


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Some people are knocking what she said in regards to putting down the porn industry. As far as I can tell, the following are the only really negative things she said about it:

'Being in the world of adult modeling I see A LOT of pain....A LOT of heart break. SO many lost girls get into this business just for some extra money....'

'I too started out to make some extra money to help me finish school. Almost ALL of the time It doesn't end where you think it will.....the path goes on......the hole gets deeper....and the road gets darker. MOST of the time the girls don't even realize it. One day you see this bright beautiful girl shooting tame nudes...the next they are signing on the dotted line of a hard-core porn company. Lost. Broken. Alone.

I being on the other side of these pictures you don't see the pain these girls are in. The struggle....the drugs that they take so they can get themselves through these sets. Sometimes it's just a pretend to be someone else..become someone you never thought you could be...and the hole gets deeper.' ...

'It is will a new clarity and a new purpose that I will continue my life. I WANT TO HELP THESE GIRLS! These lost souls.....these girls that are ABUSING THEMSELVES. Selling themselves for NOTHING. I want to help them STOP THIS PAIN. I want to show them the light.....and the love of Jesus. ONLY HE CAN FILL THIS VOID IN THEIR LIFE! HE IS THE WAY....THE ONLY WAY.

All I see in these comments is a former model commenting on the effects the industry has had on herself and other women she has known. Something she; and all of us in our places of work; have every right to do.
She has the right to tell her story... but I don't feel she has the right to cast her negative image on the porn industry solely because of her mental issues. She feels everyone doing porn is lost and abusing themselves, and that's simply not true. Where are all the bitter Playboy playmates? Where are all the bitter Penthouse pets? This is a chick that has mental issues, just like a number of other girls who happened to pick the wrong industry for themselves. Just because you couldn't handle something, don't just assume that everyone else has the same mentality as you and needs to be SAVED from their own demise. That pisses me off.


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Approved Content Owner
Although she does make some nebulous references to such, Erica isn't griping about her own bad experiences. Rather, she's pointing out that many other women have very bad experiences (mostly doing hardcore, I believe) in the porn biz and she claims that she wants to help them. I personally don't have a problem with that goal.

Of course, what exactly such "help" should consist of is very much open to debate. Being an atheist, I'm certainly not in favor of religious evangelism. Nor do I like censorship (which is "helpful" in that it discourages production of anything which can't be distributed). Neither of those are effective solutions in the long run, since they only address the symptoms and not the causes.
I think it's pretty obvious that she wants to be everyones "savior" by bringing Jesus into the lives of these thousands of poor helpless girls that cannot think for themselves because they are being abused and brainwashed by this evil industry. And I thought crack heads were crazy...:rolleyes:
She has the right to tell her story... but I don't feel she has the right to cast her negative image on the porn industry solely because of her mental issues. She feels everyone doing porn is lost and abusing themselves, and that's simply not true. Where are all the bitter Playboy playmates? Where are all the bitter Penthouse pets? This is a chick that has mental issues, just like a number of other girls who happened to pick the wrong industry for themselves. Just because you couldn't handle something, don't just assume that everyone else has the same mentality as you and needs to be SAVED from their own demise. That pisses me off.

Mental issues or not; she is telling it how she sees it. That is her right. She may be wrong or right. But she has the right to describe how she see's her former profession.

And you said; 'She feels everyone doing porn is lost and abusing themselves'. She did not say 'everyone'. She said 'SO many girls'. 'SO many' can mean any number. But it certainly doe not suggest ALL of them to me.